Checking in from my bunk. I turn blue tomorrow morning and graduate from OSUT this Friday.
Congratulations dude!
Checking in from my bunk. I turn blue tomorrow morning and graduate from OSUT this Friday.
Psssh, I see status updates from my buddy in language at the moment contemplating suicide.Wow.....well now he has a memory to go with the tattoo. Why would you quit in the Q- Course? I have heard SUT is supposed to a mini Ranger school of sorts (sorry if I'm wrong) but it seems like you already went so far....
Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!I graduated from OSUT today and now I'm on the bus headed to airborne for in-processing. One step down time to take on the next.
Freeeeeedddoooommmm! Airborne was the best time ever for a Private fresh out of the prison that is Sand Hill.Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Freeeeeedddoooommmm! Airborne was the best time ever for a Private fresh out of the prison that is Sand Hill.
How was Sand Hill in August?
I graduated from OSUT today and now I'm on the bus headed to airborne for in-processing. One step down time to take on the next.
How was Sand Hill in August?
Make sure you continue to PT, Airborne PT is a joke. My roommate was a PJ cone and we kept each other motivated to work out when we were released for the day. Find yourself some motivated individuals and stay away from any life sucking quitters.
Bahahahha. Get out there and stand on the wires, leg. BAC is 4 days of training packed into 3 weeks of time.I'm headed into jump week here at BAC. It's been pretty easy except the slow ass running is torture I'm just lookin forward to jumping and getting on to pre-RASP.
Ps. The SLT sucks.
Roger that. I've got a good group of guys to work out with headed to SOPC after graduation, a fair number of them actually wanted orders to RASP but were unable to switch.
Don't give up on it until every option has been taken away. Just in my case it was amazing how many rumors came up and were shot down in the process. Especially the B point you brought up. It might have been easier for someone to say they were non-selected due to a DUI than because they weren't SF material (of course I don't know, but that could be believable). I freaked out when I read that the max age for the REP-63 went from 35 down to 30 (to match the 18X contract) about a week before my physical. After calls and emails to every contact I had, it was proven to be untrue. And I read this change on the National Guard forum posted by the resident SF qualified moderator.
Have you looked to see if 19th Group might be a little easier to get in the door with? I had heard that 19th (especially in Texas) had more openings so maybe they would be a little more willing to deal with waivers (once again I clarify that I don't know, just throwing ideas out there).