The Trump Presidency

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This is all such a big deal because he started off this whole thing with a blatant lie about how other presidents didn't call the family members of dead servicemembers, then he did so, and it didn't go over the best. If he wouldn't have spotlighted himself in the first place with a demonstrably false statement it might have not come up at all.

We are in perfect agreement with that. If you go back and read my post concerning will see that we are usually in agreement with his actions and his mouth.
Yeah...he called them to be disrespectful. That's what he is being called out for. Keep believing it....:rolleyes:

And you have no clue as to how a significant portion of the people who receive those calls react do you? That's speculation on your part and nothing more.

I don't believe I ever said he intended to be disrespectful - in fact I said the opposite in a previous post. It absolutely is speculation - on both our parts about how people react and how they feel. However, there actually are interviews journalists did with SM families who were called and they seemed to indicate a variety of responses. I believe the Washington Post and NYTimes spoke to at least 13 of the 40-some families of SM who have been killed during this administration - seemed to be a variety of responses.

My point is that there is almost no way to give horrendous news and it be taken well every time. I believe (again speculation - but not without evidence) that many Presidents have run into families having negative reactions to their calls. I would speculate again that their feelings about the President and geopolitics in general might even inform their reactions. I can say I believe my parents would react differently to a call from President Obama vs President Trump based solely on their predispositions towards those individuals.

The terrible thing here - IMO - is not that the President (allegedly) botched a condolence call. I imagine/speculate that happens with everyone. It's that he lied about other Presidents (and himself), invited a ton of scrutiny, then engaged in a flame war over it with a congresswoman and the media in general relying on his CoS' personal story to bail him out of it.

I am in no way defending the congresswoman. I think it is in extremely poor taste to politicize a families grief - even when 'the other side' or whoever starts it. But that gets to my point about the coarsening of dialogue in general. You don't get to go back to having table manners after a food fight.
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I don't believe I ever said he intended to be disrespectful - in fact I said the opposite in a previous post. It absolutely is speculation - on both our parts about how people react and how they feel. However, there actually are interviews journalists did with SM families who were called and they seemed to indicate a variety of responses. I believe the Washington Post and NYTimes spoke to at least 13 of the 40-some families of SM who have been killed during this administration - seemed to be a variety of responses.

I've made between 100 and 150 death notifications. Unlike you, I am not speculating. But, you can continue to do so. Your initial response sounded like it came from a three-year-old. You were simply ticked at my post and didn't comprehend what I wrote. Maybe you need to read it again.
I've made between 100 and 150 death notifications. Unlike you, I am not speculating. But, you can continue to do so. Your initial response sounded like it came from a three-year-old. You were simply ticked at my post and didn't comprehend what I wrote. Maybe you need to read it again.

You got ESP from 150 notifications? That's amazing, when did that shit kick in where you knew exactly how people felt about what was said to them?
You got ESP from 150 notifications? That's amazing, when did that shit kick in where you knew exactly how people felt about what was said to them?

I'm actually done with you. You are simply getting ignorant now. I'm done playing child games. I have seen their responses and heard them. You have not. You have no clue what you are talking about and are now simply responding like a kid.
I'm actually done with you. You are simply getting ignorant now. I'm done playing child games. I have seen their responses and heard them. You have not. You have no clue what you are talking about and are now simply responding like a kid.

I've done casualty notifications too - but never imagined I could read anyone's mind. But hey, maybe I'm just ignorant of how it really works.
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