United States & Gun Control discussion.

People are quite shocked when I recommend they get a gun, training to use it, and a license to carry it. It’s funny to watch.

Much of the resistance to this comes from politically appointed chiefs and not the rank and file.

I would guess it depends somewhat on the AO. In rural areas, like where I am, the deputies pretty much assume everybody's got guns and dogs. The politics are different than the cities.
I would guess it depends somewhat on the AO. In rural areas, like where I am, the deputies pretty much assume everybody's got guns and dogs. The politics are different than the cities.

Very true. Philly is a bastion of liberal thought, so people are somewhat taken aback by the notion that they are responsible for their own safety.
Would anyone be opposed to mandatory training before being able to purchase a handgun? Local gun shops/NRA-type instructors would get some business and it would hopefully reduce the amount of idiots with guns. Many gun ranges already require a training session with an instructor before they'll let you shoot there. I appreciate firearms and plan to own several of my own when the time comes, but we can't ignore that there are a lot of idiots with guns that give everyone else a bad image. My state just allowed anyone over 21 to carry concealed without a permit, which isn't necessarily entirely bad, but I know a lot of morons that I wouldn't want carrying a gun, let alone without any training.
Would anyone be opposed to mandatory training before being able to purchase a handgun?

Purchase? Yes I would be opposed.

Carry? No, I am not opposed. In fact that is one of the reasons I am not for a national carry law unless there is a defined standard of training.
That opinion alone my friends, is what has gotten me “uninvited” from events and get-togethers that my gun-carrying buddies at the range attend.
Purchase? Yes I would be opposed.

Carry? No, I am not opposed. In fact that is one of the reasons I am not for a national carry law unless there is a defined standard of training. And that opinion alone my friends, is what has gotten me “uninvited” from events and get-togethers my gun-carrying buddies at the range attend.
I'm not definitively against having the standard for carrying instead of just purchasing, I just think it'd be hard to prevent someone from carrying if they already own the gun.
Those titles could be interchanged with "Politicians."

There comes a time in LE that one has decide whether to take the road whereby you remain a career LEO or you take the road that leads you down the political avenue. It's a choice! Those political hack leaders are simply that...hacks of their governments. They should be recognized as such and nothing more. LEO's they are not!

Very true....I cringe whenever the good idea fairies write an article in the ICAP magazine.
Interesting post, Point 4: policy has worked here & seen a decline in domestic homicide accordingly. Point 5: correct, as we didn’t have a revolution here. Though surprisingly our Constitution is based in part on the US model.

Additionally, POTUS focus on mental health would be a good place to start.
Any mandate, and maybe this point has been made, is going to need Local LE to enforce it. The day the Governement attempts to disarm the citizens is the day many (including me) will walk away from the career field.
Point 5: correct, as we didn’t have a revolution here. Though surprisingly our Constitution is based in part on the US model.

One of the biggest challenges (read: bang head against wall), is trying to educate our fellow anti-gun 'Mercans how 2A different. The suggestions are always restrict access, license and test like owning a car, etc. Just imagine changing the name of the argument: would you think it rational to have to register your home computer because you choose to have a blog a la 1st Amendment? Do you ban Westboro Baptist Church because they are nutbags (freedom of religion)? Of course not.

The sticky wicket is that the high court has ruled that none of the rights are absolute: there can be limitations to the first and second amendments.
I'm not definitively against having the standard for carrying instead of just purchasing, I just think it'd be hard to prevent someone from carrying if they already own the gun.

Which means that they intended to break the law out the gate, which is something you can't do anything about without prior convictions involved.

Any mandate, and maybe this point has been made, is going to need Local LE to enforce it. The day the Governement attempts to disarm the citizens is the day many (including me) will walk away from the career field.

They did it in the aftermath of Katrina. National Guard units at least.
@AWP @policemedic do you know if Katrina was a state or a federal thing that they invoked to justify a gun grab?

I know NC's law reads that in a state of emergency 2A rights/ownership is not suspended.
I don't believe any of the units were federalized. Chances are the NG was there in support of NOPD and the order and actual confiscation took place by the NOPD. Usually, in situations where the NG is in place, they act as a support/security element to augment local PDs. The actual arrests and confiscations are conducted by local LE. Example, a squad goes out on a patrol/confiscation mission and one or two local LE will go along and act as the authority granted by the state to actually take action. Granted, not every state is the same and there are minor variations in statute and policy, but overall I think that is a fair assessment of how things work.

Florida's laws are similar to NC in that respect.