The Trump Presidency 2.0

I would love to see the priority list related to this stuff. Is this prescient, needed, and worthy of our time right now?
That's kind of where I am at this point. Campaign promise = fulfilled. Other things we need the DoD and the executive branch as a whole focused on.

I liked Ft. Moore and thought it was totally appropriate to name it after the guy that they did.
Didn't see that one coming. I thought we'd be one-and-done with Bragg.

I could have seen something like Forts Gregg-Adams or Johnson being renamed under the umbrella of "removing DEI", but not Moore.

Both of them had an outstanding impact on the Army.

I would love to see the priority list related to this stuff. Is this prescient, needed, and worthy of our time right now?

Liberty was such a shit name that it was well recieved to go back to Bragg, but how many of the other posts are people wanting to see changed back? I don't remember nearly as much grumbling about Benning, Hood, Gordon, etc.
Honduras cracked down on gangs a few years ago, so maybe it's better now.
The cartel made its way back into Rotan during Covid. Nobody had any money, so they came in and saved the day. You can definitely see their presence in some of the ridiculously nice places in the middle of complete poorness, especially in some of the vehicles with blacked out tinted windows.
I would love to see the priority list related to this stuff. Is this prescient, needed, and worthy of our time right now?

Trolling through records you own to find anyone with the same last name isn't a high level task. Besides, the poor bastard doing the work is most likely a probbie who will be fired anyway.
The whole Benning/Moore/Benning thing is a bit of a debacle. Father of the US Army Infantry is Baron von Steuben. Father of the US Army Airborne forces is William C Lee. Like if we're going to go through the BS a second time, can we at least make sense instead of wasting money? Because the amount of signs is at least going to cost the Army 1M if not more to change to Bragg and Benning.
While I agree, lack of domestic semiconductors really screwed over the whole North America supply chain during the pandemic. I don't think this means you won't buy from them but you need a domestic supply.

Here's the announcement.

Texas Instruments are building a chip plant in in North Texas (Sherman area), Taiwan is also building a chip plant in the same area, both are going to be huge!
The whole Benning/Moore/Benning thing is a bit of a debacle. Father of the US Army Infantry is Baron von Steuben. Father of the US Army Airborne forces is William C Lee. Like if we're going to go through the BS a second time, can we at least make sense instead of wasting money?

100% this. They got Bragg back as a "own the libs" thing because it's easy to argue Liberty is a shitty name.

This just feels like the SECDEF wants it back to Benning because that's what it was when he was there, but he doesn't understand the historical context for why Moore was chosen.

There aren't any other reasons that make sense to me for this one.
Seems to me changing it in the first place was about "owning racist MAGA"

I think it was more the broader cultural shift occurring with things named for Civil War figures.

That said, regardless of the reason, there was at least some effort put into ensuring the new names were thought out*.

Nothing against Privates Bragg and Benning, but they weren't chosen to be the new namesake of these Forts because of their Valor or contributions to the Army.

*Except Liberty. Fuck that name in paticular.