The Trump Presidency

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A guy who rapped about raping his mother and his wife is such a great role model. Fuck him too.
And he does it a few weeks before he is about to drop a new album, but I'm sure it was all about how Trump sucks and not making money. :hmm:
Yowsa! Well, Em's lyrics have always been controversial, and he is in the business of making money from his rap lyrics, so I suppose you're both right.

But holding a guy accountable for the deplorable things he said in his past, discounting a possible good thing now seems a bit hypocritical given the thread, right? At least a bit ironic?

Marshall is in the business of selling records, so I would have to agree it's a pretty smart move to get people talking about Shady again. And that video has 13 million views, so that probably worked.

I think the vision of a white dude that grew up poor in the rust belt evolving to his viewpoint (for the sake of argument let's pretend we can't figure out his true motivations and we have to take them at face value) is pretty interesting.
I watched most of the video. I like Eminem's music but this seemed contrived and poorly executed. I recognize it was a freestyle and not a polished recording but I didn't dig it.

Yowsa! Well, Em's lyrics have always been controversial, and he is in the business of making money from his rap lyrics, so I suppose you're both right.

But holding a guy accountable for the deplorable things he said in his past, discounting a possible good thing now seems a bit hypocritical given the thread, right? At least a bit ironic?...

I don't understand what you mean here with regard to the "possible good thing" comment, brother. Are you referring to the video itself or something else?
I watched most of the video. I like Eminem's music but this seemed contrived and poorly executed. I recognize it was a freestyle and not a polished recording but I didn't dig it.

I don't understand what you mean here with regard to the "possible good thing" comment, brother. Are you referring to the video itself or something else?
Yeah that was way too vague, my bad.

A "possible good thing" would be furthering the conversation on President Trump and his problems thus far with what Em focused on- race, hypocrisy, inability to focus on a narrative and stick to it, focusing on the more newsworthy topics than "important" ones, etc. Granted, the freestyle itself is divisive (at least for Em's fan base) by nature, but if it stokes conversation from another view point, that would be helpful and shouldn't be discounted out of hand now because of something he said you didn't like 17 years ago- holy crap I am old.

I think it's exactly the same for the President- he said some ridiculous things, some downright unacceptable things in his past; but that's not a reason to discount absolutely everything he does now.

And as a freestyle, it actually sounded like Eminem was out of shape, to be honest. But his lyrics were well thought out if not delievered at his absolute best, and unless you listen to freestyles a lot, I can 100% understand why the style isn't for everyone.
This one is floating about on facebook
Hey Em, what up? I always thought you were the man.
Every since the days you rapped about Stan.

I couldn't believe you drew a line in the sand.
I didn't think I had to decide where to stand?

You don't want me as a fan?
If I don't surrender my opinion to the will of the man?

You put your hand up high in a fist,
You've been corrupted, taken over with rage and you're pissed.

Before the election I was never a Trump fan,
People like you pushed me, with your line in the sand!

You scream Fascist, Racist, Dictator boo hoo,
Look in the mirror yo, that's what you do!

You're dressed up like ISIS spewing venom to the masses,
What you need to do is buy a new pair of bifocal glasses!

Hey Em, I'm from Michigan too,
I'm too old for rap and so are you!

I'll raise my kids to use their minds to unite,
Not spew crazy rhetoric to blow our country up like dynamite!

Just want you to know I heard you through and through,
I'll raise my children to never be like you!

And oh, by the way... fuck you too!

And CDG, le sigh.
This one is floating about on facebook

And CDG, le sigh.
That’s a pretty good example, sir. Instead of saying, “You said stupid things in your past so nothing you say now matters”, that Facebook rhymer person is saying, “I disagree, in fact, I think your message is hypocritical and I won’t be a fan anymore”.

That opens the conversation up to a lot of avenues we can all learn from.
Holy. Shit. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd, it does. The President is now hinting at trying to get major networks licenses revoked.

Trump threatens NBC after nuclear report

I think again, the President would like us tribalized on issues like the media vs this stuff coming out of the White House: “I Hate Everyone”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear He Is “Unraveling”

I could give a shit about Eminem, but interesting to see the effect of his criticism vs most other entertainers. He has a fan base that includes supporters of the President and his agenda - so the reaction to his criticism is much harsher. Still, I have to laugh when the counter-argument to someone in showbiz (which is always 'Hollyweird' and 'how dare you talk politics' - unless your politics is the same as mine) is 'you pushed me into backing President Trump and all his lunacy because of all the name-calling you and the dirty libtards engaged in - oh, and also you're a whiny snowflake, not tough like me. I also hate how divisive you are - always trying to divide people. Not like all the uniters over here with me.' Unconvincing from my foxhole.
We're understandably focused on the present, but we're neglecting a bigger problem: how we arrived here in the first place and it didn't begin with Trump's election, that was just a natural conclusion.

Our current elected ruling class makes the Toxic Avenger look surgically sterile. Motherfuckers been in the same seat for DECADES, and yet this is all some cheeto’s fault? Sorry, I’m not buying it, not even on Walmart’s Christmas layaway plan.

No, it’s not entirely *President* Trump’s fault. It’s the populace of America’s fault. Absolutely NOBODY is willing to look in a mirror anymore and say “I need to change.” That shit hurts too much, and hurting is wrong. So they elect the same crooked shits for years on end, knowing they’ll get the same crumbs as before, and bitch that the crumbs aren’t good enough. The ones that do change and evolve keep their fucking mouths shut, because god forbid you virtue signal to the wrong crowd.

Everyone is sooooooo centered on how *President* Trump is making America look like garbage. Guess what. We’ve looked like abhorrent shit for decades now! For every one thing that our CinC gets right, Congress goes and fucks up a half dozen more. “Waaaaah, we need to chaaaaange! Waaaaah, this country suuuuucks!” /fast forward 18mo/ “I’m going to vote for Sen. Cockmonkey and Rep. Dongmonger, because they’re the only ones not corrupt. They’ve held their seats for 20+ years because they’re good people.” This conversation times 50 states, every two to four years.

There are certain areas that the *Presidenr* is wicked smart in. One member even said that he must have a Ph.D. in redirection. That’s 200-300 level IO. Is he really that crazy? Stupid? Or does he know that all you’re gonna do is piss in your pants and cry, while he gets his way in other shit? I don’t know, and nobody likely does. While I believe that the Oval Office is over his head, I think he’s got a few tricks from his NY real estate days that may work out in the international long game (key word: MAY).

Face it. America has the ruling class it deserves, and we’re reaping what we’ve sown, good and hard. The smart ones have already paid their thousands of dollars to renounce their citizenship. Enjoy.

* = Admin edits.
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This shit just writes itself

We're understandably focused on the present, but we're neglecting a bigger problem: how we arrived here in the first place and it didn't begin with Trump's election, that was just a natural conclusion.
Sort of along the ‘bigger problem’ line of thought- who exactly is allowed to criticize the oval office now? America has established that paid athletes are spoiled brats and should STFU. Private organization, do as you’re told, keep your personal feelings to yourself and let me watch my sports. Rappers are out (and now subject to Facebook rappers diss tapes). How about anyone in Hollywood? Oh HELL no.

At this point any form of protest by anybody famous is immediately attacked because you don’t want to have to deal with political issues when enjoying your favorite distraction. We don’t address their content; we just immediately question their right to dissent. I don’t know which is chicken and which is egg, but the #FakeNews phenomenon fits the immediate ‘I don’t like the message, let me disparage the source’ vibe we’ve got going.

I think it’s more ‘how have we gotten here’ as opposed to ‘this administration did it’, but the fact remains America is at critical mass for it’s overall inability to be criticized without reacting like a child.
'how dare you talk politics' - unless your politics is the same as mine

Pretty much sums it up. There is a local radio talk show host I listen to every afternoon. Politically he keeps it down the middle, but from time to time he gets hot and expresses his opinion on a topic. Sometimes he goes far left, sometimes he goes far right...but you can count on the fact that those with the opposite opinion will call and berate him for his "liberal/conservative" views.
Here's Denzel Quoting Mark Twain:

I wonder if we're fast approaching the old yellow journalism era because both sides still do great news work and will receive awards for the actual work. But the real journalism will be hidden from you when you buy the paper. The articles that you see are just the clickbait that drives analytics and revenue but is just complete shit and partisan.

I know it's Breitbart, but I suppose no one else was willing to publish the OPED, even though I'm pretty sure deep down Rand abhors them as a source:
Exclusive – Rand Paul on Trump Healthcare Executive Action: Congress Failed, Time to Act
I get plenty frustrated with modern journalism. I think there's a lot of fear-mongering and irresponsible reporting. However, that's not sufficient grounds to revoke the license of a major network. The 1st Amendment is still the 1st Amendment.
Denzel Washington tells it like it is. He is intelligent, articulate and a good five steps ahead of the microphone holder/question poser.

Make no mistake, most "reporters" are posers.
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In fairness the cream of the crop don't tend to gravitate towards entertainment reporting.
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I came across this video today, Trump doesn't seem to know what the song "Retreat" is or why it's being played. Obviously this video could be taken out of context, they could be inside it's not exactly clear, so standing wouldn't really be necessary.

He could of earned some kudos here though by acknowledging the song and military tradition that goes along with it.

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