Coming back onto full topic
- I believe the 2nd Amendment was created in part to act as a check against the government and its agents so they would not attempt to enrode the rest of our rights. Although it seems some of our rights have been chipped away the point I make is that the 2nd Amendment prevents a large wholesale shredding of the Constitution.
Any new laws smell of a Nanny State to me. I don't need the government in my life any more than it already is. I think the loophole of not conducting background checks at gun shows should be closed.It's not a loop hole, it is private party to private party sales. Much like if you and I lived in the same town, I have an AR15 I am wanting to sell and you want to buy it. I sell it to you on a bill of sale, you take possession of the rifle and go on your marry way. If you so choose to registor into your name that is up to you, if you choose not too, it is all legal. The bill of sale is only for my protection as the last registored owner of the firearm. I don't have to show it to LE or disclose who I sold the rifle too. However, if LE is investigating the firearm, I would use the bill of sale to prove I no longer owned the firearm (some people will not require a bill of sale, pretty stupid on there part).
Generally speaking thsoe in power such as a Hitler or a Stalin outlaw firearms as a means to assume, hold onto, or increase power over people.
I agree with the rest of your post. However, private sales, is not illegal and I don't think it should be. It's kind of like asking a person who owns firearms to become a FFL to sell any of those firearms. If they want to require the new owner to registor the firearm then okay, I think that should be between the new owner and the law, but not me as the one selling the firearm. Kind of like selling a car, the last owner is not the one who switches the title or registration, the new owner is.