The Trump Presidency

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America just quit UNESCO. Pretty big deal. Probably a long time coming.

U.S. officials have told The Associated Press on Thursday that the United States is pulling out of UNESCO, after repeated criticism of resolutions by the U.N. cultural agency that Washington sees as anti-Israel.

The U.S. stopped funding UNESCO after it voted to include Palestine as a member in 2011, but the State Department has maintained a UNESCO office at its Paris headquarters and sought to weigh in on policy behind the scenes.

The withdrawal was confirmed Thursday by U.S. officials speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to be publicly named discussing the decision. It comes as UNESCO is voting to choose a new director.
You'd think that all the other anti-Israeli groups' activities in destroying UNESCO World Heritage sites would be noticed..
I came across this video today, Trump doesn't seem to know what the song "Retreat" is or why it's being played. Obviously this video could be taken out of context, they could be inside it's not exactly clear, so standing wouldn't really be necessary.

He could of earned some kudos here though by acknowledging the song and military tradition that goes along with it.

I want to let you in on a little secret.

You ready?

The secret is that he's never actually cared about the military, other than as a rhetorical bludgeon.
I want to let you in on a little secret.

You ready?

The secret is that he's never actually cared about the military, other than as a rhetorical bludgeon.

Psssssst. Hey, you. C’mere. No, over here in this dark alley. Lemme tell you something... No shit!
Which makes him no different than 90%+ of politicians in that specific regard.

^^^You might wanna take lessons from this guy.
Here's a good one for Eminem
Man! Did that freestyle hit home for you sir? All your FB friends spinning you up? Everyone had sort of moved on and you re-addressed it.

Here's a good example of who Em is as a community leader- which also addresses the issue of knowing exactly shit about who a person actually is, what they do in their professional life, and how we treat them when they wade into political conversations without actually doing research first.

So, I will ask directly- now that you know Marshall Mathers has given easily more than $1 Million of his own money directly to Detroit charities (and continues to do so) and allowing his fame to aid in other fundraisers to contribute more than that, and he's an American citizen exercising his free speech, do you still feel that he should remain silent when he apparently feels very strongly about this issue? If so, why?
He is the commander in chief. That means that he controls the fate of everyone in the military. He should be among the 10% that actually gives a shit.
Well I guess it's a good thing we've expanded the authorized strength of the Army almost immediately once he took office...after three different drawdowns during the Obama administration.

@amlove21 I just thought it was funny and it was getting too serious. I'm glad he's donated money to help out. But that doesn't stop the fact that Detroit became a wasteland due to Democratic policies. So there's that. But like I said it was getting too serious so thought I'd share something I giggled at. And as far as my facebook feed is concerned, it probably looks more like @Salt USMC 's with the amount of California liberal friends I have. In regards to Marshall being silent, I already stated why, he's rapped about raping both his wife and his mother, he's hardly the person you should be attempting to defend.

ETA: So, um, this could be bad. Obamacare bombshell: Trump kills key payments to health insurers
In regards to Marshall being silent, I already stated why, he's rapped about raping both his wife and his mother, he's hardly the person you should be attempting to defend.

ETA: So, um, this could be bad. Obamacare bombshell: Trump kills key payments to health insurers
I will say this first- I accept your opinion, but I willfully reject your advice on whom I should defend. Also, considering his massive donations and active philanthropy, I suppose I could choose a worse horse to back than Marshall Mathers.

Let's pretend Em just rapped those things because it fits his narrative at the time and it helped him sell records.. Let's pretend, for instance, that he never ACTUALLY raped his mother, or his girlfriend, or went to space, or did drugs, or dated Mariah Carey, or was an animal, or an alien, or a fictional famous person, or a famous boxeer, or literally anything else he has EVER RAPPED ABOUT. Weird thing about rap- you get to use hyperbole. I will be willing to totally discount absolutely everything he has ever said "on wax" since day one. I will accept that you can say those things are deplorable and not acceptable.

Do you think that American citizens occupying high tax brackets or positions of fame should not be allowed to protest or speak out when we consider their past positions or statements?
I watched the MM video. On the whole, it is another guy's viewpoint but with a different sort of delivery than we're used to. Did I agree with all of it? No, but that's how the world works. What I took issue with is his line in the sand or whatever comments right at the end. Fan of MM and supporter of Trump gets a fuck you and go elsewhere? Screw that. His message lost a lot of power by doing some of the very shit both parties complain about. You aren't allowed to have views in America, you're only allowed a side, and that's not even remotely healthy for any group of people.
I want to let you in on a little secret.

You ready?

The secret is that he's never actually cared about the military, other than as a rhetorical bludgeon.

Neither did Obama or Clinton. With regard to politicians in high office or notable personalities: W was at least an NG vet. Al Gore was a vet. I believe Reagan's sentiments toward the military were absolutely sincere. Bush the First was a certified hitter. Carter and Nixon were former Naval officers. JFK was a hero. Eisenhower...well...fucking Supreme Allied Commander.

We're in the era now where a lot of politicians never had to serve so their appreciation of the military is based on their upbringing and political views. I personally look at Clinton (and Rush Limbaugh for that matter) as draft avoiding non-hacks.

Which makes him no different than 90%+ of politicians in that specific regard.


Psssssst. Hey, you. C’mere. No, over here in this dark alley. Lemme tell you something... No shit!

^^^You might wanna take lessons from this guy.

Neither did Obama or Clinton. With regard to politicians in high office or notable personalities: W was at least an NG vet. Al Gore was a vet. I believe Reagan's sentiments toward the military were absolutely sincere. Bush the First was a certified hitter. Carter and Nixon were former Naval officers. JFK was a hero. Eisenhower...well...fucking Supreme Allied Commander.

We're in the era now where a lot of politicians never had to serve so their appreciation of the military is based on their upbringing and political views. I personally look at Clinton (and Rush Limbaugh for that matter) as draft avoiding non-hacks.



Not only have they not had to serve, some used privilege to dodge it. I know some civilians who think only lower class people without options serve in the military. What would make a wealthy politician think otherwise? Some politicians are just paying the guards.
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So, I will ask directly- now that you know Marshall Mathers has given easily more than $1 Million of his own money directly to Detroit charities (and continues to do so) and allowing his fame to aid in other fundraisers to contribute more than that, and he's an American citizen exercising his free speech, do you still feel that he should remain silent when he apparently feels very strongly about this issue? If so, why?

I don't feel that he should be silenced by anything other than his lack of intelligence; "Em's" charitable donations are irrelevant to the discussion.
His message lost a lot of power by doing some of the very shit both parties complain about. You aren't allowed to have views in America, you're only allowed a side, and that's not even remotely healthy for any group of people.

^This. I'll listen to anyone explain their viewpoints for as long as they want to explain it to me as a fellow educated, rational human being. The biggest problem with both extremes of our political spectrum is this nonsensical "with us or against us" mentality. That, and when folks seem to blindly believe anything and everything their "team" spouts off through the media. Have a goddam discerning eye and as @amlove21 mentioned a few posts up, do your damn research - all it takes is a solid google search 99% of the time. \endrant
Neither did Obama or Clinton. With regard to politicians in high office or notable personalities: W was at least an NG vet. Al Gore was a vet. I believe Reagan's sentiments toward the military were absolutely sincere. Bush the First was a certified hitter. Carter and Nixon were former Naval officers. JFK was a hero. Eisenhower...well...fucking Supreme Allied Commander.

We're in the era now where a lot of politicians never had to serve so their appreciation of the military is based on their upbringing and political views. I personally look at Clinton (and Rush Limbaugh for that matter) as draft avoiding non-hacks.

10 presidents did not serve. Of course Obama and Clinton; the last one prior was FDR.

At the end of the day while it's nice to have a CINC who has been there and done that because, you know, walk a mile in my shoes and all, it's certainly not a necessity. BUT....don't be openly derisive and disrespectful. I felt Obama and Clinton were hostile to the military and looked down upon them. Others can certainly disagree, but that was my view.
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