So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

@Bypass, I know families are sensitive and absolutely none of my businness so I'll f right off, but could you tell your Dad to get medical help just so the petty sinuses don't bother him?

As in got that, his story is it's just sinuses, so without arguing it and letting him have his pride, using it to work for him.

Glad your Mom is doing better.

As to your sleep, not even 30 min bursts? Catnap here and there?

If not, can you aim for relaxing, just resting, eyes closed, even if body's achey and mind restless and revisiting every old ghost and guilt and what not?

You got this. Just your head's making sense of what the fuck, health clusterfuck. You're not losing your mind, even if things feel crazy.

Reminds me, any sleep pills? Maybe things to knock you out at least a few hours could do good.

And other of those none of my biz moments, got someone to check up on you now and then?

Just concerned about people who can't breathe, left alone, is all. /giant girly moment over
This is truly miserable. I can barely breathe and I'm coughing my head off. Oh and get this Covid 19 can make your nuts hurt. Did you know that? It can cause infertility in men. My hands and feet hurt. My nose is running off my face and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. So I'm a 48 year old smoker with Hypertension and I can't see this ending well.

I truly believe this shit was released on purpose. High death rate and infertility extremely contagious seems like the perfect way to end the human race or one hella form of population control.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,

Hang in there warrior. Fight it and stay positive. Don't lose hope, and don't be stubborn. Listen to loved ones and docs. Take all the care and aid. God willing you come out of it much stronger than before.

Get better soon.
@Bypass, I know families are sensitive and absolutely none of my businness so I'll f right off, but could you tell your Dad to get medical help just so the petty sinuses don't bother him?

As in got that, his story is it's just sinuses, so without arguing it and letting him have his pride, using it to work for him.

Glad your Mom is doing better.

As to your sleep, not even 30 min bursts? Catnap here and there?

If not, can you aim for relaxing, just resting, eyes closed, even if body's achey and mind restless and revisiting every old ghost and guilt and what not?

You got this. Just your head's making sense of what the fuck, health clusterfuck. You're not losing your mind, even if things feel crazy.

Reminds me, any sleep pills? Maybe things to knock you out at least a few hours could do good.

And other of those none of my biz moments, got someone to check up on you now and then?

Just concerned about people who can't breathe, left alone, is all. /giant girly moment over
Yeah man I'm good in the being checked on regard. Get 10 calls a day. I got a little sleep a bit ago. I know because I was dreaming about pocket knives for some odd reason. And no I haven't lost it quite yet and even when I do lose it it is just voices in my head (which I ignore) and I am stable as can be. I had a TBI over in Iraq that has caused a condition that has slowly gotten worse and my meds keep going up to counter it. The TBI caused psychosis and schizophrenia. It has been a struggle but I'm doing ok in that regard for now.
With 10 calls a day, no wonder your sleep is jacked. (Teasin'.)

Seriously glad you got it covered and let ppl have your 6.

Yeah, never had schizo personally but I'm not new to voices, similar reason, TBI way back, so get it can get bit noisy sometimes.

Hope they don't bother you or you pick on useful parts if things get too loud, and keep remembering that stuff is just brains with mixed signals and eases out soon too.

Rooting for ya and will keep checking the thread on how are things. :) Thanks for checking in.
Yeah man I'm good in the being checked on regard. Get 10 calls a day.
This makes me super happy. I'm very worried about you @Bypass ! Feel better fast. 💕💞💓💗💖💝 You get all the heart emojis. 🤣😂I don't want you to die. Thanks for keeping us updated! *man the hearts are supposed to be pink, but the hearts turned red. After getting back from the sand, I decided I love the color pink because I was so sick of shit brown lol.
Feeling a little better tonight. Starting to feel like I might get through this. I wish I could take a vacuum cleaner to my lungs though. How long before all of this snot clears out of my lungs? Anyone know?
I was sick for 6 weeks.
Biggest mistake I made (thinking it was the flu) was not giving my body the rest it needed.
Feeling a little better tonight. Starting to feel like I might get through this. I wish I could take a vacuum cleaner to my lungs though. How long before all of this snot clears out of my lungs? Anyone know?

Be mindful of your exertion levels. Feeling better seems to go in cycles. You may be tempted to knock out some task that needs doing when you feel better; let it ride unless it’s simple and requires no exertion

My brother just recently beat a mild case of the cooties. He’d feel like shit for a couple days, then he’d feel better for a couple, then rinse and repeat. Towards the end, he felt “fucking great!” Great enough that “[he’s] gonna mow the yard, and do some trimming.” He slept the entire next day and felt like crap the day after that.

I’ve also seen various blog posts where folks felt great about halfway through, and decided to complete some project or other. Three bloggers had the same idea as my brother and got in the yard, with similar results.

I’m glad today was a better day, but don’t overdo it.
What they all said, sadly individual as fuck.

Recommend treating the 'I feel great!' days (or week) as just 'still sick but the sickness is bluffing now.' I tried a week of pushing through it since whoopla, could walk on my own, so idea was I'm good by that point, just stay off people and treat lower fever - but that was one mighty stupid idea and sat me on my ass next two weeks bugging people for supplemental O2 delivery as ran out my own and I hate going to doctors hardest.

So glad you feel better, fingers crossed it continues, certainly... but don't judge it by a single day and rest up proper. ;) Don't be me.
Feeling a little better tonight. Starting to feel like I might get through this. I wish I could take a vacuum cleaner to my lungs though. How long before all of this snot clears out of my lungs? Anyone know?
Have an important question for you, how old are you?