The West Point Thread

Today is Reception Day, or "R-Day," at West Point.

Today we got more rain that I've seen all spring. I live in the town immediately outside of West Point. This was the view from my porch. The pics don't really do it justice, this was some r-a-i-n.


Weather radar. West Point is right in the middle.


Welcome to West Point, New Cadets!!
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I am seriously considering writing a law review article about West Point admissions, but I want to ask if it is appropriate having never been a student or applied in the first place. Thinking about the repercussions in light of the "split the baby" ruling in the Harvard and UNC cases with regard to the academies.
West Point's garrison commander is relieved, at least temporarily.

I don't know him, I don't know anything else about the situation, and the only reason I know it happened at all is because I read about it a few minutes ago.

I do know that West Point just got hit with the worst natural disaster in years, and it's a helluva time to pull the garrison commander...
Unfortunately, just mud and dirt.

A muddy reveal for mysterious West Point time capsule from 1820s A muddy reveal for mysterious West Point time capsule from 1820s

My first thought...this is the best, longest to reveal prank by an academy class ever!

Then again, I bet whoever put it there didn't expect it to sit this long. Or it was just an empty box to mess with whoever found it.

Either way, talk about a big production for such an anticlimactic reveal.
Unfortunately, just mud and dirt.

A muddy reveal for mysterious West Point time capsule from 1820s A muddy reveal for mysterious West Point time capsule from 1820s
I watched it live from my desk on campus. Lot of excitement, then disappointment.

The probably didn't have good Tupperware or vacuum-seal tech 200 years ago, so whatever they put in there, if it was anything at all, literally returned to dust. It's really too bad, it would have been really cool to see / read what someone from that long ago left for those who came after.
I watched it live from my desk on campus. Lot of excitement, then disappointment.

The probably didn't have good Tupperware or vacuum-seal tech 200 years ago, so whatever they put in there, if it was anything at all, literally returned to dust. It's really too bad, it would have been really cool to see / read what someone from that long ago left for those who came after.

It was probably a hand written note saying

ha ha simpsons GIF

And they farted in it before burying it.
Is it really "affirmative" action though ??
could it be something else going on here ??

I'd opine that it has NEVER been about "affirmative" action.
Never ever.

Affirmative signifies a positive or approving response, action, or attitude towards a given situation, idea, or statement. sounds almost like something taking place in a meritocracy.
Work hard - get a positive response
Maintain a positive attitude - enjoy positive returns

No sirree
We have "Affirmation Action" in our military institutions these days.
Affirmation is just a declaration that something is true. It doesn't have to be a positive or negative. It's more spiritual than factual...
...I feel good about myself.
...inclusivity is more important than the pursuit of excellence
...diversity is our strength

Its like we are breeding an Army of Stuart Smalleys.
It's also why people like Major General Ed Thomas are concerned that 86% of Air force pilots are white men - and why that needs to change.

That kind of thinking isn't affirmative.
Affirmative action is fielding the very best fucking warriors that our nation can muster - regardless of their race, creed, religion, gender, species, alma mater, sexual preference, or favorite brand of frozen concentrated orange juice.

Affirmation action is making sure that everyone is entitled to an equitable result.
“Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!”
Is it really "affirmative" action though ??
could it be something else going on here ??

I'd opine that it has NEVER been about "affirmative" action.
Never ever.

Affirmative signifies a positive or approving response, action, or attitude towards a given situation, idea, or statement. sounds almost like something taking place in a meritocracy.
Work hard - get a positive response
Maintain a positive attitude - enjoy positive returns

No sirree
We have "Affirmation Action" in our military institutions these days.
Affirmation is just a declaration that something is true. It doesn't have to be a positive or negative. It's more spiritual than factual...
...I feel good about myself.
...inclusivity is more important than the pursuit of excellence
...diversity is our strength

Its like we are breeding an Army of Stuart Smalleys.
It's also why people like Major General Ed Thomas are concerned that 86% of Air force pilots are white men - and why that needs to change.

That kind of thinking isn't affirmative.
Affirmative action is fielding the very best fucking warriors that our nation can muster - regardless of their race, creed, religion, gender, species, alma mater, sexual preference, or favorite brand of frozen concentrated orange juice.

Affirmation action is making sure that everyone is entitled to an equitable result.
“Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit, people like me!”

Exactly the same that "equal opportunity" is not about being equal it's about making some people more equal than others.