United States & Gun Control discussion.

All these gun law retards have gotten under my skin today, I think it is really freaking sad that we have elected officials who fail to look at or be rational about the facts regarding the AWB and hi-cap magazine topics. I am really fucking tired of explaining it to people and I am really tired of the ignorance people truly have towards the subject.

I am retired now so I can say a few things I have held back on.

Fuck you Obama, you are a fucking disgrace to this country. Take your liberal/progressive ideas and stick them right up your arrogant ass. You want to make me a criminal if I don’t get in line with your ideas? Move your sorry ass to some other country where people have no freedoms and eat a bowl of dicks. I do not want what you are offering, I will not be ruled by you or your stupid ideas, and I will not be made out to be a criminal for believing in my constitutional rights.

To the New Yorkers who just got turned into criminals by their own state government. Sue the fucking shit out of those cock-sucking retards, I mean sue each individual who voted for it, fucking destroy them in court. I would not pick up and move out of my home, leave my state because some cock-suckers in the state government wanted to violate my rights. I would make it my mission in life to ruin each and every one of those assholes. Regardless, Texas (aka Tejas aka “friend”) always welcomes new comers from anywhere. Just leave that liberal/progressive bullshit back home.

To the rest of you anti-gun retards…..suck it.


And now, because I am retired and because I have nothing better to do for the next 2 hours, I will go to the range and shoot my big evil Ar15's, with those evil 30rd magazines, all while watching the rest of the retired guys drool all over my sick ass toys.}:-)
Thank you, JAB for saying many of the things I want to say.

What I find striking is how the proposals would have prevented diddly squat for the Sandy Hook situation.
Come and take them?

Nobody is taking away guns.
They just wont let you buy more ;)

Can't take away something that didn't belong to you in the first place.
Um background checks for weapons sales should most definitely include HIPPA information. How many people out there with severe personality disorders qualify for weapons purchases? Probably all of them
Wait until the ban goes through. Banning=taking.

The brand new New York law that says you have 365 days to sell your magazines... to me that is some crazy legislation. If Paizano told you to do it in 1950's New York, it. would be organized crime. "Sell your pizzaria. You have 6 months. If not I will have no ability to protect you".

We will have to see how similar the Federal ban is going to be, and how much gets through.
Things I ponder while on the Porcelin Bowl of Knowledge...

- If we're to believe that "assault rifles" were to blame for Sandy Hook, then the president bears a share of the blame. From Day One, maybe even before his election in '08, he's said his adminsitration would move to reinstate the 94 AWB...but he didn't until now. I understand political capital and the health care issue, but if he was so passionate about it, then why did it take a tragedy for him to move forward?

- RE: The health care debacle. Another emotional issue and how did that pass? Cloak and dagger, middle-of-the-night, "you have to pass it in order to read it" bullshit. The precedent set a few years ago could really bite us in the ass now.

- BAFTE Director: Liberal or Conservative, you have to question an organization which can exist for 6 YEARS with multiple interim Directors. Where else would you find something as absurd? Pro sports teams, business and CEOs, hell, a rental car....who in the world accepts an interim ANYTHING for 6 years? And 4 of those years were under "Mr. Get Tough on Gun Control"? Again, I return to "if this was important, why did it take so long and a tragedy to resolve?"

- The BAFTE is suddenly important again, but what about arming the Mexican drug cartels? These guys are like Ray Lewis: wait long enough and your image will improve.

- We can't help but to spend money. I saw where we're going to borrow against the Federal employee's retirement fund to pay for some things, and now we're going to add more and more Federal spending to combat this evil gun problem? Why isn't anyone asking how we're going to pay for this? It sounds great to say "You will do this check" or "we will train so-and-so..." but all of these extra checks and training are going to cost us what? One group about to be rich are lawyers because how much of this crap will wind up in the court system? I can presume our police and court system are sufficiently caught up to handle the administrative and financial costs of this issue. :rolleyes:

But this is for the children and that's all that matters. "Remember Sandy Hook" is the battle cry for people who don't any better , who think with their hearts, and those rubbing their hands to profit off of you or take something which is yours.

For the children.
Another nugget: At what point does the NRA hire a platoon of high powered lawyers to codify and establish once and for all for the open-mouth-drooling politicians the definition of "infringed"?
Wait until the ban goes through. Banning=taking.

Banning doesn't equal taking.

When the last AWB was passed in '94 nobody went door to door taking guns.

There isn't going to be any AWB signed into law at the federal level now and I will give anyone 5-1 odds who thinks it will pass. An AWB will never even see a floor vote in the House and I will happily take bets on that point as well.(at 1 to 1 odds though);-) (PS all wager opportunities expire in 1 week)

What gun rights people fail to see is politics is 9/10th perception. There is no over whelming support in this country for a new AWB. There is over whelming support to do something. The President is doing something and that is all he has to do because the Republican's are doing nothing and that is going to play right into the Democrats 2014 campaign strategy. Republican's are playing for today and Obama is playing for the mid term election. God forbid there is a shooting just before November of 2014. Nobody is going to like the results of what happens then. Doing something that is least objectionable today might not feel like your wining the battle, but that is how you win the war for gun rights.
Texas Gov Rick Perry's response to POTUS new gun control.

“The Vice President’s committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there.

“Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror.

“There is evil prowling in the world – it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.

“In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president.”

Banning doesn't equal taking.

I disagree because of our governments poor track record of all things. I don't want a ban because a ban infringes, among other reasons, my right under our Constitution. A ban COULD lead to taking if the government choose to use force of arms or force of will (law).
Do you know the history of that flag?

Believe what you want, history knows better...
Here, fight the Indians...uh no Indians, give it back.

The way it was explained to me by an ATF agent, the feds don't return weapons, all weapons that are seized are destroyed. You may get reimbursed but you ain't getting that shit back if you're acquitted.
I disagree because of our governments poor track record of all things. I don't want a ban because a ban infringes, among other reasons, my right under our Constitution. A ban COULD lead to taking if the government choose to use force of arms or force of will (law).

I agree banning does infringe people from responsibly exercising 2nd Amendment rights. The history of an AWB and the government going door-to-door isn't there. Add into the equation the Heller ruling we don't even know if an AWB would stand a court challenge and a door-to-door seizure policy certainly wouldn't stand a court challenge after Heller. It didn't happen pre-Heller and certainly couldn't happen post Heller.

Anyone that would suggest martial law could be declared and the SCOTUS disbanded etc, etc. I would have to tell them to put the conspiracy bong back down on the table and then push your chair back. You've been hitting it a little to hard lately.:p