The Trump Presidency

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The EPA has a long history of erroneous environmental decisions.
What would they be afraid of? Good science stands up to a second look, crappy science doesn't pass peer reviews.

The key word there is peer bud.

Politicians are not peers.

The EPA has a long history of erroneous environmental decisions.
What would they be afraid of? Good science stands up to a second look, crappy science doesn't pass peer reviews.
Environmental science shouldn't be scrutinized prior to release by politicians. It should be scrutinized by, you know, scientists.
You know, the Soviets has a word for this kind of position: Politruk
Environmental science shouldn't be scrutinized prior to release by politicians. It should be scrutinized by, you know, scientists.
You know, the Soviets has a word for this kind of position: Politruk
Environmental science doesn't consist of much science, it consists of predictions made by computers.
Environmental science doesn't consist of much science, it consists of predictions made by computers.

Oh man, this gave me the biggest laugh I've had on this site in a long time. You definitely can't trust those computers - what with the little demons running around in them putting whatever they want on the screen. Can't wait to hear your summary of the other sciences.

Also, the internet is just a series of tubes...
Computer models aren't even science, they are programmed predictions.

Climate scientists have already shown their politicized hand by planning their march on Washington.

CO2 is one of the less potent greenhouse gases, the most potent- H2O. Additionally, oxidative stress is a leading cause of death around the world.

We need to ban water and oxygen. Science.

Thanks for your expert opinion. Provide your background education, peer reviewed studies, and published papers on the topic of climate science.
Oh man, this gave me the biggest laugh I've had on this site in a long time. You definitely can't trust those computers - what with the little demons running around in them putting whatever they want on the screen. Can't wait to hear your summary of the other sciences.

Also, the internet is just a series of tubes...
Fact- climate change is occurring and has been since the dawn of time, evident by I've ages.

Assumption- man can somehow speed up this process.

Fallacy- a program I have created shows how we are causing it (if I punch in these numbers).

We've missed so many climate change predictions; the scientists are like palm readers with a horrific track record.

Thanks for your expert opinion. Provide your background education, peer reviewed studies, and published papers on the topic of climate science.
I present to you, empirical data showing the jackassery of climate change predictions.climate_predictions.jpg
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I present to you, empirical data showing the jackassery of climate change predictions.View attachment 17854

Not going to cut it homey.

If we know the world is heating up, causing a rise in the levels of the oceans waters, why wouldn't we make every effort to acknowledge that, and try and prevent the long term consequences?
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It doesn't really matter. What does matter is that cooler heads have prevailed and climate hypotheses no longer run the government.

It will matter when our major cities are underwater, and we are unprepared for major weather events that will come with a warming of our oceans.
If we know the world is heating up, causing a rise in the levels of the oceans waters, why wouldn't we make every effort to acknowledge that, and try and prevent the long term consequences?
How many ice ages have occurred? Are you so arrogant as to think that you could influence or change a cycle that has been taking place for millions of years? We might as well start working on stopping the rising and setting of the sun.

@TLDR20 @Salt USMC
Hey, you guys remember when that research vessel got stuck in the arctic ice? Wasn't that in 2016??? I guess their work wasn't PEER REVIEWED!!!
Global Warming Expedition Stopped In Its Tracks By Arctic Sea Ice
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The EPA has a long history of erroneous environmental decisions.
What would they be afraid of? Good science stands up to a second look, crappy science doesn't pass peer reviews.
Ah yes, the EPA...let's throw a bone to someone so we get sued and ordered by a court to do something and say: hey, we were ordered to do this.

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Edit: You know what? Fuck it. You're not going to be change your mind regardless of what anyone writes.
I saw what you wrote; I chose to be weary of any science that ties itself so tightly to a political agenda, no matter how great of experts it's proponents claim to be.
If climate change/global warming were so cut-and-dry, there would not be any issues. Part of the problem is, people say "but peer-reviewed articles!" Sure, and there are scholarly peer-reviewed articles both for and against the claim of man-caused global warming. And those computer and statistical models? Yeah, many have been flawed, and that's been pointed out in the media.

So what there appears to be is, instead of an industry-wide, unified position, is consensus, with the pro-climate change/global warming position with a seat at the table.

I can see why people think both the ice age cometh and our seas are going to boil over.

It's like trying to define what a catch is in the NFL and the ref and ump disagreeing, and the replay not helping.
Also, this "scientists march on Washington" isn't just climate scientists. At all.

Of the now 7 people I personally know planning on attending, there are zero climate change scientists. There are however physicians(2x), Nurses(2x), Biomedical engineers (3x) Chemical Engineers, and mechanical engineers. All but me have advanced degrees in their fields, including Ph.Ds, genetics fellowships, and masters degrees.
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