Stop fobbits....just STOP Already!!!!


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
While this lady is in the Air Force I'm sure we can find examples from other branches.

fobbits......SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

the November issue of Glamour magazine, she details how 'long hours', 'drab meals of dry meat and soggy vegetables' and constant 'paranoia' that something could happen at any moment, gradually took a toll on her mental state during deployment.

Limited internet and phone service added to her feelings of vulnerability as did the fact she was a woman in predominantly a man's world. had limited internet and phone service?!?!?! That's like the Hanoi Hilton times 50! John McCain should hire you!

And back at her desk job as a public affairs officer, she found it difficult to maintain focus because 'everything seemed trivial' in light of what she'd been through.

'Again, I’m still working out the finer details, but this I know: Civilian Lauren has bangs. She likes to wear nice, tailored clothing and high heels.
'She likes to speak her mind, even when people around disagree. She’s feisty, emotional, sometimes irritable (especially when she’s hungry or tired), and a bit moody. But overall, I think she’s pretty cool.

You go, girl! Meooooowwwwww!!!!!!

I'm going to go throw up. Fuck her and those like her.

Stop fobbits, just stop talking. Please. STOP!
Wow. Just....... wow.

I was having a conversation with a Vietnam veteran (173rd Airborne) the other day, we were talking about some of the different foods we had eaten in different places, etc. When his buddy came by, USAF supply guy during Vietnam. He starts in with his war-stories of the month they didn't get beer rations and the one time he actually had to load his rifle, b/c there was a threat of a base attack, etc.

I was pretty blown away, I was sitting there talking with this old knuckle dragger who had been through some shit, and all we talked about was the crazy foods, and weird cultural differences. Add Mr. REMF had to tell us about his PTSD from lack of beer and having to load his weapon once.

I guess some shit doesn't change... although I would gladly give up the internet and phone for a monthly beer ration...
One of my few female friends and I had a discussion a couple of years back about fobbits and PTSD (we both left the commo world at the same time, she went PSYOP). As both of us had at least one deployment as fobbits to our names, we were comparing notes on the caliber of soldiers we served with before and after our recent change of jobs.

It seemed to us that there were more fobbits claiming PTSD, and being open about that claim, than trigger pullers and bomb jocks. Our conclusion was that it looked better to claim PTSD than admit to an inferiority complex when they realized just how mundane, tedious, and unappreciated their MOS's really were in the overall perception of things. The ones who didn't claim PTSD usually reclassed into a specialty MOS and did well, or were proud of their lots in life as support soldiers.

Shit like FOB Squad Barbie over here is what you get when the glamour of deployed life fades away, and you're too retarded to improve your lot in life, preferring instead to blame anything but yourself.
RK, to add to your post. I believe the participation trophy crowd does suffer from PTSD at a higher rate because these "hardship" tours are their first real life experience, and their parents did not prepare them for it.
And yeah, being stateside, in a job with no actual mission, it is hard to focus. Kind of like the difference between a cop who logs in evidence and one who actually arrests people.

I was blessed in that my stateside mission was essentially the same as my deployed mission. Probably the best perk of my job.
I would like to see RK interview that chick. }:-)
In a tub of jello? :-"
You tell RK, alrighty? :sneaky:
I prefer to hire "help" through proxy... You talk to her... O_o:-o

Just because I'm from Alabama doesn't mean I can't read all this, you know. I'll do it, lime jello specifically, and there had better be some top shelf bourbon and a bottle of Edradour (aged in port wood cask) waiting for me after I thump that scrawny little attention whore across her ankle hooks (that would be the ears).
Just because I'm from Alabama doesn't mean I can't read all this, you know. I'll do it, lime jello specifically, and there had better be some top shelf bourbon and a bottle of Edradour (aged in port wood cask) waiting for me after I thump that scrawny little attention whore across her ankle hooks (that would be the ears).

Pay attention amateurs- THIS is how it is done.

I award 43 internet points to RK- she won the internetz for today. All the lulz.