So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

My son is graduating from high school. We are doing a PPT slide show of pics, and going through the albums over the last 18 years has been an emotional roller coaster.

Me, I look at pics when I was a wee lad, I found on epic in my album in from of our place at Tarawa Terrace II on Camp Lejeune, circa 1972, our neighbor has a black ribbon around the door because the guy that lived there had just died in Vietnam. I realize after 51 revolutions around the Earth I have a little mileage...
48 in 5 more Days 06/06. Time flies brother.
Happy Birthday @Bypass, hope it's a good one and commie viruses are on the move already, but in case nah, hope they soon get the memo you're one year more of a badass and to deck it ;)

Also wasn't sure what ya drinking, yet, other than the great herbal teas up the thread, but here's thoughts of a bottle of a thing. Nowhere near the real deal but yah.

Take care of you.
Happy Birthday @Bypass.
God bless you with full health and quick recovery. May all your hopes, dreams and wishes come true. Stay well, and keep fighting.