The Trump Presidency

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POTUS comes across as every bit as mental as Kim Jong Un these days. Also, he has now declared war on players who don't stand for the national anthem.

It's all a bit mad.

It's exhausting. I'm not going to lie, while I didn't vote and the candidate I wanted didn't make it to the end. I sincerely hoped Trump would be a decent president. However in my opinion he has turned out to be a president with zero tact or diplomatic skills, who is brash and prone to making decisions with little thought or forsight into the potential consequences of his actions.

What's infuriating to me is that at his speech in Alabama and even in Texas it seemed to be more rah rah and cheerleading than actual leadership. Look I fully believe in motivation and positive feel good vibes, but there comes a point where it becomes empty and tone deaf.

Maybe I'm nitpicking and keeping my expectations to high, or maybe I don't really know what I expected from Trump as president amd should cut him some slack because he's never been in politics or even in a seat of immense power as he is now I don't know. I just hope that he starts acting the way a president of the most powerful country ever seen should act.

Oh and don't get me started on his wanting NFL players who kneel during the anthem fired are you kidding me?!?! Look I don't agree with them and there are many better ways to enforce change than just taking a "brave" stance and not pariticpating but guess what? We live in America and its their right to not stand, I don't like it but as a fellow citizen I need to respect it.

I'm a patriot to the core, I sincerely believe we are the greatest country that currently or has ever existed since the dawn of man. However I'm aware we have a mixed history, we have made mistakes and we will make them in the future as well. But we need to be aware of them and learn from them so we can become better and greater. What he is trying to spread is Nationalism and while there isn't anything wrong with it in small doses. However there is a problem when you aggressively go after people who don't agree with you, when you turn a blind eye to the mistakes we make as a country. That is when problems arise.

Sorry about ranting like this, I usually try and stay away of political discussions or even the news it's just so frustrating anymore.
This week has been really, really bad for President Trump and his administration. I just fully wrapped my head around it but wow... not a lot of silver lining here.
The actual muscle movements on the ground in PR have been pretty swift between the MEU and and now JTF on the ground. More guys deploying through the week. The spat between the Mayor of San Juan and President Trump appears to be a purely political move on her part. She's not exactly on the up and up side in her support of characters. But the fact that he's continuing to respond and lash out on twitter is taking away from the coverage of the actions being executed by said relief task force that has been deployed. Sir needs to get off twitter, and I don't think he ever will.

My buddy who's super liberal lawyer in the Bay was telling me that I needed to read this tax reform bill, slowly, as if I was drinking a single barrel bourbon because it was well written.
This week has been really, really bad for President Trump and his administration. I just fully wrapped my head around it but wow... not a lot of silver lining here.
Yeah. It takes a really, really cool guy to disparage Puerto Rico because of its debt, as well as the mayor of San Juan, just days after the whole place was absolutely obliterated by a hurricane.

Oh, it also shouldn't surprise anyone that he's at Bedminster right now.
Yeah. It takes a really, really cool guy to disparage Puerto Rico because of its debt, as well as the mayor of San Juan, just days after the whole place was absolutely obliterated by a hurricane.

Oh, it also shouldn't surprise anyone that he's at Bedminster right now.
That's certainly one example.

Healthcare failing (again), the N Korea situation, Kushner's private email server, the insane tax proposal that would benefit President Trump specifically $1.1B (with a B, not a typo) and the "resignation" of multiple high level officials for their private jet travel....

It's hard to stay positive right now. I think that's what I am saying.
Amidst all of this chaos, I'm glad that he can take the time to remind us what's really important

Amidst all of this chaos, I'm glad that he can take the time to remind us what's really important


I will say this, President Trump knows how to play to the voters who put him in office. Take the average American voter. What do you think is a bigger concern to them? Relief efforts in a place they have never been, and may or may not realize is a US territory? Or seeing pro athletes stand for the national anthem on the NFL Package they pay $X per month for? I have said it before, and it bears repeating again here; the majority populous of this board "gets it". They are focused on what's really important, consider 2nd/3rd order effects, care about the big picture, etc. Your average voter? I don't think there's near as much of a focus on things that don't directly affect them. "Goddammit, Jim's son died in IRQ/AFG, and these millionaire athletes can't even stand for the anthem? That's bullshit. At least Trump says something about it. Obama never would have done that."
I will say this, President Trump knows how to play to the voters who put him in office. Take the average American voter. What do you think is a bigger concern to them? Relief efforts in a place they have never been, and may or may not realize is a US territory? Or seeing pro athletes stand for the national anthem on the NFL Package they pay $X per month for? I have said it before, and it bears repeating again here; the majority populous of this board "gets it". They are focused on what's really important, consider 2nd/3rd order effects, care about the big picture, etc. Your average voter? I don't think there's near as much of a focus on things that don't directly affect them. "Goddammit, Jim's son died in IRQ/AFG, and these millionaire athletes can't even stand for the anthem? That's bullshit. At least Trump says something about it. Obama never would have done that."

This is what is scary in my opinion, we've drifted so far from looking at and trying to solve actual problems we as a people just look for the confirmation bias and something to make us feel outraged. I'll admit I can be in that same group from time to time, it's hard to escape it, but a change needs to happen or the problems were experiencing will only grow worse as time goes on until it becomes almost impossible to repair the damage being caused right now.
I will say this, President Trump knows how to play to the voters who put him in office. Take the average American voter. What do you think is a bigger concern to them? Relief efforts in a place they have never been, and may or may not realize is a US territory? Or seeing pro athletes stand for the national anthem on the NFL Package they pay $X per month for? I have said it before, and it bears repeating again here; the majority populous of this board "gets it". They are focused on what's really important, consider 2nd/3rd order effects, care about the big picture, etc. Your average voter? I don't think there's near as much of a focus on things that don't directly affect them. "Goddammit, Jim's son died in IRQ/AFG, and these millionaire athletes can't even stand for the anthem? That's bullshit. At least Trump says something about it. Obama never would have done that."

I think that's what came into focus for me most clearly this last two weeks. The President, at least on some level, understands what he's doing when he picks these public fights. There was reporting from leaks in his administration that the President was very concerned about his 'base' numbers (Brietbart-centric voters) after his budget deal with the Democrats. So, what does he do - start a fight on twitter where cultural concerns will take primacy. The twitter spats are easier to cover, easier to elicit opinions from everyone (who knows enough about healthcare to comment - but everyone will speculate about personal behavior and their sports teams), and will hit all the underlying cultural fault lines in our country - race, class, income disparity, celebrity, tribal politics - and can be adjudicated endlessly on social media.

I think the President has a favored playbook he's been using from the beginning - and it's only going to continue. Any criticism or mistakes he makes are in fact attacks from 'fake', 'biased', and 'enemies of the American people' that shouldn't just be dismissed - you must hate and revile the messenger themselves. If you adhere - even on an emotional level - to anything the President does or says then you are in his tribe - and any criticism of the President is in fact an attack on you. When facts, policy, or real events start to take precedence in the news cycle it's time for divisive cultural debates that will solidify the tribal nature of discourse - there's no use trying to convince people, just re-inforce their existing heuristics.

I'd like to say that kind of Bolshevism cannot be sustained in this country but, it's gotten him this far and every indication (IMO) is mainstream Republicanism is moving in line to support the President - not the other way around. Control of all 3 branches of the federal government, 34 of 50 state governorships, something like 24 states with total Republican control of the government (legislature and executive), and an election map that heavily favors Republicans in 2018 (significant gerrymandering and voter suppression in the house and 25 of 33 senate seats are Democrats up for re-election, more than a third in states the President carried in 2016). I think the question becomes less about if this will continue and more about what the country looks like at the national and international level after 3 more years of it.

EDIT. I also thought this article: How Fake News Turned a Small Town Upside Down is a great example of the disconnect on 'fake news.' This is what I think fake news is - fabricated stories, in whole or in significant part, to advance an existing narrative. It's why I think the idea 'all news' is somehow biased or fake is total bullshit. Fake news is being generated and propagated by a single group at the fringes (or maybe not so fringe anymore) of the conservative movement.
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So, Rex Tillerson spoke to the media yesterday saying that the US and North Korea have been speaking and his immediate goal is to calm the situation down.

POTUS has just tweeted this...


This is so insane I had to look it up. Jesus Christ...
Holy shit.
Yeah. It's almost like that can't actually be real. But it IS real.

This caps off a week's worth of events that, standing on their own, would be national news and really really bad. Except there were 7 events.
It's like having that one friend who can't defend himself but is always starting shit at a bar or something because he knows you'll fight for him anyways.
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