So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

Holy shit brother. Hang in there, you'll beat this bastard!

PM me if you need anything. I'll have it in the mail the next day.
This is truly miserable. I can barely breathe and I'm coughing my head off. Oh and get this Covid 19 can make your nuts hurt. Did you know that? It can cause infertility in men. My hands and feet hurt. My nose is running off my face and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. So I'm a 48 year old smoker with Hypertension and I can't see this ending well.

I truly believe this shit was released on purpose. High death rate and infertility extremely contagious seems like the perfect way to end the human race or one hella form of population control.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,
Hang in there dude. Anything you need or something we can send in a care package to help?
This is truly miserable. I can barely breathe and I'm coughing my head off. Oh and get this Covid 19 can make your nuts hurt. Did you know that? It can cause infertility in men. My hands and feet hurt. My nose is running off my face and I'm tired as hell but can't sleep. So I'm a 48 year old smoker with Hypertension and I can't see this ending well.

I truly believe this shit was released on purpose. High death rate and infertility extremely contagious seems like the perfect way to end the human race or one hella form of population control.

GOD Bless and GOD speed,
Ugh, fuck that noise. Strap in and kick that thing's ass. Godspeed to you.
Sitting upright when you rest or lying at an elevated angle or on your side when you sleep helps with some of the shortness of breath and the cough.

When you get through this (the good energies sent from just a fraction of the thread respondents already put that in your favor), visit the Red Cross COVID-19 Plasma Donation website to see how you can make good use of this experience. They responded very promptly to me and helped direct me to a local place where I could donate.

A safe and speedy recovery to you.
You know you are on my shit list.
Hey Brother. I know I should have called you. I was hoping to kick this thing in the ass and be done with it already and I didn't want to worry you. You've had enough on your plate here recently.

I'm starting to worry now though. My Mom and Dad both have it as well and you know my Dad is a 74 yo Vietnam Veteran with diabetes thanks to agent orange. He won't even admit that he has it he just say's it is a sinus infection. My Mom isn't doing to bad I think she kicked it already at least I hope she has.

I on the other hand I can't sleep at all anymore. It is weird seems like the more my lungs fill up with this plague the more energy I have. Which is bad because you of all people know what happens when I don't sleep for extended periods of time. Things get a little crazy.

I miss you man and wish I could just come over and grab a beer and hang out but now is probably not the best time for it. ;-)

I will call you tomorrow and we'll BS about how cool we were 25 years ago.

Love you brother.

Hey Brother. I know I should have called you. I was hoping to kick this thing in the ass and be done with it already and I didn't want to worry you. You've had enough on your plate here recently.

I'm starting to worry now though. My Mom and Dad both have it as well and you know my Dad is a 74 yo Vietnam Veteran with diabetes thanks to agent orange. He won't even admit that he has it he just say's it is a sinus infection. My Mom isn't doing to bad I think she kicked it already at least I hope she has.

I on the other hand I can't sleep at all anymore. It is weird seems like the more my lungs fill up with this plague the more energy I have. Which is bad because you of all people know what happens when I don't sleep for extended periods of time. Things get a little crazy.

I miss you man and wish I could just come over and grab a beer and hang out but now is probably not the best time for it. ;-)

I will call you tomorrow and we'll BS about how cool we were 25 years ago.

Love you brother.

I still don’t have pants on but I am awake and Listening to Rush if that helps