So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.


Evil Genius
Verified SOF
Oct 4, 2015
This is truly miserable. I can barely breathe and I'm coughing my head off. Oh and get this Covid 19 can make your nuts hurt. Did you know that? It can cause infertility in men. My hands and feet hurt. My nose is running off my face and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. So I'm a 48 year old smoker with Hypertension and I can't see this ending well.

I truly believe this shit was released on purpose. High death rate and infertility extremely contagious seems like the perfect way to end the human race or one hella form of population control.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,
This is truly miserable. I can barely breathe and I'm coughing my head off. Oh and get this Covid 19 can make your nuts hurt. Did you know that? It can cause infertility in men. My hands and feet hurt. My nose is running off my face and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. So I'm a 48 year old smoker with Hypertension and I can't see this ending well.

I truly believe this shit was released on purpose. High death rate and infertility extremely contagious seems like the perfect way to end the human race or one hella form of population control.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,
You will get through this dammit. Fuck the Chinese. You are a goddam American badass. Your nuts hurt because they are huge and now you are coughing and turning your head. Besides which, infertility is not a bad thing. At 48 that just makes you HOT!

Also, stop smoking goddammit.

Dame loves you baby. Hang in there.
You will get through this dammit. Fuck the Chinese. You are a goddam American badass. Your nuts hurt because they are huge and now you are coughing and turning your head. Besides which, infertility is not a bad thing. At 48 that just makes you HOT!

Also, stop smoking goddammit.

Dame loves you baby. Hang in there.

Best response ever. Thank you Dame. :D
Lots of water. Vitamin D. Zinc. Magnesium for sleep.

Call if you need anything. Number is in your inbox.
Thank you Sir. :-)

I may have to make a T-shirt if I get through this in one piece. "I kicked the Corona Virus's ass."

Get better soon brother. You got this dude, a 3rd rate Chicom virus ain't gonna stop you.
You weren’t supposed to stick your dick in the bowl of bat soup, dumbass!

All kidding aside, I hope you get better soon. Stay strong, take your multivitamins, and kick this shit down the road.
Thanks Fellers. ;-)
Apparently it also makes your finger nails grow! Jesus man, my girlfriend is jealous, clip that fucker down!!!

Good to see you have the VA on the case, I mean what could go wrong!?! (Says the guy whose primary healthcare is now through the VA)

Thanks for being my test case!

Now fight through this shit and get yourself back in the game!
Apparently it also makes your finger nails grow! Jesus man, my girlfriend is jealous, clip that fucker down!!!

Good to see you have the VA on the case, I mean what could go wrong!?! (Says the guy whose primary healthcare is now through the VA)

Thanks for being my test case!

Now fight through this shit and get yourself back in the game!

The first COVID death in the state of Oregon was in the Portland VA Hospital...
Yeah. Been there. I catch about every bug going round.

Seconding hydration, zinc, hard. Monitor symptoms super fast, shit gets sneaky bad rapid fast day to different day, so if in doubt, don't try to wait it out, get to a doc.

Wellest soonest, prayers on their way. You're tough, newest bug ain't gonna notch you, kick its ass.

And please keep people posted if you've got the time how you're holding up.
