United States & Gun Control discussion.

That guy is THE definition of a Fudd.
Fudd Prime to be exact.

He was armed when BLM was burning down his state? He sure as hell didn't see combat in Iraq...
I don't think kneepads and KY jelly count being armed. Cause him and his family sure did their best to suck off and gape for the Burn, Loot, and Murder crowd.
I have come to the conclusion, that once one enters the realm of "politics", the law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights...they all become "situational" to them at that point. Politics is a "mindset" and I often find it to be self-serving. With that said, nothing that anyone operating within that arena says, comes as a shock to me...
I have come to the conclusion, that once one enters the realm of "politics", the law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights...they all become "situational" to them at that point. Politics is a "mindset" and I often find it to be self-serving. With that said, nothing that anyone operating within that arena says, comes as a shock to me...
At high levels of anything... sports, politics, religion, academia... anywhere with enough power, laws and rules become "something for people we don't like."

The rest of us toe the line like chumps.
I despise Fudds. I like old guns, especially lever action. I like to hunt. I also like black guns, and believe all guns can be used against tyrants.
I don't honestly know which is worse, actual true fudds or calling people a fudd for not liking what they like. One is actually against your ownership, the other just happens to like things that doesn't involve larping and is pro 2A gun ownership without BS anti gun laws.

Just how one is being equated as the same thing, is beyond any explicable approach. The Left is swinging for the the long game, the Right and Middle under the pretense of bAnTeR is eating our own and playing the short game.

Mention how you prefer a stock and despite not liking to pay for what you feel is an infringement, will do it while holding your nose. Reasonable right? Nope, not with our own tards getting butthurt about it and calling you also a fudd. We are polarizing a word meant for actual fudds, not differences of opinions between likes and dislikes.
I have come to the conclusion, that once one enters the realm of "politics", the law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights...they all become "situational" to them at that point. Politics is a "mindset" and I often find it to be self-serving. With that said, nothing that anyone operating within that arena says, comes as a shock to me...
As one of our legendary politicians once said ‘Always in politics back the horse of self interest, it’s the only one that’s trying.’
Nope, not with our own tards getting butthurt about it and calling you also a fudd. We are polarizing a word meant for actual fudds, not differences of opinions between likes and dislikes.
I often think about the downfall of the NRA. At one time, a proud and powerful agency I was proud of and now one I refuse to be part of. We've done this to ourselves and the left is happy to facilitate it.
I often think about the downfall of the NRA. At one time, a proud and powerful agency I was proud of and now one I refuse to be part of. We've done this to ourselves and the left is happy to facilitate it.
Pretty sad, no?

The times I have been called a fudd by actual fudds:

Not liking 300 BO, the guy saying it was saying years later that red flag laws make sense.

Not wanting a red dot on every single firearms I own and also for not wanting those that have them to be from China. The dude saying it says we should not use guns if someone smashes our doors in and home invades and go hands on as a fifty something father with a 20 year old who just easily broken through a door that was supposed to ne hard to bust through the hinges and door knob with.

Ironic no? To be called a fudd yet supports the 2A and it's usage more than the other two fuddsters. Probably was the time I became self aware at what projection is and isn't.

I've been called a fudd also for other things, all emotional and not factual:

Not wanting a can for my nightstand which is also my secondary along with my other which is my EDC.

Not wanting a red dot on every single handgun I own despite the fact that the ones I mainly carry or use have them.

Called a fudd for defending others to decide not to have one on their pistols.

Choosing to F1 for an SBR while holding my nose because I am choosing function over emotions with a rubber braced dildo.

Not having tall mounts on my ride or die, and for supporting those who choose not to.

Sticking up for those being bullied for liking/carrying 1911, 380 pocket guns, guns not in 9, revolvers, not owning night vision or thermals, not using Glocks primarily, liking shotguns over the AR15, liking AK's more than the AR15, etc.

Telling blowhards telling others to break laws saying shall not be infringed, isn't admissible in court as a defense and then asking if they are going to be paying the court fees, defense fees, and keeping them and their families from going homeless and bankrupt after getting no lubed by a DOJ DA. Irony, zero takers on actually supporting those they telling to break laws with.

I do thank a certain site for making me self aware on what a straw man is, along with the rest of the fallacies such as appeals to authorities, appeals to emotions, and for teaching me what a signal to noise ratio is.

I support all types of gun ownership and the personal freedoms to choose for themselves. If I see a WC 1911, I see a WC 1911 and not a Gluck 19, a case of ammo, tons of mags and holsters while looking at a photo of a WC 1911. I am a supporter of the long game that the 2nd is for all of us even if we don't like what they like, and not our short bus eat our own game.
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Agreed. I may or may not have different guns I use for different reasons. I don't squirrel hunt with a Glock 19, AKM, or a 44 Magnum, and I dont defend my home with a .22 lever gun. lol.
I got a yote that was casing our coop with my G17. It was all I had on me and I didn't want to spook it off running back to the house for a rifle. When I walked up to it to see if it needed an anchor mercy shot or not, I saw sunlight through the other side of the hole that was made with my 147 HST. I was like geez, this HST is pretty good! So I went off to order 800 rounds of it before calling it in to the forest service who pick up our kills. And our tags are unlimited and yearly for yotes.
I live in NY. The county in which I have my pistol permit, which is required for doing just about anything with a pistol including simply possessing it in my own home, was onerous and expensive. It also has to be renewed every three years. But the renewal cost was pretty low, like $10.

I received word today that they're raising the fee. To $125. And if you need an amendment, i.e. you buy or sell a gun, it's another fee, going from $5 to $25. That's every time you want to make a change.

This is part of a longtime and ongoing effort in NY to do administratively what they couldn't do constitutionally. Eventually, only the wealthy and the well connected are going to be able to afford to own guns in NY... which kind of defeats 2A in the first place.
I live in NY. The county in which I have my pistol permit, which is required for doing just about anything with a pistol including simply possessing it in my own home, was onerous and expensive. It also has to be renewed every three years. But the renewal cost was pretty low, like $10.

I received word today that they're raising the fee. To $125. And if you need an amendment, i.e. you buy or sell a gun, it's another fee, going from $5 to $25. That's every time you want to make a change.

This is part of a longtime and ongoing effort in NY to do administratively what they couldn't do constitutionally. Eventually, only the wealthy and the well connected are going to be able to afford to own guns in NY... which kind of defeats 2A in the first place.
I'm not in favor of "administrative costs" for anything that is a Constitutional right, such as your situation or something like State IDs.

It should be part of the operating budget of the agency that administers the program.
I'm not in favor of "administrative costs" for anything that is a Constitutional right, such as your situation or something like State IDs.

It should be part of the operating budget of the agency that administers the program.
There are many parts of how NYS operates that should be a certain way and are not (by deliberate decision), especially when it comes to Second Amendment issues.
Yet, many of those same voters continue to vote for more, faster...
the problem is the the people who make these laws either
--don't care about owning / will never need a gun, because they live under the protect of others with guns
--they're politically well connected so the administrative burden isn't a big deal
--they have the free time and $$$ to navigate the process
--they're going to exempt themselves, or powerful constituencies (cops, judges, etc.)