So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

Some crazy goddam bat-eating Chinaman started this shit. No offense. Just do the world a favor and quit eating fucking bats.
Oh they started it alright but it was in a lab. So here's the plan...
You and the Mrs are going to beat this thing like it owes you money. Cuz it does!
Stay hydrated so you can put a pic of Xi in the john and pee on it.
Add vodka to the Airborne vitamin C packets. Kills more germs.
And keep us updated. I'm already seeing news reports of a giant in KY with no pants on. You don't want that on your conscience.
This is how fucking lethargic we are: We had coax each other to be the one to volunteer to go into the kitchen to open up the can of Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli and dump it in a saucepan for supper.

I did it...because unlike her, I have not lost my sense of taste. But after eating Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli for the first time since I was ten years old, I wish I had.
Hope you and the missus get better soon. By the way, turns out Chef Boyardi pasta cheaped out on ingredients a ways back. The pasta in a can from your childhood was a higher quality product.

For hot and easy meals, I use low sodium stock combined with my a favorite type of cup or pack noodle. Adding chopped cabbage, shredded carrot, raw minced onions, lime, and some sort of chili sauce(Sriracha), will help with the flavor and texture angle if your tastebuds are going.

If you have a big pot, the dogs can't get to, maybe you guys can set up a pot of endless chicken soup or bone broth. A chili based soup like posole with fresh veg will also work. You use the same veg listed above plus oregano for texture.

(Veg goes raw on top of the soup, kinda like pho.)
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Thanks for the nutritional advice. I think. lol. And the best wishes.

Our boy in Tallahassee is coping well with mild symptoms...and to be honest, Nancy and I both had a case of the flu back when the kids were little—‘98, ‘99– that was markedly worse than this.

We were initially concerned because Nancy has RA and our daughter-in-law, Brooke, has MS. But Nancy’s coping well. Brooke and our middle son, Geoff, are getting tested today.

Our youngest, Chris, is waiting for test results but seems to be fine.

Quarantine ain’t so bad...I found Hogan’s Heroes reruns on Sundance.

Was on quarantine about a month ago, M.A.S.H. as well as the Dollars Trilogy kept me sane, Hogan's Heroes is a solid choice as well. Be well.
The lockdown over the summer is how I found Supernatural.
15 seasons of awesome!
Due to time constraints, I fell off years ago near the start of season 10, around the time of Dean and the First Blade, but I'm mildly amazed at how the show has continued to chug along well after the expiration tag of most tv shows.

It's basically the paranormal answer to Guiding Light at this point. :ROFLMAO:

If you've gotten that far, does the pace pick up a bit later in Season 10, and do the rest of the seasons avoid falling off?
Sooo...wife and I are under quarantine. She had flown a El Paso/Seattle route last week and started feeling bad, she tested positive for Covid on 12/5/2020. I am under quarantine due to exposure to her. We have both had cold symptoms, have lost our sense of taste, but no fever. I have taking a test and currently waiting on my own test results.

It was bound to happen at some time...time to catch up on some gaming and shows.
Sooo...wife and I are under quarantine. She had flown a El Paso/Seattle route last week and started feeling bad, she tested positive for Covid on 12/5/2020. I am under quarantine due to exposure to her. We have both had cold symptoms, have lost our sense of taste, but no fever. I have taking a test and currently waiting on my own test results.

It was bound to happen at some time...time to catch up on some gaming and shows.
Here's to a safe and speedy recovery.
Due to time constraints, I fell off years ago near the start of season 10, around the time of Dean and the First Blade, but I'm mildly amazed at how the show has continued to chug along well after the expiration tag of most tv shows.

It's basically the paranormal answer to Guiding Light at this point. :ROFLMAO:

If you've gotten that far, does the pace pick up a bit later in Season 10, and do the rest of the seasons avoid falling off?
15 was the final season so they started to get the storyline to a wrap up point around season 13.
Dean is awesome in every episode.
Sam is a PITA with the puppy look.
Still worth every hour watching.
We are doing really well and feel like we had a mild version of it, we never had a fever, did lose our sense of taste...but that is coming back. I still have some tightness in my chest and we both get fatigued by the end of the day. My wife is cleared to return to work on Friday, and I'm scheduled for Monday. We have been upping our Zinc, D, C during this time.
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What were those wickets?

I had a 103 fever (freezing then sweating then freezing) yesterday and overall tiredness followed by a COVID test (work mandated) this morning. Feel 1000% better today but now just sinus pressure.

Our return to work is based on ten days after the last day of active symptoms. We never had the fever, just cold symptoms, fatigue and loss of taste.
My wife was 10 days after last active symptom and a negative test result before she could return to work.

BTW, we've had certain symptoms tend to revisit following the negative test. That's what makes this feel almost engineered, programmed. A particular symptom might come back if only for a few hours. Nothing debilitating but annoying and worrisome. And creepy, actually.
Glad to see those with the cooties feeling better. There is no rhyme or reason to the presentation in folks.

As many know, I'm a paramedic in a busy setting, many friends of mine have gotten it. A good friend got it and was legit, fucked up for 3 weeks, shortness of breath, pulse ox in high 80s. He's perfectly healthy. His wife, we are all same age, mid 40s, beat colon cancer for the third time, got it, with an almost non-existent immune system, had the sniffles for 2 days, that's it.

Only 1 provider in the county I know was in the ICU, though, through the grapevine, friends knowing others in the profession, a few have died.
Glad to see those with the cooties feeling better. There is no rhyme or reason to the presentation in folks.

As many know, I'm a paramedic in a busy setting, many friends of mine have gotten it. A good friend got it and was legit, fucked up for 3 weeks, shortness of breath, pulse ox in high 80s. He's perfectly healthy. His wife, we are all same age, mid 40s, beat colon cancer for the third time, got it, with an almost non-existent immune system, had the sniffles for 2 days, that's it.

Only 1 provider in the county I know was in the ICU, though, through the grapevine, friends knowing others in the profession, a few have died.

I was worried about my wife's RA and daughter-in-law's MS. Wife had a bit of a rough time. Daughter-in-law made covid 19 her bitch.

Stay safe, young Brother.