I didnt vote "FOR" Trump the first time he ran - I voted "AGAINST" Bill Clintons wife.
The second time - I absolutely voted "for" Donald Trump because it had become clear that we as a nation have been lying to ourselves for 240 plus years that we demand integrity and character in our politicians.
We pretended that politicians like JFK didnt really screw every woman that got within dick range.
We pretended that politicians like LBJ weren't actually SHAMELESS racists that exploited minorities for their votes
We pretended that politicians like LBJ didn't actually wave their dick at journalists because it was funny
...or shit with the door open during an interview because he lked to shock reporters
We pretend that Nixons foibles were just business as usual and besides - without that missing 18 minutes of audio - who knows
The uniparty hates when citizens have firearms - Nixon, Carter, Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and for fuck sake, lets not have a gun control discussion without pointing fingers at one of the worst organizations to ever endanger that part of the 2nd amendment that says "shall not be infringed"
...the NRA
None of them can be trusted. Clintons crime bill doesn't make it to his desk without the republicans - some of them STILL getting reelected decades later - putting it there for him to sign.
All the while running on a platform of "protecting your gun rights".
What happened to all of that silencer legislation that was supposed to go through during the proguntrump era?
What about bump stocks?
Trump is simply the least of the existential threats to gun rights that we are being allowed to vote for - so for now - he's my guy - and I am voting FOR him this time - of course, I'd vote against Kamala and her emotional support politician even day and twice on sunday - even if the best thing the republicans had been able to muster was another Bush or even Darth Cheney's evil spawn.
...more than once if the democrats say its ok
Our nations gun rights rely on one thing and one thing alone - donor money.
If the most radical of antigun organizations started pouring cash into Cocaine Mitch's campaign kitty - hed vote away our rights (again) in a heartbeat.
...same for the rest of them