Yeah, fuck Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Time to take our ball and go home. WW3 is upon us and we need to quit fucking around with booger eaters and get back to maneuver warfare. I'm sure SOF is going to be forward deployed all over the world, well, because that is their job. But we really need to get our heavy divisions trained up and ready, because, like it or not, we are in our second cold war, and the way the world is acting, it won't be very long before SHTF.
Sucks Mattis is resigning, he is a solid warrior and probably the best secdef we have seen, if not the best ever. But it ain't the end of the world, we all love him, but secdef changes ain't nothing new.
Trump, well he is taking an asskickin the past two weeks, some deserved and some not. I did see they gave him 5 billion for his wall, I guess that's a win, if you are one of the people who want a wall.
Anyway, no big deal, all of you quit getting your panties all twisted, life goes on. Well until our next economic recession, which is probably right around the corner...just saying.