United States & Gun Control discussion.

If it was a transfer to an FFL, that may be different. Walking into a store and buying one in person, no problem. Walk in, walk out.

Man that would be nice. 72 hours for a handgun, 24 for rifle/shotgun in IL. Makes shooting and acquiring new guns bit of a pain here given we live in the city.
It's all in the eyes. We've all seen women with those crazy eyes...now we see men, too....

I have a story about learning this lesson with an ex with a lighter and a chef's knife. But that's for another time. It's suffice to say she's an ex for a reason.
Florida Governor Signs Package Of New Gun Restrictions

Florida Governor Signs Package Of New Gun Restrictions

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has signed legislation tightening gun restrictions in the state. Among other things, the legislation raises the legal age for gun purchases to 21, institutes a waiting period of three days, and allows for the arming of school personnel who are not full-time teachers.

In a statement, Scott's office highlights mental health provisions in the bill:

"Creates "Risk Protection Orders," which allows a court to prohibit a violent or mentally ill individual from purchasing or possessing a firearm or any other weapon. If a law enforcement officer believes that a person poses a danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm, they can petition a court to have the individual immediately surrender the firearm and prohibit them from possessing or purchasing firearms;

"Allows law enforcement to seize firearms when a person has been detained under the 'Baker Act.' Also prohibits a person who has been 'adjudicated mentally defective' or who has been 'committed to a mental institution' from owning or possessing a firearm."​

Florida's Baker Act allows families to get mental health evaluations of loved ones who resist such intervention.

The governor's statement notes that the three-day waiting period includes exceptions for "the purchase of rifles and shotguns by law enforcement officers, correctional officers, active duty military members and all members of the Florida National Guard and United States Reserve Forces."

At the signing, Scott was flanked by family members of the victims of the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Families of the shooting victims wrote a letter to the House legislators on Tuesday, urging them to pass the gun package.

The National Rifle Association has filed a lawsuit against Florida officials, arguing that the law violates the constitutional rights of adults below the age of 21.

The NRA's executive director Chris Cox released a statement that said, "This bill punishes law-abiding gun owners for the criminal acts of a deranged individual. ... Instead of looking to the root cause of this premeditated violence [in schools], the gun control provisions in this law wrongly blame millions of Floridians who safely and responsibly exercise their right to self-defense."

Florida lawmakers approved the legislation earlier this week with the state House voting 67-50 to approve the bill and the state Senate passing it by a 20-18 vote.

On Wednesday, a grand jury in Fort Lauderdale formally charged 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, the suspect in the deadly school shooting in Parkland, with 17 counts of first-degree murder. The indictment also included 17 counts of attempted murder. Prosecutors could seek the death penalty if Cruz is convicted of first-degree murder.
The NRA promptly filed suit over age discrimination.

I’m not sure they’ll win that one. If everyone statewide is treated the same because of a state law, there is no discrimination.

PA is a better battleground for that, as we have an age discrimination law and some retailers who raised the age to 21 in the absence of a state law like Florida just passed.
Well of course they did.

Should they not have filed suit? If 18 is the age to go off and die for your country why can you not buy a long gun? Why not any gun for that matter? Why can't an 18 year old drink? Florida and the company's that took it upon themselves to raise the age to buy a gun just chastised an age group because one douch nozzle ( don't ban me @Ooh-Rah :ROFLMAO:) that the FBI and local law enforcement let fall through the cracks did something that should have never happened.

I understand @CQB that your country has no constitutional right for its citizens to bear arms but we do and the NRA, with all its flaws is a champion for that right. The NRA is doing the right thing and I am glad that they are.

Erode the 2A what's next? As I have stated before the 2A gives teeth to our founding document and with out it "we the people" have no true power.

*Edited for lack of proper use of an emoji.
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