Televised/online military family reunions

@DA SWO I domt know anything about Army unit awards. I think they wear the unit awards their unit earned on the right side of their uniform even if they weren't there to earn them. I could be wrong though.

Correct , Army wears the unit awards on the right, some awards are unit specific...meaning if you are assigned to the unit, you may (or have to) wear them. Once you leave the unit, you can no longer wear them. If you were with the unit when it was awarded, it's a permanent award.
Correct , Army wears the unit awards on the right, some awards are unit specific...meaning if you are assigned to the unit, you may wear them. Once you leave the unit, you can no longer wear them. If you were with the unit when it was awarded, it's a permanent award.
I didn't know that last part. Interesting.