So I got the Corona Virus/Covid 19.

@Bypass Man, wish I would've seen this post from the start. But, I'm glad you made it through the other side...Without going to the ahem...other-side.

My mother had COVID in Jan, but we had no idea because it supposedly hadn't hit the U.S. She was quite ill and decided to test for antibodies in March after learning of the symptoms on the news and sure as shit, she tested positive. 73, HBP, Type II diabetic, but she beat it and has fully recovered.

So, with that, Happy Belated Birthday! And congrats on the T-shirt!
Hey guys just an update. This is the first morning I didn't feel the need to cough when getting out of bed. So I have had this crap since May 22nd so nearly 2 months of Kung Flu in my lungs.

My Parents are doing well. I haven't heard them cough in a couple of days but I've been playing some golf and haven't been around as much.

Just wanted to update you guys and remind you GOD and Jesus love you even if it doesn't seem like it at times always remember that.

GOD Bless and have a good day everyone.
Hey guys just an update. This is the first morning I didn't feel the need to cough when getting out of bed. So I have had this crap since May 22nd so nearly 2 months of Kung Flu in my lungs.

My Parents are doing well. I haven't heard them cough in a couple of days but I've been playing some golf and haven't been around as much.

Just wanted to update you guys and remind you GOD and Jesus love you even if it doesn't seem like it at times always remember that.

GOD Bless and have a good day everyone.

Glad to hear @Bypass. Speedy & full recovery.

God bless.
Hey guys just an update. This is the first morning I didn't feel the need to cough when getting out of bed. So I have had this crap since May 22nd so nearly 2 months of Kung Flu in my lungs.

My Parents are doing well. I haven't heard them cough in a couple of days but I've been playing some golf and haven't been around as much.

Just wanted to update you guys and remind you GOD and Jesus love you even if it doesn't seem like it at times always remember that.

GOD Bless and have a good day everyone.

This is awesome news.

Is there anything you took or did that helped you feel better? Ie Vit C, Vit D. Exercise, sleep. Big Steak and PBR's..stuff like that!!!

Thanks!! :thumbsup: 8-)
This is awesome news.

Is there anything you took or did that helped you feel better? Ie Vit C, Vit D. Exercise, sleep. Big Steak and PBR's..stuff like that!!!

Thanks!! :thumbsup: 8-)
Vitamin D and Zinc as recommended by the folks here at Shadowspear.

BTW I think I'm fully recovered now. Haven't heard my parents cough in a week as well and my Dad has been playing golf every day also. So I think we're good. :-)
LOL They are fine and I've decided to make a naked room in my house. ;-)
No more sticking your dick in unpronounceable Chinese delicacies, a la American Pie! If you really need nut pain, melt your crayons.

All bullshit aside, I’m glad you and the family are feeling better.
Here’s what I get for cracking wise about you and the House of Blue Waffles...

Had the family here for Thanksgiving and they all split Sunday. Got a call from my oldest boy Wednesday saying he tested positive. My wife started coming down with symptoms that evening and we both tested positive Thursday morning. By Thursday afternoon we were both sick as dogs.

So, yeah, just crazy shagged out fatigue, fever, lungs hurt, chest is tight, coughing some, in a frazzled daze half the time, simple chores knock us out and TV cannot suck enough.

I’ve had to cut down to two beers in the afternoon. Waiting to hear test results from our other two sons and our daughter-in-law.

Some crazy goddam bat-eating Chinaman started this shit.
Very sorry to hear this. I hope you are your family all recover soon.

I'd make an old corpsman joke about taking some Motrin and hydrating, but.. well, do that too!

Stay safe and get well soon.

EDIT: Classic timing, @Devildoc!
This is how fucking sick we are: We had coax each other to be the one to volunteer to go into the kitchen to open up the can of Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli and dump it in a saucepan for supper.

I did it...because unlike her, I have not lost my sense of taste. But after eating Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli for the first time since I was ten years old, I wish I had.
Damn, that sucks Gunz. Keep strong there.
This is how fucking lethargic we are: We had coax each other to be the one to volunteer to go into the kitchen to open up the can of Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli and dump it in a saucepan for supper.

I did it...because unlike her, I have not lost my sense of taste. But after eating Chef Boy-R-Dee ravioli for the first time since I was ten years old, I wish I had.
If the Chef Boy-R-Dee gets old, let me know. You need calories; can't fight the Rona on an empty stomach. I may have a cheese and veggie omelet MRE I can send your way. If you lose your taste, there's no better time to eat one. If you don't, it'll remind you that Chef Boy-R-Dee is pretty good!