Tarantino: Dipsh*t of the Week- All Cops are Bad


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007
All Cops are Bad; That's what Quentin Tarantino Says, anyway.

My guess is he's getting bitter since he hasn't made a good movie since Pulp Fiction, 20 years ago.

Tarantino: I ‘Utterly Reject’ Argument That Only Some Cops Are Bad

Quentin Tarantino continues to stand by anti-police comments he made earlier this fall in a new interview, saying he “completely rejects” the “bad apples” argument that only a small number of police officers behave inappropriately on the job.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly on Monday (and in an interview with Howard Stern last week), the Hateful Eight director put the blame for some instances of police brutality on the “institutional racism” of the profession.
“I completely and utterly reject the bad apples argument,” the director told EW. “Chicago just got caught with their pants down in a way that can’t be denied. But I completely and utterly reject the ‘few bad apples’ argument. Yeah, the guy who shot [Laquan McDonald] is a bad apple. But so are the other eight or nine cops that were there that said nothing, did nothing, let a lie stand for an entire year.”

“And the chief of police, is he a bad apple?” Tarantino continued. “I think he is. Is [Chicago Mayor] Rahm Emanuel a bad apple? I think he is. They’re all bad apples. That just shows that that’s a bulls*** argument. It’s about institutional racism. It’s about institutional cover-ups that are about protecting the force as opposed to the citizens.”
He is a crumb of the highest order. He has to keep his name in the media some how -- since he isn't doing anything of value anywhere else -- might as well jump on the ole bandwagon.
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My guess is he's getting bitter since he hasn't made a good movie since Pulp Fiction, 20 years ago.

Django and Basterds were both good.

And institutional racism is a thing. Bad apples perpetrate it, but it continues nonetheless. His point is A, he unfortunately went to Z with his argument.
Personally, I like most of his movies because of their weirdness. Me and my son Chris just went to see the Hateful 8. Basterds was probably his best. Tarantino, the Cohen Brothers, and the guys that did the Boondock Saints ...they're an acquired taste.

Just consider the source. All these Hollywood motherfuckers live in a fantasy world and most of them have no business commenting on anything outside of movie-making. Because they're all fucking idiots.
I think what he said is irresponsible and idiotic, another self-hating liberal white guy, fanning the flames of hate among minorities towards law enforcement.

In principal, I'll agree with you that it's "a thing", but in my whole life, I can't think of a single clear cut instance of what I'd call institutional racism (in a company, for example). It's a thing, sure, purely because that's a logical assumption based on how big the country is; somewhere it's got to exist. But where it's happening in 2015 / 2016, that I would only guess. This coming from a guy living in the south for a major portion of my life.
And institutional racism is a thing. Bad apples perpetrate it, but it continues nonetheless. His point is A, he unfortunately went to Z with his argument.

You can say you haven't seen racism, that is kind of the point. I can't see the systems that benefit me because they are the norm. There is study after study pointing out ways in which the system is designed to keep minorities down. Because I don't experience it and live in the south is just about as irrelevant as can be.

Which system do you speak of? I've only worked, been involved in three jobs. As a plumber, no discrimination on the government side, possibly shop to shop, but I thankfully never worked for one that was racist. The Army, far from it, and in many ways I saw a reverse affect, where some individuals were promoted and held position who clearly didn't deserve or have the ability, however due to their skin color they had it. In the security industry, there was nothing a saw on the government side that stopped anyone of any race from doing whatever they wanted. However, as the ops manager for a multi million dollar company, I had the race card pulled on me more than once for writing individuals up who failed to fulfill their job duties/performance/disciplinary.

Personally, and this has just been my experience, there is absolutely nothing working against people of different races, and the race issue is only called into question when someone who is not white fails. Fails to follow the law, rules, or in the progression of setting and achieving personal/professional goals.

I'm not saying there are not racist people on all sides, however, I don't believe it falls on the system, I think falls more on individuals, be it a racist cop, judge, employer, or the individual of question themselves. Not necessarily the system, at least in the governmental forms.

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Are systems or institutions "racist" or do they just protect their own? Say I'm a racist cop or teacher or whatever, and I do something to someone based upon race. My partner or peers with knowledge of the event say nothing/ do nothing....are they racist or are they looking out for their own? Next week it could be another topic, say religion, and the system rallies around itself. Is ti now anti-/pro- religion based upon that event?

Wrong is wrong, but is it necessarily racist or whatever?

You can say you haven't seen racism, that is kind of the point. I can't see the systems that benefit me because they are the norm. There is study after study pointing out ways in which the system is designed to keep minorities down. Because I don't experience it and live in the south is just about as irrelevant as can be.
So say I get passed over for promotion because I am white; is that racism or affirmative action?
@TLDR20 : I read that whole piece and it's a quilt of statistical patchwork, misappropriated citations, misapplied statistics, unsubstantiated claims, wrong conclusions.

It starts with a bunch of assumptions; the writer already has a conclusion, and then attempts to cite questionable stats that do not necessarily substantiate the claims. That happens over and over throughout the piece. Really the worst I've read in a while.
@TLDR20 : I read that whole piece and it's a quilt of statistical patchwork, misappropriated citations, misapplied statistics, unsubstantiated claims, wrong conclusions.

It starts with a bunch of assumptions; the writer already has a conclusion, and then attempts to cite questionable stats that do not necessarily substantiate the claims. That happens over and over throughout the piece. Really the worst I've read in a while.[/QUOTE]

Google institutional racism and you can read hundreds of academic studies. That piece was the first hit on google and attributed claims to stats.
So say I get passed over for promotion because I am white; is that racism or affirmative action?

Maybe it is because you were a shitbag....

Honestly you grew up white, went to schools where there probably wasn't an officer who arrests students rather than disciplining, we're not a victim of profiling, were never judged by your name or color of skin. Those are things that are institutionalized. Not individual practices. Is this hard to grasp?
I grew up white, with arrests every day by the SRO of everyone who did stupid shit, couldn't do the majority of school programs (both academic and extracurricular) because I was white and they were for minorities only, and every single day underwent constant judgement/harassment from both student body and faculty.

How hard is that to grasp?
Maybe it is because you were a shitbag....

Honestly you grew up white, went to schools where there probably wasn't an officer who arrests students rather than disciplining, we're not a victim of profiling, were never judged by your name or color of skin. Those are things that are institutionalized. Not individual practices. Is this hard to grasp?

So how do explain the thousands of successful black people in our nations history? Say people like Dr Ben Carson who grew up in Detroit, or the many, many men and women throughout our government and private sectors, who are on the very top, to include our current president.

I have no doubt black people get profiled by police, but most crime is committed by black people, so unfortunately the profiling is a product of the day in day out grind of people committing crimes.

I went out last night to play in a pool tournament, as I'm walking up to the bar, a loakked out Hispanic dude is walking towards me from between vehicles, I'm unarmed b/c I'm going into a bar, so low pro pull my folder, open it and get ready for a possible fight. Ended up dude was looking for directions (so he said). No harm done.

Did I profile him? You bet your ass, if you look like a thug, you gonna get treated like one. Does it make me a racist? My Hispanic wife and her family may think so, by all the jokes I make, but I am not. I don't care what your skin color is, just be good people.
For a guy who glorifies guns, blood and violence in his movies, Time Magazine should name him Hypocrite Of The Year.

Maybe it is because you were a shitbag....

Honestly you grew up white, went to schools where there probably wasn't an officer who arrests students rather than disciplining, we're not a victim of profiling, were never judged by your name or color of skin. Those are things that are institutionalized. Not individual practices. Is this hard to grasp?

Sorry to bust your bubble, mixed neighborhoods (unless you consider Mexicans to be white).
Labored my way through College (thanks dad) which meant I was the only white guy working with some pretty nice black guys.
Spent time in front of a Juvenile Judge (hint, that means interaction with the Police).
Luckily, I decided IL wasn't for me, and then concentrated on making money for school (that, and my mom giving me the permanent grounding).
Quite frankly, your assumptions about me could be (mis)construed as racism. As my last EEO class instructor said "assuming things about someone is a subtle form of racism".

As far as getting passed over, no I wasn't a shitbag; I was a white male in a time when POTUS/SECDEF decided non-white male were victims of discrimination and deserved a higher promotion rate.

But if calling me a shit bag makes you happy, go for it.
Back to Tarantino, there are two scenes that stand out from "Reservoir Dogs" and may have bearing on the convo: the scene where Harvey Keitel empties two Nines into the windshield of a cop car, and the scene where Michael Madsen slices off the ear off a cop tied to a chair.
Fast forward almost 25 years, and it's possible the Black Lives Matter movement is offering him a chance to see himself as a visionary and convince the Academy of such.
This here debate about institutionalized isms is more interesting, though...
This here debate about institutionalized isms is more interesting, though...

Here's a question: are rating systems a new form of discrimination? An extension of existing discrimination? Or maybe even a validation thereof..?

Sorry to bust your bubble, mixed neighborhoods (unless you consider Mexicans to be white).
Labored my way through College (thanks dad) which meant I was the only white guy working with some pretty nice black guys.
Spent time in front of a Juvenile Judge (hint, that means interaction with the Police).
Luckily, I decided IL wasn't for me, and then concentrated on making money for school (that, and my mom giving me the permanent grounding).
Quite frankly, your assumptions about me could be (mis)construed as racism. As my last EEO class instructor said "assuming things about someone is a subtle form of racism".

As far as getting passed over, no I wasn't a shitbag; I was a white male in a time when POTUS/SECDEF decided non-white male were victims of discrimination and deserved a higher promotion rate.

But if calling me a shit bag makes you happy, go for it.

Oh gimme a break if you can't take a fucking joke.

Plenty of white guys got promoted just fine all throughout our militaries history. I'll respond in full later, but if you guys honestly think individual examples can explain an entire system the argument isn't worth having.
I see I chose an awesome time to come back to ShadowSpear haha.

I've heard all the Tarrantino bashing, and I have to mostly agree with him. There are countless examples of LEO's covering up for other LEO's. Many departments are perfectly fine overstepping their bounds and extending their authority to police others, meanwhile they fail to police their own. Before anyone on here gets all butthurt, this is not a blanket statement towards all LEO's. Nor do I think Tarrantino's statement was either. He's merely saying that the issue is more than just a few bad apples...and I agree.