The Trump Presidency

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I'll take North Korea glowing for $1000, Alex.

I'll take a pass on that.

If we use conventional weapons in a war on the Korean Peninsula, millions would die many of those young American men and women , South Korea would likely be destroyed, world economy in shambles the whole gambit of shittiness.

Nuclear weapons?Shit, not even bringing into the fold that an offensive first strike nuclear attack would literally be doing what we are so afraid of happening, it would also lessen further our standing and go to show the only true deterrence from the US is Nukes of their own. Just the fallout could be disastrous, depending on the winds could affect Japan, China, and Pcific rim.

Hard fucking pass.
Those making those types of choices need to make sure they are willing to live with the consequences of those actions.

We can beat them conventionally, but SK - most of all - will suffer some major losses.

I think we could cause horrendous damage to Pyongyang with conventional missiles and make it a big powder realm, but we would need to know Lil Kim was there before we did it.

Regardless, I personally think Lil Kim needs to be punched multiple times in his throat, but I don't think we need to have any more of our Warriors decimated for someone like him if we can't guarantee that we take him out quickly. Then we would have to see what we are left with as far as NK leaders go.
Not to mention retaliation from Russia and China. My buddies with their DD-214 but still in IRR think they're safe for now. :ROFLMAO:
At this point is there anyone left in Washington that he hasn't alienated? The level of absurdity is off the charts.
From the "Open Mic Thread...."

Your wish is my command....

Trump says he's smarter than Tillerson; ready to compare IQs
Cross thread-self referential meta points to you, good sir.

I wish I could pat myself on the back, but me wishing for a Presidential tweet storm right now is going off at about -1500 in all the books. Like, it's such a suckers bet that it's going to happen every 7 days it's not actually that surprising I was able to call it.
I mean, really stop and think about this. The President of the United States of America. The "leader of the free world". The Commander in Chief of the most powerful, lethal, technologically advanced, and combat tested military in the history of the world. That's who is essentially saying, "I'm not stupid, you're stupid." It's ludicrously surreal that this is what it has come to. I thought for sure that link was going to be to DuffleBlog, or The Onion, or Article 107, something. Anything. Nope. It's real. I can't even.
I mean, really stop and think about this. The President of the United States of America. The "leader of the free world". The Commander in Chief of the most powerful, lethal, technologically advanced, and combat tested military in the history of the world. That's who is essentially saying, "I'm not stupid, you're stupid." It's ludicrously surreal that this is what it has come to. I thought for sure that link was going to be to DuffleBlog, or The Onion, or Article 107, something. Anything. Nope. It's real. I can't even.

And it's with people that he hired! That to me is one of the most crazy things about this charade. One of the core attributes of the Trump 'brand' pushing candidate Trump to President Trump was how decisive he was in 'firing' people thanks to his Apprentice persona. But, instead of firing the people he hires who fuck up, make him mad, or however he forms opinions he doesn't fire them - just talks shit to them publicly via twitter and press statements. It always falls to someone else to fire them (Priebus, Scarammucci) or they quit after it gets too much (Bannon, Spicer, Gorka). Seems like Tillerson and Sessions have learned the lesson that if they want to keep their jobs just don't quit - the boss doesn't really have the stones to fire them - just rant and rave on social media.
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