First off RIP to all involved, and speedy recoveries to those being treated currently.
Now I have to say this thread is pretty goddamn absurd.
There are of course the pro-gun posts, which I understand, this is a mil forum. There are the underhanded racist posts which surprised me, then come the blatant conspiracy theory posts. All mixed in with a lot of not understanding the things being mocked.
It is funny to me actually, how in America today we cannot even say something might be fucked up without screaming xxxx LiVES MATTER! Of course they do, no reasonable person is saying they don't. Saying Black Lives matter doesn't even imply others don't. Saying eagles soar doesn't preclude other birds from flying.
We can't say that maybe people have reason to be upset when there is a video on the Internet of a cop shooting a dude point blank in the chest, while he seemed to be restrained. Obviously everyone isn't an expert in police tactics, we cannot all be experts in everything, but instead of even explaining it, or trying to see another point of view, it is "my privelege, and COP LIVES MATTER, and you weren't there, ...etc" both sides, instead of waiting for an investigation, went full fucking ballistic. This is a product of the world we live in, where video is changing the way we see interactions with police.
I'm not a police expert, but that shooting looked pretty goddamn terrible to me and probably a 100 million other Americans. I know shoot no shoots are stressful, and I cannot imagine what that officer is going through, not only from the shooting, but with all that has happened since. I also feel for the family of the gentleman that was shot, who have to watch him be shot point blank by the people we expect to protect us.
I know what is going to be responded to in this post. Someone will probably say I don't have any idea about use of force, like I said, I don't in the modern urban crime environment. Someone else will probably say that dude was a criminal, ok. Lastly some of the stats posted here straight up do not account for all kinds of wicked variables. I am too busy to go through and point out all the ways they are off, yet again. Bring on the hates.