SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

I think once they saw my age they knew they had to get me shipped soon. Didn't want to lose out on a recruit due to age...
Swore in yesterday. Signed my REP-63 and am shipping 20120924. It took me a while to get to this point, but I'm ready for the challenge.

Congrats dude! I mean, I'm jealous as fuck and hate you with a fiery, soul-consuming passion. But congrats anyways fucker. :D
Thanks guys. I understand the jealous part CDG, but you will get there soon.

And yes Skrewz, I have you beat. But age is just a number, which was proven by my adventures at MEPS. It was funny to see these kids (some of which were half my age) getting real quiet after they all wanted to share what kind of contracts they were signing and they asked me what I was doing. Of course that was after all the Navy recruits were talking about becoming SEALs and the Army guys were all going to be Rangers. It was also funny when one of the young guys finally asked my age. They knew I was obviously older (probably due to the lack of gay jokes by me while we were all standing around in our underwear doing the duck walk...) but no one realized I was "that old". They all figured I was mid 20's (only off by a decade).
I understand the jealous part CDG, but you will get there soon.

That's looking less and less likely. Talked with the Mobile Recruiting Team for 20th this morning and found that A) It seems they may have stopped giving moral waivers of any kind. The SFC I talked with wasn't 100% sure though. B) They apparently recently had a guy come back as a Non-Select who was told he wasn't selected because he had a DUI on his record. So I'm not sure where to go at this point.
Don't give up on it until every option has been taken away. Just in my case it was amazing how many rumors came up and were shot down in the process. Especially the B point you brought up. It might have been easier for someone to say they were non-selected due to a DUI than because they weren't SF material (of course I don't know, but that could be believable). I freaked out when I read that the max age for the REP-63 went from 35 down to 30 (to match the 18X contract) about a week before my physical. After calls and emails to every contact I had, it was proven to be untrue. And I read this change on the National Guard forum posted by the resident SF qualified moderator.

Have you looked to see if 19th Group might be a little easier to get in the door with? I had heard that 19th (especially in Texas) had more openings so maybe they would be a little more willing to deal with waivers (once again I clarify that I don't know, just throwing ideas out there).
Really sorry to hear that, my friend. Sounds like you need to get someone to give you a definite answer, even if it's one you don't want to hear. I'm not sure how you'd go about doing so, but it would help get you out of limbo.
The issue with the waiver is the level it goes to. The recruiter told me it just had to go to the Chief of Staff for that state's NG. However, the SFC I talked with this morning said that was wrong and it actually had to go to the NG Bureau to be approved. Which, according to him, is a no-go right now. So trying a different Group would seemingly make no difference.
The issue with the waiver is the level it goes to. The recruiter told me it just had to go to the Chief of Staff for that state's NG. However, the SFC I talked with this morning said that was wrong and it actually had to go to the NG Bureau to be approved. Which, according to him, is a no-go right now. So trying a different Group would seemingly make no difference.

That sucks. To think of how many guys hav DUIs on their records that are serving right now makes that a tough pill to swallow. There still could be some way, and I hope you can find it. Good luck.
Yep, so got the definitive word that the NG has suspended enlistment waivers for any waiver not approved prior to April 9. No clue on how long the suspension will be in effect. I feel like I don't have any choice but to look into other options. My overriding goal is to serve again. Not getting SF right now sucks, but at the end of the day I still want to be back in the military.
The Navy, at 130% manning, is taking folks! :D
On a serious note, I'm really sorry to hear about the setback. What other options have you considered to this point, if any?
On a serious note, I'm really sorry to hear about the setback. What other options have you considered to this point, if any?

I have considered trying CCT and Recon. I just don't know though. I've been pretty open about wanting to go SF on this board and the last thing I would want is to burn bridges because I just jumped to something else. I doubt the members of the CCT and Recon communities that are here would appreciate me choosing one of those fields because I couldn't get SF. SF is my goal, but this seems to be a situation that I can't do anything about. If they aren't giving waivers, then me fighting it won't help anything. I don't want to just give up on SF and join another branch and 3 months down the road they open waivers back up. At the same time, I don't want to just sit around waiting and end up never doing anything. I'm only 27, so I have a little time, but I still don't want to spend the next 2-3 years working a job that barely pays the bills, going to school, and not getting any closer to what I want. My own poor judgment put me in this situation, but that doesn't make it any easier to hear "No". I'm very frustrated right now.
Enlistment age for USAF is 27, USMC is 28.
I understand the frustration, my friend. If you ever need to vent, I'm just a PM away. :thumbsup:
Enlistment age for USAF is 27, USMC is 28.
I understand the frustration, my friend. If you ever need to vent, I'm just a PM away. :thumbsup:

Well, they would subtract my 4 years of service from my age so I'm good there. The AF is closed to PS until October at the earliest. Not sure about the Air Guard. I also don't know what the USMC is doing as far as PS right now. I'm going to look into both next week and try to get an idea of if I even have any options open right now besides waiting.
Ok, I had my little pity party last night where I was all pissed off and feeling a little defeated. Then I realized what a bitch I was being. So I decided that I'm not going to let a little National Guard Bureau message de-rail me. They have no clue how long the suspension will be in effect, so I'm going to have to try and just work around it. Thanks to LimaOscarSierraTango for bringing an option to my attention that I had not previously considered. I e-mailed my Congressman and explained the situation to see if he can do anything to help me out. If that fails, I'll e-mail the Congressman for the district in Maryland where the SF Company is.