Soldier of the year post

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Angry Member
Verified SOF
Nov 29, 2007
Front Leaning Rest
Sorry for the comment I posted on the female soldier of the year post. It was meant to be a joke but not everyone found it to be funny, even myself after I realized that I degraded my own intellect and brought humiliation upon myself and that of my fraternal brothers. I know I am better than that. Again, I would just like to say sorry for those who felt disgusted with my immaturity.
Sorry for the comment I posted on the female soldier of the year post. It was meant to be a joke but not everyone found it to be funny, even myself after I realized that I degraded my own intellect and brought humiliation upon myself and that of my fraternal brothers. I know I am better than that. Again, I would just like to say sorry for those who felt disgusted with my immaturity.

I knew it was a joke, and we have had far worse on the forum, so I really don't think an apology is necessary. On a side note, it is sometimes pretty difficult to figure out if a person is joking or not, which is why we have all those gay smilies. ;)

do you just save these things for special occasions? Kind of like Mr T? :D
Sorry for the comment I posted on the female soldier of the year post. It was meant to be a joke but not everyone found it to be funny, even myself after I realized that I degraded my own intellect and brought humiliation upon myself and that of my fraternal brothers. I know I am better than that. Again, I would just like to say sorry for those who felt disgusted with my immaturity.

Takes a real man to admit he screwed up and/or to apologise.
I respect you for this post.

To everyone out there, this is a good reminder that your intent is not always displayed as you want it to be.

Use the smilies to let everyone one know if you are joking etc...
It's not a rule, just a helpful guide.

Irish, you are such a fag! :rolleyes:

Sorry for the comment I posted on the female soldier of the year post. It was meant to be a joke but not everyone found it to be funny, even myself after I realized that I degraded my own intellect and brought humiliation upon myself and that of my fraternal brothers. I know I am better than that. Again, I would just like to say sorry for those who felt disgusted with my immaturity.

As I was one, maybe the only one, to complain, I really respect your posting this.

It's a sore point for me, being a female veteran, we have to work twice as hard to get half the recognition for the same job men do. I have enormous respect for this woman, and I know she had even worse harassment because of her looks. She has had to do an enormous amount of work into overcoming many obstacles to achieve this coveted title that so few have attained.

275ANGER!, if we ever meet, first round's on me. Maybe the second, but after that, bub, you best be sharing the bill! :D

I knew it was a joke, and we have had far worse on the forum, so I really don't think an apology is necessary.

Yo boss, you having flashbacks? The only reason I post on this board is because this sort of thing doesn't happen here to people who deserve respect. I can't say the same for the other side of the street - which is why I don't post over there anymore. ;)

So, what's the man's penance? Just the apology, or should the chicks all make him peruse the bag site for one of his own?

I'm just saying. :D

(Btw, it took massive cajones to post that apology. You've got my vote for Headmaster of the All Girls School.)
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