The Most Complicated Military PowerPoint... Ever?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
In class earlier this week, one of my professors put up a slide showing a flowchart related to a reading we had about the Roman Empire. He said it was the most complicated relational PowerPoint slide (I'm paraphrasing) that he had ever seen. And it was complicated, but I think we have him beat:


Anyone else have a better example?
Lol nope, that's about the most complicated! Remember when this came out, i don't know WHY they make it so complicated! Find bad guys, kill bad guys, protect the local population, train the host army nation, improve their government, improve economic and ground conditions. There, I just explained a basic coin stratagey in a few sentences, was it really that hard? Granted it does get more complicated given many factors, but the basics are still the same! Yet we need a power point that makes your eyes bleed and leave you screaming "we're doomed!!!!" :P
The worst part about it is, somebody (most likely a group of people) spent a lot of time working on it, and it probably makes a lot of sense & is useful to them. But as part of a briefing to a four-star commanding general??? O_o If it takes more than five or so seconds to comprehend, it's going to be disregarded, if not outright ridiculed. Blow that thing up on the plotter and put it on the wall in the planning cell, don't pitch it to the CG.
I can see that briefing right now taking about three hours, with at the end the general going "ok wtf did u just try and explain to me?". No one seems to remember keep it simple stupid. Nah lets not come up with a simple yet comprehensive way to engage coin here, let's make a extremely complicated power point to impress a general! Sigh....
Holy shit.... I can't imagine looking at that and thinking, "Yep, looks good. I think they'll get it. It's clearly laid out with arrows and colors and everything."
The worst part about it is, somebody (most likely a group of people) spent a lot of time working on it, and it probably makes a lot of sense & is useful to them. But as part of a briefing to a four-star commanding general??? O_o If it takes more than five or so seconds to comprehend, it's going to be disregarded, if not outright ridiculed. Blow that thing up on the plotter and put it on the wall in the planning cell, don't pitch it to the CG.
As an American, I consider it my duty to ridicule that sad excuse for a representation of a plan.
On top of it, that slide was probably "the plan". I can't count the number of times I sat through an ops briefing, only to find out at the end that there was no written ops plan (IAW the FMs) to go with the briefing, just the PP. :mad: I would actually argue with mid-grade officers, with them telling me the PP was good enough.

And I'm not talking one-day STABO in Iraq; these were major theater-level exercises with multiple planning conferences & site surveys.

Arrrgh. :mad:
Y'all are a bunch of uneducated pussies. That chart has colors...probably even flavors. Hell, the colors are even grouped together like all of those tiny paint-strip thingies at Home Depot. My wife said she wanted blue and I came back with ANSF Tactical and she was like, "No motherfucker, I want Tribal Governance." and that's when I realized she was more concerned about the Gov't Integration of Local Tribal Structures and her Goddamned throw pillows while I was thinking she wanted some ANSF Manpower Recruiting and Retention to accentuate the curtains in the dining room. Well, fuck me running, you know?

If creating Powerpoint like that is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Y'all are a bunch of uneducated pussies. That chart has colors...probably even flavors. Hell, the colors are even grouped together like all of those tiny paint-strip thingies at Home Depot. My wife said she wanted blue and I came back with ANSF Tactical and she was like, "No motherfucker, I want Tribal Governance." and that's when I realized she was more concerned about the Gov't Integration of Local Tribal Structures and her Goddamned throw pillows while I was thinking she wanted some ANSF Manpower Recruiting and Retention to accentuate the curtains in the dining room. Well, fuck me running, you know?

If creating Powerpoint like that is wrong, I don't want to be right.


You've spent too much time deployed, brother. Time to come home...