So i am just going to take it from the top of how i ended up on this website.
I graduated High school with the intent of becoming a chef, i always loved to cook and truly had a passion for it. Upon spending a semester at Johnson & Wales, i decided that this is not how i wanted to spend my life. Sure i love to cook, but i do not need to make a career out of it, i wanted something more exciting. It is how i always have been my whole life.
I knew i loved to help people so i went the traditional EMT to Paramedic route, once i arrived at EMT school i realized it was not a traditional school. The school i attended was Coral Springs Fire Academy down in south Florida, i knew this school had an amazing reputation but what i did not know was the military style atmosphere that kind of caught me by surprise. The thing is.. i loved it, everything about it was awesome and i feel those short 3-4 months of school made me a slightly better human being.
Long story short.. i went on to become a Paramedic and still was hungry for more, looked into careers in the military where i could help others and get the life i desired. That is when i found Pararescue, i looked up the requirements and i knew medically i was okay(I was wrong) I started my training program almost 16 months ago. I was crushing PAST standards and ready to talk to a recruiter, he gave me a rucksack and told me to start rucking, found out i had to pay off some debt i had from a credit card. Did that.. went to MEPs got a good ASVAB score(86) returned a short while later to get my physical, found out my eyesight was un-correctable to 20/20 in both eyes. So that kind of sucked but i knew it was not the end of the road for me, maybe for my dreams of being a PJ but that was it.
And that is when i was stumbling around looking for a career that would take my bat eyed' self and ended up here!
So i originally posted on these forums with the intent of learning more about the Navy's SARC program, I have found great information all over the forums and also was in contact with a Justin Wilson(HM 8403/8427 Enlisted Technical Leader) from Unfortunately through our many exchanges he informed me that my chances might be a little slim with the fact my eye sight was 20/20 & 20/30. Also i cannot correct the left eye to 20/20 because i have a slight lazy eye. I am also under the impression that any SOF program that thrives in the water and is required to take a combat divers course, i probably will not be able to get into them straight off the streets with my eye sight.
So that brought me to the US Army with their 18X contracts, obviously at this point i am very proficient in the water in preparation for my initial PJ hopes. But at the same time maybe somewhere down the road i will be able to take a combat divers course if i am coming in with some years of experience under my belt, not that this is a deal breaker. But i have a new found love for the water and i would like to challenge myself further in my hopeful SOF career and soak up all the experience and possible courses they will offer.
My recruiter submitted my med-read to MEPs on 1/11/, he and I are anxiously waiting to here back. I am eager to go after all the training i have put in the past year and a half. However the more time i have to train the more chance of success at SFAS. So that is a good thing, I just need to sit tight for a little bit until i get my opportunity.
I will post an update when my process starts moving again.