United States & Gun Control discussion.

I don't see people flocking to leave California. In fact I think it is just the opposite.
Officially no longer a CA resident.


Are you joking or serious?

Texas booming popular growth explained

An enormous part of Texas' new folks are illegal migrants. Saying that is California's main problem IS the pot calling the kettle black.

Plenty of illegals, and they're not all Mexican. Lots and lots from all of Asia.

They are flocking to Texas, unless you are referring to those entering illegally.

Yeah...and they're liberal, going to Austin.

This is what appears for me
View attachment 17628
Same, paywalls.
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Officially no longer a CA resident.

Plenty of illegals, and they're not all Mexican. Lots and lots from all of Asia.

Yeah...and they're liberal, going to Austin.

Same, paywalls.

Lol. California has a 5% growth rate. Which is fine. Their economy is almost equal to what 35 of the other states combined? California is fine with these laws, they did vote on them.
I don't see people flocking to leave California. In fact I think it is just the opposite.

Your words imply that nobody is going to Texas from California. Please reconsider your thinking on that. While reading my favorite right wing rag, the Austin American Statesman, they linked through to this breakdown by CultureMaps of growth in Austin, and how much of it is attributed to Californians. While it may not be on the level of Jews fleeing the Pharaoh, it certainly is happening.

I'm certain that, if I had more time, I could provide numbers for the rest of Texas, but the example will have to do.
What if, and I'm just spitballing here, Californians were leaving in droves for TX, but TX's economy still lagged behind CA's? "Correlation does not imply causation" or something like that.
What if, and I'm just spitballing here, Californians were leaving in droves for TX, but TX's economy still lagged behind CA's? "Correlation does not imply causation" or something like that.

What if, it didn't matter, because a shitload of other people are still moving to California? That is the reality.

Conservatives love to bash California like it is some liberal shithole. Reality shows something totally different, GDP that destroys the rest of American states, trade that rivals other countries in the top 10. But when you are from there, or live there, it is just fine. California is a fantastic place to live and work. Particularly if you are in the military. Other than the shitty gun laws, there isn't that much bad there.

Comparing Texas and California would be great if they were equals in any way. They aren't though.
Sorry...was not addressing the GDP. Was just commenting on "Yeah...and they're liberal, going to Austin."
I'm just saying, trying to say everyone is leaving California and moving to Texas is bunk.

People go to where there are jobs, in America, there are more jobs in California.

People care about jobs first, gun rights aren't the reason people move somewhere unless they have the freedom of choice...
People care about jobs first, gun rights aren't the reason people move somewhere unless they have the freedom of choice...

I guess I agree/disagree with this statement. Assuming I would move to Cali, I had the opportunity to accept a promotion at a prior job. I declined, for no reason other than I have had a carry permit for 20+ years and the idea of suddenly losing that freedom was not a sacrifice I was willing to make.