So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

Who's the sexy piece of meat? And the girl standing next to him?
Crazy how time changes us. I hope I look like that in Heaven one day when I get there. Same shirt (Red White and Blue) and Blue Jeans and all. Back when I was one of the cool kids. LOL
Still got the Chinese plague in my lungs but I think it is starting to go away. Maybe in a few more weeks. All my animals seem to be doing good as well. 3 dogs, two cats, and two birds. They all seem unaffected. Mom and Dad are still coughing as am I but they/we are getting around good.

Here's to a full recovery!

I swear this shit won't go away. My lungs remain full of Chinese plague. My buddy said it is "Walking pneumonia". That doesn't sound good. No matter how much you cough you can't get it out. I guess we will see what happens. Tired all the time but if a 103 yo tough as nails Lady can hack it so can I. :rolleyes:
I may be a little delirious today looking at old photos of a misspent youth. But I'm Alright!!!

My son is graduating from high school. We are doing a PPT slide show of pics, and going through the albums over the last 18 years has been an emotional roller coaster.

Me, I look at pics when I was a wee lad, I found on epic in my album in from of our place at Tarawa Terrace II on Camp Lejeune, circa 1972, our neighbor has a black ribbon around the door because the guy that lived there had just died in Vietnam. I realize after 51 revolutions around the Earth I have a little mileage...