United States & Gun Control discussion.

She escalated the situation when she prevented him from leaving, yeah DoJ or the locals might try to do something, but it's clear she is the aggressor, and knows it (otherwise why get pissed when she sees people recording).

She is going to continue being a bully until she gets arrested, or popped up side the head.
She is a racist thug, and nothing more.


Are we talking about the same "disagree"?

This is the post I was wondering "why" the disagree -
(post 2354 on page 118 of this thread)

Are we talking about the same "disagree"?

This is the post I was wondering "why" the disagree -
(post 2354 on page 118 of this thread)
Wrong thread (had two opened)

I disagree because the courts could "relook" previous decisions (by looking at "new" gun restrictions and vote 5-4 against us, allowing the feds and states to restrict ownership and types of weapons so severely no one could own anything.
Aren't educated people more concerned with the "Freedom Act" ? Our guard is already down. I would rather have my privacy than have to defend my actions with weapons.
HARTFORD — The memory of Lori Jackson, the Oxford mother of young twins who was murdered by her estranged husband nearly two years ago, was invoked Wednesday as House Democrats pushed through legislation that set off an evening-long debate on gun-owner rights and the safety of women, who are the most frequent victims of domestic violence.

The bill that passed the House late Wednesday — and immediately forwarded to the Senate — would result in the expedited seizure or surrender of firearms and ammunition within 24 hours by people, usually men, against whom restraining orders were filed. They would be allowed expedited court hearings, within seven days, and if found not to be a threat, their weapons and ammunition would be returned within five days.

If evidence of domestic abuse and violence were proven, as under current law, a full restraining order would be issued and the weapon could be held for a year or more.

BRIDGEPORT - The right to openly carry a firearm in Connecticut took a dramatic turn Wednesday when officials who gathered to call for a law that would clarify the open carry rules, came face to face with the man who started the controversy.

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, Police Chief Armando Perez and others held a press conference outside the city Police Department to lend their support to a bill that would require gun wearers to show a permit whenever police request it. The current law says police must have reasonable suspicion a criminal act is being committed to request to see a permit.

These are happening far around me. I can see both the pros and cons. The DV bill on face value I have no problem with, the open carry bill I am not so sure.
These are happening far around me. I can see both the pros and cons. The DV bill on face value I have no problem with, the open carry bill I am not so sure.

Maybe an LEO can chime in, but is a filed restraining order binding or just "the paperwork was submitted" and not enforceable?
Maybe an LEO can chime in, but is a filed restraining order binding or just "the paperwork was submitted" and not enforceable?

Speaking for PA, you get an answer immediately when you file for a protection from abuse order. You get an immediate ex parte hearing once the petition is completed. If approved, you leave the court with an enforceable emergency order. After this, there is another hearing to give the defendant an opportunity to defend themselves prior to a permanent (one year) order being granted.

The temporary emergency order is enough to seize weapons. However, on the pro-2A side we also give petitioners expedited processing i.e. immediate issue of a license to carry firearms if they want one.

Short answer- if the paperwork isn't signed by a judge it's worthless.
The process is similar in FL. You go to your local courthouse, or jail if it is a holiday or weekend (always a judge available for first appearances). If the petitioner meets the criteria then a temporary order is issued and sent to law enforcement for execution (usually within 24hours). The order is not in effect until the other party is served with the injunction. When the temp order is served, the respondent is usually notified of a hearing, usually within two weeks time. All firearms and ammunition are taken when the temporary order is issued. At the final hearing the judge determines whether to dismiss, modify, or make permanent the order. Violation of the order is only a misdemeanor.

I had to serve a temp injunction on a husband once that, of course, required the seizure of all firearms and ammunition. I worked a twelve and a half hour shift, and spent 11 of those hours seizing and processing several dozen firearms and boxes of ammunition. With the help of our crime scene tech. It was a nightmare.

ETA: I don't know why they passed that law, IIRC that is already federal law under the DV bill the Clinton passed during his administration. Maybe the timelines were strengthened?
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I actually had to walk away from the monitor for a few minutes. Amy Schumer has never been remotely funny to me, but now I find her completely hateable. This is what we are up against, Amy and their like create their funny little vignettes of nonsense, and then has fans mock legitimate gun owners based off her misinformation.

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I actually had to walk away from the monitor for a few minutes. Amy Schumer has never been remotely funny to me, but now I find her completely hateable. This is what we are up against, Amy and their like create their funny little vignettes of nonsense, and then has fans mock legitimate gun owners based off her misinformation.

The sheep willingly follow anyone that wants to shepherd them. They are blind as to the shepherds agendas...they simply want to be led.

They will do no research of their own because they would require work and expended energy that would take away from their "reality" based lives.

They are willfully led.
The sheep willingly follow anyone that wants to shepherd them. They are blind as to the shepherds agendas...they simply want to be led.

They will do no research of their own because they would require work and expended energy that would take away from their "reality" based lives.

They are willfully led.

It is a fucking comedy show.

Do you have any idea what Amy Schumers demographic is? I have seen every episode, I guess I'm just a sheep on my way to the wolf... I wish a sheepdog could come save me...:rolleyes: I think she is hilarious. The point of comedy is to point out the absurdity in things. No one should be getting their info from a sketch show. The sheep you speak of, who are they again? Who are these knuckle dragging mouth breathers who form opinions based off a sketch show? Do you really think that is who America is? Fuck man. Learn to take a joke
Correct, nobody should be getting their opinions off a comedy show, but they do. In the same way that John Stewart had an incredible influence in national politics, no one will ever be able to make me believe that he didn't. In fact, I will say that I am 100% convinced the Donald Trump would not be where he is right now if John Stewart were still on the air.

Amy Schumer has gone completely anti-gun since the movie theater shooting at the premiere of her movie, she is on the record with that. This video is a propaganda piece for that agenda; not a comedy bit. I do not know how you cannot see that.

Tell me I've drank the conspiracy Kool-Aid, that's fine. I will tell you that today's liberal has figured out how to use social media to get their agenda across. There are so many examples of this over the past decade, many of which we are discussing in multiple threads on this board right now - most I am learning to live with and even accept, but I will give not 1 inch when it comes to guns -

And yes, I do know her primary demographic, they are the women who in many cases hold Influence over men buying future guns and keeping them in their home. They are women who get their news from social media and believe the mistruths told in "comedy bits" like this.

One thing I have learned in my years reading your posts on this board, is that there is unlikely you are going to reply to this post with "oh yeah, I never thought of it that way." I don't expect you to, but I at least wanted to respond with what my reasoning was for being bothered by that clip.
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Celebrities influence people. Amy Schumer, Gary Sinise...same, same, only their views differ. They use their fame and availability as a bully pulpit and blur the lines between entertainment and activism. You rarely see a comic provide both views with equal representation or humor, so it is easy to see how they lean on a topic. I just want to be entertained, not sit through a political lecture by the Red or Blue.

With that said, there's no escaping it so like everything else in this world we don't like, we either change or endure.

FWIW in the trivia dept., she's Charles Schumer's second cousin.
I do understand your point @Ooh-Rah, I also think that comedy is just that. I think it is a hilarious double standard portrayed on this board when bitching about SJW's and how everyone is offended by everything, but when it hits something we care about we pull out the scoff and are upset.

It is obvious she has a view counter to yours. You have a voice and it is clear where you stand. You can become a world famous stand up comedian, work hard for years on the road, get your own show, and maybe then you can reach the same audience, kind of like Dennis Miller.

One thing I have learned in my years reading your posts on this board, is that there is zero chance you are going to reply to this post with "oh yeah, I never thought of it that way." I don't expect you to, but I at least wanted to respond with what my reasoning was for being bothered by that clip.

I don't know where this is coming from. I try my best to see things from the other point of view. Unfortunately there are maybe 3 of us on this board that try and keep this board from being a circle jerk echo chamber.

Last thing. My response you seemed upset about was to Agoge. I stand by thinking it is silly to get offended by jokes, but I do understand why you are upset. I am so sick and tired of the sheep analogy. I tire of anyone who doesn't agree being labeled some retarded sheep. It is such a lame analogy.
It is a fucking comedy show.

Do you have any idea what Amy Schumers demographic is? I have seen every episode, I guess I'm just a sheep on my way to the wolf... I wish a sheepdog could come save me...:rolleyes: I think she is hilarious. The point of comedy is to point out the absurdity in things. No one should be getting their info from a sketch show. The sheep you speak of, who are they again? Who are these knuckle dragging mouth breathers who form opinions based off a sketch show? Do you really think that is who America is? Fuck man. Learn to take a joke

Hmmm, that wasn't even comical, it was a social agenda speech with unfunny jokes. I don't really care who, why, or what the point is/was. That shit wasn't funny at all, not because I don't agree with the underlining bullshit message (which I do not) but because that shit just wasn't funny at all...seemed like a 6th grade comedy sketch for show and tell.
