SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

I've haven't posted in quite some time but i have a small update. I'll be back in the Marines In October. Took awhile but everything was straightened out and I'm excited to be back in the ranks.

Next target is getting all of my qualifications updated, CFT season is approaching and I'm ready to knock it out the park. Ive been pretty religious about going to the civilian ranges so I'm prepared and during PFT season and range quals I'll get my 500m swim down from 19min to 16min.

If it's not too much, I'd love to get out there with some Recon Marines and just tag along as y'all pt when I get my orders (probably Lejeune)
Good afternoon gentlemen,

In pursuit of my goal, I decided to join my university’s AFROTC detachment. While I’ve only been a cadet for three months, I’ve been introduced to what true leadership is (and isn’t).

My 25m target going in was to keep my eyes/ears open with my mouth shut, as observation was the key. I wanted to collect all the information I could from the upperclassman and my peers. As a result, I’ve been awarded a leadership position within my flight, and have the responsibility and honor of leading my peers.

ROTC is certainly not perfect, and has its fair share of bad leadership, immaturity, hypocrisy, etc, but that’s life. I am determined to excel in college and in my detachment, and will keep y'all posted with updates. This forum has absolutely prepared me for the (semi) military lifestyle and I am very appreciative. If anyone is considering AFROTC as a commissioning source, feel free to hit me up.
Long story short I am headed to NASNI as a 0000 corpsmen in a couple weeks. Hoping to get 8404 en route but funding and manning have screwed up orders for my entire HCB class. Gonna get to my first command, get my quals out of the way and put in a package for 8427. Looking forward to hearing from you guys out in the SD/Coronado area.
Paperwork for the SO contract officially started.

Sending my medical documentation to MEPS to be cleared before I can start taking the PSTs to compete for a contract. Happy to get the ball rolling after waiting all this time.

Continuing to train hard and smart, with my 25m target of achieving good PST scores for the contract.
Long story short I am headed to NASNI as a 0000 corpsmen in a couple weeks. Hoping to get 8404 en route but funding and manning have screwed up orders for my entire HCB class. Gonna get to my first command, get my quals out of the way and put in a package for 8427. Looking forward to hearing from you guys out in the SD/Coronado area.

There are more than enough avenues to enter the 8427 pipeline from San Diego in my opinion. But, you MIGHT have to fulfill your obligations for the orders you have right now. Unfortunately, unless it states it in your orders, you probably won't get to go to FMTB/FMSS. Also, even though your orders say NASNI the hospital will be your actual duty station and you still have the chance of being placed in a ward. If you want more inpatient experience, choose the hospital. If you want a more "sick-call" experience choose the clinic. I have more information for you that I don't really want to divulge here. If you're interested please feel free to pm me.
Good afternoon gents,

Been awhile since I could post anything (work has been non stop for us) and I thought I'd ask a question along with posting my update. I'll be leaving out the pool progress because I haven't been able to swim the last 2 months. With that being said here are my current stats.
6 mile ruck w/ 50# -1:16
3 mile run- 22 +\- 1

So that's where I'm sitting at the moment. Ive been working 13s and weekends the last 6 months so hopefully when I get back to Jacksonville the run will drop at least another 2-3 minutes. I've changed my program from a strength with a little endurance to 1 big lift a day with a body weight circuit to finish and I feel like Its doing much more for me when it comes to recovery (pulled my groin again last month), flexibility, and strength.

Now for the question, as I said I haven't been able to swim at all for 2 months and not consistently for the last 6 months. I have 11 weeks until I check in and I was wondering if that would be enough time for improvement in any of the above areas (swim, ruck, or run)?

I'm not expecting any advice or tips as I think I have the tools I need, more just looking for an idea of how far behind I am. I don't expect anything but honesty from the members here so I figure this would be the best place for that question.

Thank you, have a good week everyone.
So current situation went a little sour. I was not approved to come in for a physical at MEPS because of a surgery I had two months ago. My recruiter told me that they would be told if we would have to wait six months before we could try again but we did not even get that info.

Its ok though, ill wait. And kill the PST when I can finally take it.
EasyDay, I just took my "14-day" PST before shipping later this month to RTC. The SO candidates in my training boat crew that had gotten contracts had sub 9:30 for swims, 80+ for Calisthenics, 15+ Pullups and 9:40-10:28 runs before they were even looked at competitively. Just giving you an estimate of what real minimums to shoot for.
Another update: The Q course is undergoing some changes. One of which is having graduation moved to right after Robin Sage. What this means for me is that I will be graduating in 2 weeks, and then moving on to language with my Beret and Tab. For all you hopefuls, this also means you will get promoted after Sage, which is about 6 months faster than you would have previously. This has been a welcome turn of events for myself and classmates. Good luck to those in the pipeline. Keep your nose to the grind stone and don't lose focus.
Good afternoon gents,

Just a quick update.

20 PU (strict form)
115 crunches
4 mile run: 29 min 36 sec.
CFT: 300
300m swim/full cammies: 7:50
8.4 mile ruck/no rifle sub/55lb dry: 1:41:54
500m/skivvies: N/A

With 6 weeks left I’d like to get the swim and ruck time down but so far I’m happy with my times. Almost time to wrap it up and stay healthy. Looking forward to January now more than ever.
I’m in a little bit of a pickle at the moment and was looking for some advice. For the past month I’ve been talking to my recruiter, she knows that I want an 11x opt 40 and seems to be working hard to get me one. Well this morning she texted me saying this

“We figured out how to get you your option 40. We’re going to project you to enlist on Tuesday and send you to MEPS on Monday night. Once you’re projected to enlist, our Sergeant Major is going to call and get you your contract.”

To me this all seems a little fishy, Ive heard horror stories of guys who go to MEPS without their contract set in stone and end up in a job that don’t actually want. I will not enlist unless I have an 11x option 40 and just wanted to know your guys thoughts on this and if Its a sound route to take.

Thanks in advance.
I’m in a little bit of a pickle at the moment and was looking for some advice. For the past month I’ve been talking to my recruiter, she knows that I want an 11x opt 40 and seems to be working hard to get me one. Well this morning she texted me saying this

“We figured out how to get you your option 40. We’re going to project you to enlist on Tuesday and send you to MEPS on Monday night. Once you’re projected to enlist, our Sergeant Major is going to call and get you your contract.”

To me this all seems a little fishy, Ive heard horror stories of guys who go to MEPS without their contract set in stone and end up in a job that don’t actually want. I will not enlist unless I have an 11x option 40 and just wanted to know your guys thoughts on this and if Its a sound route to take.

Thanks in advance.

Don't sign anything that doesn't have your option 40 in it. You can go to MEPS a thousand times and take a thousand tests - you're not obligated until you sign on the dotted line.
Holy shit! I cant express how excited I am to say that I have officially sworn into the Army as an 11x with an option 40. After 2 long days at MEPS I was awarded with a shiny contract and a ship date in January! I cannot wait to start this chapter of my life. A big thank you to everyone of you on Shadowspear. All of you have truly inspired me to be better each and everyday and now I’ve been given the privilege to prove myself to you. I won’t let you guys down.
Graduated BMQ in October. Just finished my common Army training. Currently posted with the Armoured School. Unfortunately, I am not sure if I am able to continue with combat arms due to medical reasons. If that's the case there are 2 CSS trades which work closely with Armoured I am able to join.
I had originally planned for Fall assessment but a pretty gnarly accident while triathlon training took me out of the game right around the due date and I doubted I'd be good-to-go in time should I be invited to the assessment. In the four or so months since, I'm back to 100% and am leaps and bounds ahead of where I was in terms of PAST scores and water confidence (will always be getting better, never "good enough"). I remember straight up sinking when trying to egg-beater tread a few months back but now I can just sit there and chill, it's unreal. Paperwork is primed and ready, finished up my IFC III physical, and taking my PAST in a little over a week. It's been years of talking about doing this and training but now it's finally real. Huge thanks to the community on here, I'm regularly blasting links from forum posts to the guys I train with.
I've been weightlifting mostly recently. A 3-day split basically, the volume is pretty high but I haven't had any problems as of yet. Pic related.

My OHP sucks, which is concerning but my bench, squat, and deadlift have all had good linear progression. I'm starting to run again, and man have I lost my high school wrestling endurance. Feel like a disgrace but I'm getting there. I've also started the Wim Hof method, which is amazing for getting into meditation and breathing exercises. I incorporated stretching into it as well, to get a good base and avoid, god forbid, a shoulder or back injury.


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