United States & Gun Control discussion.

I don't believe any of the units were federalized. Chances are the NG was there in support of NOPD and the order and actual confiscation took place by the NOPD. Usually, in situations where the NG is in place, they act as a support/security element to augment local PDs. The actual arrests and confiscations are conducted by local LE. Example, a squad goes out on a patrol/confiscation mission and one or two local LE will go along and act as the authority granted by the state to actually take action. Granted, not every state is the same and there are minor variations in statute and policy, but overall I think that is a fair assessment of how things work.

Florida's laws are similar to NC in that respect.

Usually there will be a dual status commander under title 10/32 that is designated through support of NORTHCOM. That's what we do now, but I don't think it was the case in 2005. DSCA had changed a bit over the last 10 years. It would be interesting on which authorities the commander would be working under for disarmament.
Usually there will be a dual status commander under title 10/32 that is designated through support of NORTHCOM. That's what we do now, but I don't think it was the case in 2005. DSCA had changed a bit over the last 10 years. It would be interesting on which authorities the commander would be working under for disarmament.
Isn't that assuming they have been federalized? Title 10/32 are federal and wouldn't necessarily apply. Technically, the guard could be deployed without federal involvement. In which case the commander or any service member wouldn't be able to take law enforcement action under FL statutes unless accompanied by a sworn LEO. At least that's my interpretation of it. I'll admit my info is a bit rusty, but I don't think it has changed too much lol.

Then, that would also beg the question concerning guardsmen that are activated for state active duty but are civilian LE in their day jobs. Would one supersede the other? They have a duty to act when off duty, but when outside of their jurisdictions how would that be handled? Could there be a successful conviction for a crime, or would it be a case of beating the charge but not the ride?

I think we need a thread to ponder legalities concerning LE. That could be a fun brain exercise.
't that assuming they have been federalized? Title 10/32 are federal and wouldn't necessarily apply.

The title 10 part is federal and the title 32 is national guard. Through DSCA I don't believe they need LEO present since they're in the capacity of ESF13 through the Emergency Operations Center or other emergency management.

It's been a bit for me too, but DSCA training is required yearly. I just separated the Florida guard though and moved on to the reserve side. So I'll probably dump all of that.
Did anyone ever take him to court over that?

I recall an article that said that the people who had guns stolen--er, confiscated--actually had a federal civil rights argument because the theft--er, confiscation--was applied selectively and to disproportionately impoverished neighborhoods. I had wondered what ever came from that.
IChances are the NG was there in support of NOPD and the order and actual confiscation took place by the NOPD.

Guard units took place. I'll try to find the post later, but I think it was surgicalcric who mentioned it and how our alma mater told the powers that be to fuck off. That didn't stop other NG units (I don't know which ones) from participating.
I tried watching Fox New this afternoon and they have the students from Florda speaking about gun control. Call it crude for me to say but, why are children with zero life experience given a stage to speak about this? There's nothing worse than pointing out problems and not having any solutions. We can't even expect them to have solutions, they are children.

If one of the survivors complained to me about “common sense” gun control I would say, “great, what is common sense gun laws? How would we implement it? No, answer? Go back and sit down.”

It would be like entering the 1SGs office as a PFC and telling him “PT is stupid” when he tells the company he has an “open door” policy.
So these kids are calling the protection of their second amendment rights tyranny in our legislative bodies...who is feeding them this garbage? It was on a twitter moment cuz somebody decided to march on the FL state capital. Thank god I live in a constitutional carry state.
The only reason I give them any leeway is that I think for some of them they are simply projecting their frustration and anguish over what happened. It's a form of displacement.

That said, they are kids. Their emotion-based coping and illogical displacement isn't going to sway my mind (or anyone else's) and it's just gonna be counterproductive. Plus, they are being manipulated because they are...kids. The left's new weapon.
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Now, these kids are yelling (inside the FL State House), "no justice, no peace." So...if we don't get our way, we'll resort to violence? Sounds like something that happened at a Florida School not too long ago.