Things Every xxxxx Should Know

Don't do drugs. Trolls don't do drugs.
Seriously, though.
Be a sponge. Eyes, Ears and concentration. Only open your mouth to eat or ask a well researched question.

So, Sir - why all of the leading and introspective thread starting posts lately? Are you ok? [shakes Mara] Are you ok? [points to Boon] You! Go for help, call 911. [Troll Medic begins the initial assessment of the patient...]
The most important advice I can give, no matter what you are doing or plan on doing; enjoy the fuck out of life. :D Don't go crazy into debt to do retarded shit but stay within your means and have a good time. You never know when you'll hit that fictitious brick wall and life turns around to smash your junk up into your throat... :evil: So enjoy it while it lasts, then if your junk gets smashed, be positive and find new ways to make you happy or to do the things that made you happy in the first place.
The most important advice I can give, no matter what you are doing or plan on doing; enjoy the fuck out of life. :D Don't go crazy into debt to do retarded shit but stay within your means and have a good time. You never know when you'll hit that fictitious brick wall and life turns around to smash your junk up into your throat... :evil: So enjoy it while it lasts, then if your junk gets smashed, be positive and find new ways to make you happy or to do the things that made you happy in the first place.

X2 on the debt! Debt free is THE way to go!
X2 on the debt! Debt free is THE way to go!

I used to be debt free... not too long ago...:(not at the moment, though.

So, it was a brick wall falling out of the sky and smashing my junk into my face that caused it? I thought it was changing jobs and moving across the continent... same-same, I guess.

x3 on the be happy.
For the soldier:

Take care of your joints, and when you do bust your knees (and you will), listen to you physical therapist. You will heal much faster.

Refusal to write your own awards and or NCOERs is equal to refusing awards and promotion. Take it from a nine year E-5 with five deployments and two awards :D

Don't whine.
Decide what your standards and principals are and stick by them come hell or high water. Too many flip floppers these days running around from this to that because things don't go their way. Realize that everyone will not always agree or stand by you in the tough times and strong principals are a best friend when others are running for the door.
Until you’re married don’t ever let another person shape decisions about your future.

Just because you are monogamous doesn’t mean the person you’re sleeping with is. Wrap it up.

If you’re not happy with where you’re at in life it’s never too late to start from scratch.

Hardship and your memory of it will both pass with time.

There are times when taking a knee is the most macho thing you can do.

Whatever "it" is you'll always like it better when it's over.

The real ride always starts after you get off the bus.
Don't be a surgeon because you think it's "cool." Or that it makes you cool, or right about anything else. Do it because staying up 3 days in a row saving drug dealers who got shot is endlessly fascinating and makes you stay awake because you're really excited about everything you got to see, do, and learn.
As much as it sucks to hear cause it's cliche;

When you do school, regardless of what that "school" is, high school, college, masters...PhD (I would imagine this applies to any military school as well, but I'll leave it to BTDT's to confirm), etc. Do it to the best of you ability. There is plenty of time for everything at school, i.e. having fun as well as taking care of the business you are there to do. Even if you get to party less than the individual next door, it will benefit you much more to get what you can out of those classes for the long term. :) :2c:'s much easier to STAY in "shape" or well conditioned than it is to GET in shape or condition. :D
Integrity. Always practice honesty. If you can't be honest, don't say anything.

Give a days work for a days pay.

Never talk behind someone's back. It always gets back to them. If you can't say it to their face, don't say it. If others around you are gossiping, walking away is often the best solution.

Be courteous to everyone. Never hurts and you can always be discourteous later.

Cultivate friendships. Find people you like and work to develop friendships with them. The best friends are the ones that will check you when you're being a dumbass.

Call your mom; wish I was better at this one myself.

Tell the people who're important in your life how you feel about them. You never know when they'll be gone.
So, Sir - why all of the leading and introspective thread starting posts lately? Are you ok? [shakes Mara] Are you ok? [points to Boon] You! Go for help, call 911. [Troll Medic begins the initial assessment of the patient...]


To the sibling of a deployed soldier I'd offer the following insight..

Read, research and stay in the loop....but don't glue yourself to the news 24/7.

If you don't have a flag, buy one, put it up, think of your soldier and be proud.

Educate people, but never divulge too much info.

Upon their return be available, not overbearing.

Send care packages. Send letters. Accomodate special requests if possible.

Pray often, pray hard. If you have kids, encourage them to include your soldier in their prayers.

Stay busy. Think positive.
Whatever you do in life, whether it's digging ditches, kicking down doors or working at some fortune 500 company, doesn't matter. Even if you wind up digging ditches, be the best damn ditch digger that ever lived.

Know the difference between true friends and acquaintances.

Do the right thing. If if doesn't feel right, chances are it probably isn't.

Have the balls to speak up if you see something wrong and do something about it. To walk by, say nothing and do nothing just said it's okay and sets a whole new standard. You have also just made yourself a sheeple.

Notice the positives of those around you and acknowledge such. It's always more common to notice a screw up and give someone an ass chewing. And if that is the case, do it behind closed doors and out of earshot from everyone else. It's none of their business.

There's a time and a place for everything. Educating yourself and learning when exactly that is could make you a genius.

Work hard, but not so much that life passes you by. No one's ever been on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time on the job.

And when it is time to go, remember that you can't take it with you, but also, what you leave behind as your legacy may be more wealthy than all the riches in the world. :2c:
live your life today as if you would be standing in front of the man upstairs tomorrow.

keep an open mind about everything but make up your own.

bussiness is in the business of making money .you are expendable unless your the owner. therefore never give notice unless you have something else lined up.

treat people like you would like to be treated because one day your helper may be your boss

the higher and mightier you get the more it hurts when you hit bottom.

no matter how much your friends and family say you can count on them you are ultimately responsible for your own servival. govt programs were created to make politicians look good not to actually help you .

hope for the best but plan for the worst . still trying yo get this one through to the wife and kid
Don't be a slave to your demons, make them work for you. Respect people not simply for what they do but for what they would not do.
Oh yeah: beware of discussing your dream(s), it's an almost surefire way of making sure it/they won't happen.