The Trump Presidency

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Earlier in this thread, I believe, we had people defending the travel ban because the POTUS has the ability to limit immigration. Rewind to Obama doing it with DACA it is overreach by the executive. Undoing it or issuing an EO against immigration is then ok?
Earlier in this thread, I believe, we had people defending the travel ban because the POTUS has the ability to limit immigration. Rewind to Obama doing it with DACA it is overreach by the executive. Undoing it or issuing an EO against immigration is then ok?

Right or wrong (with either of those actions), this is one reason immigration needs to go through Congress. Of course there will always be exceptions, and I do not profess to be smart enough to know how to deal with those.
It doesn't address the legal argument - though I have read plenty of credible sources that President Obama's actions on DACA were perfectly legal - but I think this gives a good short summary of the costs of the President's decision on DACA: The mind-boggling cost of DACA repeal

It also takes a strong values stance against the decision - so if that bias invalidates the fiscal arguments for you skip it.
It doesn't address the legal argument - though I have read plenty of credible sources that President Obama's actions on DACA were perfectly legal - but I think this gives a good short summary of the costs of the President's decision on DACA: The mind-boggling cost of DACA repeal

It also takes a strong values stance against the decision - so if that bias invalidates the fiscal arguments for you skip it.

That article is completely based on Congress being unable to come up with a solution. Granted, with their track record, is a likely scenario. Trump has said he doesn't want to deport any of the "dreamers" and I don't see why we wouldn't believe that's the case.
Earlier in this thread, I believe, we had people defending the travel ban because the POTUS has the ability to limit immigration. Rewind to Obama doing it with DACA it is overreach by the executive. Undoing it or issuing an EO against immigration is then ok?
The US Code give the president the ability to shut off immigration. Based on what I've read, it does not give the power of EO to stop people from getting deported.
The US Code give the president the ability to shut off immigration. Based on what I've read, it does not give the power of EO to stop people from getting deported.

I think you may be wrong on this. I believe the Supreme Court has supported the discretionary enforcement of laws by the Executive branch. I might be missing the connection, but it sounds relevant.
That article is completely based on Congress being unable to come up with a solution. Granted, with their track record, is a likely scenario. Trump has said he doesn't want to deport any of the "dreamers" and I don't see why we wouldn't believe that's the case.

I don't know, I have trouble believing the President's policy statements on just about anything. Maybe that has to do with my one biases, but I think a lot of it has to do with his actions on his stated policies. I think too the executive can't say if congress doesn't come to a deal that now they aren't going to enforce the law - or that somehow the executive has washed it's hands of the whole thing. But, I guess we'll know in 6 months or less.
I thought that Clinton golf ball gif tweet was pretty childish.

Every time I think maybe someone within the White House has been able to figure out a way to keep *Pres* Trump from stepping on his own D, he does something like this.

I need to go back and do some more reading, but I thought I had saw that he had tweeted something about England knowing in advance about the recent terrorist attack?

True or not, you just can't do shit like that when you are President of United States.

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Hillary and Trump.
Sir, I just don't get it.

I don't like the president's views, stance, actions or anything else really. But he is the president. His name/title is President Trump. Or Mr. President, or something befitting the office.

I don't like it, and I would prefer to speak my mind 100% of the time, but I don't because the office deserves respect and that's the standard here and I am in the military and beholden to certain aspects of decorum. I believe commissioned officers are as well.
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Every time I think maybe someone within the White House has been able to figure out a way to keep Trump from stepping on his own D, he does something like this.

I need to go back and do some more reading, but I thought I had saw that he had tweeted something about England knowing in advance about the recent terrorist attack?

True or not, you just can't do shit like that when you are President of United States.

Yes, I read that one yesterday. If it were true it would have meant they'd have picked him up before the attack...not at the border.
Low level fucktard, who couldn't even get the chemistry right (thank fuck). I'm not in front of all the information but it always looks clearer in the rear view mirror. POTUS looks to be playing to the crowd which makes those with the attention span of a goldfish appreciate his beating up on a) Brit intel;
not forgetting to mention Iraq for which the Brits had a metric fuck tonne dating back to Lawrence, which somehow was disregarded) and b) Muslims generally. FFS the majority aren't the enemy. I'd have thought with Bannon gone he would stop treading on his cock.
AJ+ put a video on Facebook with Trump and Rouhani's speech next to each other.

The comments section full of idiots was really poor to see. Our populace is extremely ignorant.
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