So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!

I may be delusionary today........
Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!
We call it determined MF in my lands, delusional is too big a word I'd needa dictionary for... and cheers. ;)

And yah with you on If I'm going down, might as well have my last cigar, the thing tho is? That time soo ain't now, so save the good sticks for that far in the future time and drop 'em now :)
Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!

I may be delusionary today........
I think the members of this site want to put up with you for years to come, maybe not all of them, but most of them - quit smoking, for your sake, and those who love you. Kick this virus’ ass back to CommieLand and play Fortunate Son while doing it.
Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!

I may be delusionary today........

It’s never too late to quit brother. You got this.
Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!

I may be delusionary today........
Two years ago this month, I quit smoking. We're the same age so maybe I might be in a position to help and will do if I am able.

To the point...The smoking was killing me and I had no valid reason to keep doing it except for fear of the unknown, it was my crutch for a coping mechanism. Once I stopped, complete cold turkey, almost immediately my heart stopped feeling like it was going to explode at any minute. Gradually I could finally do a full breath in and out without wanting to cough a lung. I was finally able to breathe in this great high altitude AZ air that has been the best area to live in, by the American Lung Association. I was getting my scent back. It felt like a giant weight was removed and I was free finally from that poison.

It's not going to be easy. You're going to find so much of you missing and not knowing what to do because a certain smoker's routine is now gone. You'll feel lost and empty and unsure of how to fill in that void, but my friend there is hope at the end of this tunnel to come. If you're naturally stubborn you will be able to use that to your advantage and weaponize it so to speak. Resiliency is the key. Apply those mil values; don't quit, never accept defeat, integrity, etc.

You're going to exchange one habit for another, such as gum or hard candy. Those too will finally stop as well. The cravings are still there and they will never go away completely but even those will get less strong as time passes by.

I am sorry about you having this covid and will pray for you to get better. In regards to quitting, if you ever have any questions, doubts, or concerns, please ask.
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Sweating a little this morning so I took a shower. That helped. You guys are right though I do need to quit smoking. I was of the mindset if I'm gonna die I might as well enjoy myself but now I'm thinking that was a bad idea. So gonna set em down today right now actually and try to kick this virus in the ass. Those Chinese bats and their Kung Flu picked the wrong target. I'm gonna fucking kill all them nasty fucking little bugs. Virus Armageddon is today!!!! Die you dirty bastards die!!!

I may be delusionary today........

Hell yeah brother quit that shit. I went from a can or more of cope a day to cold turkey last November. It sucked, and I still crave it, but it's for the best. So while you're kicking the Rona's ass, kick nicotines ass too.

Stay well, I look forward to seeing you test negative!
How you doing bro? I've see lots of it, 5 friends in medicine with it, all healed, varying symptoms, least worse were cold symptoms, worst was what you're describing, he is good, back to work, had welcome back pizza.

Stay hydrated, control fever bro. This is manufactured in my opinion. Stay the course brother.
My Father the 74 YO Vietnam veteran is made of Iron. Coughing and mowing the fucking lawn. My Mom just won't quit doing stuff around the house. She wants to fucking repaint the upstairs LMAO. I think my family has got this bug whipped. I figure if they never stop moving and going they'll never stop moving and going. GOD I love my family. I love you guys as well My Brothers and Sisters.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,
My Father the 74 YO Vietnam veteran is made of Iron. Coughing and mowing the fucking lawn. My Mom just won't quit doing stuff around the house. She wants to fucking repaint the upstairs LMAO. I think my family has got this bug whipped. I figure if they never stop moving and going they'll never stop moving and going. GOD I love my family. I love you guys as well My Brothers and Sisters.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,

Their generation -- like my Dad -- are hard as woodpecker lips. They believe they have to work through their sickness. That's good and bad, if you know what I mean....;-)
Yah, you can totally outwait this bitch, even cough at it. That's some powerful force, your coughs.

Alternatively, as Polar Bear said he's not wearing pants in solidarity, I volunteer for the second shift on no-pants. We can take turns if recovery does its normal drag for this sucker and takes its sweet 1.5 mo time.