The Trump Presidency

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Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing James Comey

So now he's said that the Russia investigation was part of the reason he decided to fire him, along with the fact he was gonna fire him regardless of whether or not Sessions and Rosenstein made their recommendations.

Someone needs to reign him in, the likes of VP Pence, Spicer and Sanders coming out and pushing the narrative that it was a result of the recommendations he received, in order to try kill some of the uproar and then Trump just blows it all out of the water in one interview. It's madness.

Come on POTUS, there's no need for this type of thing. I was on the fence about his use of Twitter for awhile, but it's getting bad.
Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing James Comey

So now he's said that the Russia investigation was part of the reason he decided to fire him, along with the fact he was gonna fire him regardless of whether or not Sessions and Rosenstein made their recommendations.

Someone needs to reign him in, the likes of VP Pence, Spicer and Sanders coming out and pushing the narrative that it was a result of the recommendations he received, in order to try kill some of the uproar and then Trump just blows it all out of the water in one interview. It's madness.

The nitty gritty, right there.
Just when I think he's maybe turning the corner on his behavior by holding himself to a higher standard and self filtering, he does something like this.

His unpredictability is the only thing predictable about him. He's either crazy like a fox...or well, maybe just crazy. They say leadership is lonely at the top but come on... With his behavior I've got to believe it's going to be increasingly difficult to find high quality people that are willing to work with/for him.
Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing James Comey

So now he's said that the Russia investigation was part of the reason he decided to fire him, along with the fact he was gonna fire him regardless of whether or not Sessions and Rosenstein made their recommendations.

Someone needs to reign him in, the likes of VP Pence, Spicer and Sanders coming out and pushing the narrative that it was a result of the recommendations he received, in order to try kill some of the uproar and then Trump just blows it all out of the water in one interview. It's madness.

When does it move from 'pushing the narrative' to just flat out being caught in a lie? I guess the view of political 'spin' is a sliding scale for all of us - depending on our political views. But, I think this is another clear case of the administration just flat out lying about something. Just with a much faster flash-to-bang of being found out and changing their tune.
Couple of things. Comey was done and probably should have canned him during the transition period. we like to call Tracy Smith at ASU...President Twitter Twit just can't stay offline...jesus.
I've seen a few defense blogs talk about this interview. Jesus Christ...

Read Donald Trump's Interview With TIME on Being President

Regarding the new USS Ford aircraft carriers:

You know the catapult is quite important. So I said what is this? Sir, this is our digital catapult system. He said well, we’re going to this because we wanted to keep up with modern [technology]. I said you don’t use steam anymore for catapult? No sir. I said, "Ah, how is it working?" "Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air."

It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said–and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said what system are you going to be–"Sir, we’re staying with digital." I said no you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.

What is digital indeed, Mr. President, what IS digital anway?
I've seen a few defense blogs talk about this interview. Jesus Christ...

Read Donald Trump's Interview With TIME on Being President

Regarding the new USS Ford aircraft carriers:

What is digital indeed, Mr. President, what IS digital anway?

Slate of all places had a pretty decent explanation of the flap: Everything You Need to Know About the “Digital” “Catapults” Donald Trump Thinks the Navy Doesn't Need

Wouldn't normally be my first choice for an explanation of Navy procurement and operations but pretty decent translation of what the President probably thought to how it actually came out.
"You know moderating is quite important. So I said what is this? Sir, this is our forum moderating system. He said well, we’re going to this because we wanted to keep up with modern [technology]. I said you don’t use Mods anymore for moderating? No sir. I said, "Ah, how is it working?" "Sir, not good. Not good. Mods don't have the power. You know the moderating is just brutal. You see members posting and going all over the place, there’s posts, memes, hijacking, and butthurt thrown in the air."

It sounded bad to me. Admins. They have Admins. What are Admins? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. I said what system are you going to be–"Sir, we’re staying with Admins." I said no you’re not. You going to goddamned Moderators, Admins complain too much and are never around and it’s no good."
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"You know moderating is quite important. So I said what is this? Sir, this is our forum moderating system. He said well, we’re going to this because we wanted to keep up with modern [technology]. I said you don’t use Mods anymore for moderating? No sir. I said, "Ah, how is it working?" "Sir, not good. Not good. Mods don't have the power. You know the moderating is just brutal. You see members posting and going all over the place, there’s posts, memes, hijacking, and butthurt thrown in the air."

It sounded bad to me. Admins. They have Admins. What are Admins? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. I said what system are you going to be–"Sir, we’re staying with Admins." I said no you’re not. You going to goddamned Moderators, Admins complain too much and are never around and it’s no good."

Wow. Well done. All of the points.
If you're hardly sharing it within your own government you shouldn't be sharing with the Sov- with Russia. Every President has known that.
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