The Trump Presidency

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Trump talked shit about John McCain for having the cheek to go ahead and get captured, then spend over 5 years as a POW... In a war that Trump dodged.

He'll "care" about whatever keeps his base sweet.
Trump talked shit about John McCain for having the cheek to go ahead and get captured, then spend over 5 years as a POW... In a war that Trump dodged.

He'll "care" about whatever keeps his base sweet.

I am sick and tired of the draft dodger comments. Whether we like it or not, whether he paid for it or not; Trump received educational and ultimately a medical deferment. Biden received deferments and no one talks about that. The only President that we can genuinely call a draft dodger is Bill Clinton and he’s admitted to it.
I am sick and tired of the draft dodger comments. Whether we like it or not, whether he paid for it or not; Trump received educational and ultimately a medical deferment. Biden received deferments and no one talks about that. The only President that we can genuinely call a draft dodger is Bill Clinton and he’s admitted to it.

If he's willing to talk shit about John McCains Vietnam experiences, well then people have the right to shine a light on how he avoided being drafted.
He is the commander in chief. That means that he controls the fate of everyone in the military. He should be among the 10% that actually gives a shit.

Which candidate in the 2016 election gave a shit? How about the eight previous years? Did that President give a shit? Bush was the most recent President to genuinely care, as evidenced by the book he released of paintings he did. This is a pointless argument to try and make, especially these days.

Bush Nostalgia Is Overrated, but His Book of Paintings Is Not
If he's willing to talk shit about John McCains Vietnam experiences, well then people have the right to shine a light on how he avoided being drafted.

I largely agree; but, hey, that's politics. Used to be you could talk smack about each other's professional and political life, but family and military service was taboo. That train has long left the station, and now no area is sacrosanct.
Which candidate in the 2016 election gave a shit? How about the eight previous years? Did that President give a shit? Bush was the most recent President to genuinely care, as evidenced by the book he released of paintings he did. This is a pointless argument to try and make, especially these days.

Bush Nostalgia Is Overrated, but His Book of Paintings Is Not
There was only one in my eyes. James Webb, never had a chance though. But his CV was the best too.
Little known fact- I am at lifelong hip hop fan! It’s my main musical good group. Always has been.

Anything after The Fat boys, Run-DMC, Grandmaster Flash were just...not original ;). Of course, you were probably born way after those guys. I think I was the only cracker in my high school who listened to those groups.
It's been a good week for Trump and his base. First, it looks like he used the bully pulpit to make the NFL take action against the players. Second, his scrapping of healthcare subsidies that will impact Obamacare.

I would say he's proven himself to be pretty tenacious on some of these issues. For a guy who has the rep as someone who just wants to be liked.
It's been a good week for Trump and his base. First, it looks like he used the bully pulpit to make the NFL take action against the players. Second, his scrapping of healthcare subsidies that will impact Obamacare.

I would say he's proven himself to be pretty tenacious on some of these issues. For a guy who has the rep as someone who just wants to be liked.

Making the crucial executive functions of running a nation happen!

< Where is that pink font...? >
Making the crucial executive functions of running a nation happen!

< Where is that pink font...? >

I get your point. I'm not banging the drum for him, it was an observation.

What he did via the power of Twitter on the NFL issue isn't my cup of tea but it worked. For the healthcare subsidies he's using EO as Obama did too.
I’m not smart enough on the intricacies of the ACA, but reading what I have, I like the EO move from President Trump on this one. I think it’s a step in the right direction on health care.

Let’s go ahead and string good things like this together- maybe get to like 4 to 5 good things in a row.
I’m not smart enough on the intricacies of the ACA, but reading what I have, I like the EO move from President Trump on this one. I think it’s a step in the right direction on health care.

Let’s go ahead and string good things like this together- maybe get to like 4 to 5 good things in a row.
Vox's Sarah Kliff is an unreserved expert on the ACA and general healthcare policy. I don't say that as a liberal - she is probably the best pundit when it comes to ACA changes and their economic and social effects.

Vox put out some perfunctory analysis of the recent changes and they're really, really bad: Podcasts
To wit - if you don't like Obamacare, these changes are good. If you like improved access to health insurance, they are very bad.
Vox's Sarah Kliff is an unreserved expert on the ACA and general healthcare policy. I don't say that as a liberal - she is probably the best pundit when it comes to ACA changes and their economic and social effects.

Vox put out some perfunctory analysis of the recent changes and they're really, really bad: Podcasts
To wit - if you don't like Obamacare, these changes are good. If you like improved access to health insurance, they are very bad.
Good thing I clarified with "I am not real smart on this one but the changes seem to be good" before hand.

I will definitely check out that podcast. Thanks!
I have more than a few reservations about Vox specifically, but I’m interested in hearing how interstate health insurance sales is better OR worse than the state-by-state mess that had been the norm since before the ACA.

For the record, what I do know of it leads me to believe it is an improvement, but I’m open to hear why it would be worse.
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