The Trump Presidency

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Summary: First Lady donates Dr. Seuss books to a Massachusetts library. Librarian rejects them, very publicly, for being "racist."

But despite the gesture, Liz Phipps Soeiro, a librarian at a public school in Cambridge, wrote a letter to the first lady, which was then published on The Horn Book blog, notifying Mrs. Trump that her school would “not be keeping the titles” for their collection, explaining that her school didn’t have a “NEED” for the books, due to her school and library’s “award-winning” status.
“I work in a district that has plenty of resources, which contributes directly to ‘excellence,’” Soeiro wrote. “My students have access to a school library with over nine thousand volumes and a librarian with a graduate degree in library science.”

um, ok, a simple "thank you for your gift, we will pay this forward to other schools in our community whose need is greater" may have sufficed.

“Another fact that many people are unaware of is that Dr. Seuss’s illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes,” Soeiro wrote, giving examples of "If I Ran a Zoo" and "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" as clear “racist mockery” in Seuss’ art.

Ah, right. There it is.
I generally separate Mrs. Trump from her husband, mostly because:

1. She seems like the most reluctant first lady in history

2. She seems to be thinking that this is the rich man's version of buying a motorbike later in life.

That's a way, way funnier way to think about the FLOTUS.

Like, she's just sitting there every day going, "Are we still doing this? YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK YOU WERE GOING TO WIN WE JOKED AROUND ABOUT THIS. Ugh, whatever."
Summary: First Lady donates Dr. Seuss books to a Massachusetts library. Librarian rejects them, very publicly, for being "racist."

um, ok, a simple "thank you for your gift, we will pay this forward to other schools in our community whose need is greater" may have sufficed.

Ah, right. There it is.
Same librarian had previously dressed up as a Dr. Seuss Character for his birthday.

And the Mayor of San Juan hasn't been to any of the meetings...San Juan Mayor Admits She Hasn't Met With Federal Officials At Joint Field Office Over Hurricane Relief Efforts
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I'm a dum dum when it comes to geopolitics, but I gotta say that I love that the subhuman monsters who run the DPRK are getting a taste of their own medicine. For years the Nork royalty issued threats and stoked fear around the world in order to get their way, now they have no idea what our response is going to be. I sincerly hope that the Nork royals and their cronies recieve the same fate that they bestowed upon those that they deemed enemies.

To peasants like me, it is a breath of fresh air that we have a president that is calling out other countries on their shit. While I know that the twitters coming from the Whitehouse aren't the sneakiest way of conducting foreign policy, I'm glad things are out in the open. The whole NK becoming a nuclear state fiasco, has been one giant game of kick the can that fell in the current presidents lap. I don't blame POTUS for finding the NORK's a nuclear state unacceptable.

If the rest of the world is going to blame us for every little thing, then why not act like the bad guys they make us out to be? Then again, what do I know? I'm just a dumb peon.
It was previously reported by NBC that Tillerson had thought of leaving the administration per this article. And he stated this morning that was not the case and was BS reporting: Secretary of State Tillerson: 'I have never considered leaving'

NBC also noted that two State Department spokespersons had denied the idea that Tillerson had thought of leaving, both at the time of his supposed crisis of faith and when they contacted the State Department for the story.

But yeah... #FakeNews I suppose.
NBC also noted that two State Department spokespersons had denied the idea that Tillerson had thought of leaving, both at the time of his supposed crisis of faith and when they contacted the State Department for the story.

But yeah... #FakeNews I suppose.
Life in a clickbait world.
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