United States & Gun Control discussion.

I live in NY. The county in which I have my pistol permit, which is required for doing just about anything with a pistol including simply possessing it in my own home, was onerous and expensive. It also has to be renewed every three years. But the renewal cost was pretty low, like $10.

I received word today that they're raising the fee. To $125. And if you need an amendment, i.e. you buy or sell a gun, it's another fee, going from $5 to $25. That's every time you want to make a change.

This is part of a longtime and ongoing effort in NY to do administratively what they couldn't do constitutionally. Eventually, only the wealthy and the well connected are going to be able to afford to own guns in NY... which kind of defeats 2A in the first place.
This is another example of when people behind lines in the not America, getting exposed to to what America is supposed to be in other states, get a splash of cold watered reality to their faces.

Some are blown away because they get it now, while some get blown away as in being scared crapless at the first gun owners they are seeing.

I was at a gas station getting gas when a road tripping couple from NY pulled up behind me. They saw that I was open carrying (which I don't normally do unless it's going to or coming from a course), and decided to go across the highway for gas instead.
the problem is the the people who make these laws either
--don't care about owning / will never need a gun, because they live under the protect of others with guns
--they're politically well connected so the administrative burden isn't a big deal
--they have the free time and $$$ to navigate the process
--they're going to exempt themselves, or powerful constituencies (cops, judges, etc.)
Very same class of people running things up here and they are no longer hiding the fact they want all guns.
All anti gunners that aim to erode our inherent rights are vile leach collaborators that deserve the tar and feathers.

They are the very same cunts that rat fucked their neighbors to local government for not socially distancing and bitches about not masking or taking the clot shot.

No better than the government that were elected to represent us and protect our civil rights, rather, eroding it based on public safety.
Very same class of people running things up here and they are no longer hiding the fact they want all guns.
That's their MO--deny, deny, deny; mock you, call you names, scream "IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!!" and lie, lie, lie.

Until it's too late. Then they will say it was a good thing, and the plan all along.
That's their MO--deny, deny, deny; mock you, call you names, scream "IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN!!" and lie, lie, lie.

Until it's too late. Then they will say it was a good thing, and the plan all along.
This is called the long game. We still still vote on sole issues and doing the short game. If we've got a strong 2A running but said something against a bump stock, our side will have a bunch not hold their nose and vote for and instead will talk smack to change minds and and not vote or write in for someone basically giving the Left a vote without evening doing so.
Growing up in NY i thought having a gun was some type of high end privilege. After moving to Ohio and going to a few gun shows, actually buying one when I turned 21, living in Tx at Hood, now I realize how fucking backwards and stupid NY is.
I know a lawyer from NY who moved to Utah a few years ago to escape NY. Within his first week there and also here in AZ while visiting, he counted 21 things that were against the law in NY that is legal to do here. None of which were gun related.

You don't even have to be a gun owner to actually see the night and day differences.
I know a lawyer from NY who moved to Utah a few years ago to escape NY. Within his first week there and also here in AZ while visiting, he counted 21 things that were against the law in NY that is legal to do here. None of which were gun related.
Many "animals" don't know they have been penned in until they taste freedom...

It appears they experienced that once they moved...
I know a lawyer from NY who moved to Utah a few years ago to escape NY. Within his first week there and also here in AZ while visiting, he counted 21 things that were against the law in NY that is legal to do here. None of which were gun related.

You don't even have to be a gun owner to actually see the night and day differences.
Justice Gorsuch just wrote a book about that kind of thing:

Neil Gorsuch complains there are too many laws in America
I know a lawyer from NY who moved to Utah a few years ago to escape NY. Within his first week there and also here in AZ while visiting, he counted 21 things that were against the law in NY that is legal to do here. None of which were gun related.

You don't even have to be a gun owner to actually see the night and day differences.
I just moved from NY... Just north of the City to AZ.... damn freedom is nice.
JUN 14th, 2024 should be the next Stephany Calams match at Gunsite. Just pistol. If an old guy walking around connected to his oxygen tank and using a cane, then we all have no excuses not to*.

Gotta have a Prsctiscore account to do so. I suggest we get in a squad and then have lunch together afterwards.

*It wasn't me, lol but he beat obstacle zero to be there.
JUN 14th, 2024 should be the next Stephany Calams match at Gunsite. Just pistol. If an old guy walking around connected to his oxygen tank and using a cane, then we all have no excuses not to*.

Gotta have a Prsctiscore account to do so. I suggest we get in a squad and then have lunch together afterwards.

*It wasn't me, lol but he beat obstacle zero to be there.
I've never been there but it's on my list!