United States & Gun Control discussion.

CDG that was a great letter. I agree with every word of it. However Rahm is an arrogant fuck, cut from the same cloth as Obama. He could care less what us little people think.

:thumbsdown: Are people really this dense?

She must also think you can be killed by a sheathed knife as well.

And a parked car.

And an icicle.

I think these people ARE the zombie apocalypse.
Willing to bet she means "plenty of folks have been shot by a gun the user THOUGHT was unloaded" which would not be wholly inaccurate.
Willing to bet she means "plenty of folks have been shot by a gun the user THOUGHT was unloaded" which would not be wholly inaccurate.

Most likely what she meant, though people need to stop and think critically and respond thoughtfully and carefully when they're in a position like that, especially when they're making statements such as those that are documented for everyone to see.
Well, according to the gov'ts website, feinstein's ban has something like a 2% projection of actually being passed. Let's hope that holds true. I think there would be some major uproar if that thing actually goes through.
Well, according to the gov'ts website, feinstein's ban has something like a 2% projection of actually being passed. Let's hope that holds true. I think there would be some major uproar if that thing actually goes through.
Yep. 30 million people telling Feinstein, "F- you, you hag; we're not registering JACK."
doesn't mean stop writing your elected people, means write them more because it was introduced. There's also other retardation that's on the table as well, like the tax credits for returns of rifles, etc etc.


Ya that one made me roll my eyes as well. Just another variation on the whole buy back bullshit.
H.R. 421: To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to enhance the COPS ON THE BEAT grant program, and for other purposes.


Posted for "and for other purposes", sounded like something they'd try to dick with to throw a curve ball. Monitor this one.
H.R. 427: To prevent the illegal sale of firearms, and for other purpoes. (typo on congress)


Obviously related, thing is... if firearms sales are already illegal... what in the fuck are you going to do, make it MORE ILLEGAL? :P
H.R. 431: To restore certain authorities of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to administer the firearms laws, and for other purposes.


ATF is already over-reaching. They are presented laws for control of items, and administer them entirely in a retarded manner.... IE, the Class III shoestring, putting people in prison for damaged firearms that broke on a range and went FA, etc.
ATF is already over-reaching. They are presented laws for control of items, and administer them entirely in a retarded manner.... IE, the Class III shoestring, putting people in prison for damaged firearms that broke on a range and went FA, etc.

What? :-o
David Olofson. I'm not sure if an arrest like that has ever happened more than once though. He spent about two years in prison.
Here is something else to keep in mind in all of this- this issue is in part a distraction. Liberals and others who want to rescind 2A know it will never happen. At least not in their lifetimes. But they also know that this is such a visceral issue to so many Americans on both sides of the ideological divide, that as long as they keep it front and center, it is going to completely eclipse everything else important that is going on right now. Smoke and mirrors with 2A on one side, and bread and circuses in the form of government handouts on the other.

What are we losing sight of as we focus everything on 2A?
Here is something else to keep in mind in all of this- this issue is in part a distraction. Liberals and others who want to rescind 2A know it will never happen. At least not in their lifetimes. But they also know that this is such a visceral issue to so many Americans on both sides of the ideological divide, that as long as they keep it front and center, it is going to completely eclipse everything else important that is going on right now. Smoke and mirrors with 2A on one side, and bread and circuses in the form of government handouts on the other.

What are we losing sight of as we focus everything on 2A?

I disagree with the idea that "[they] know it will never happen", and that it's a distraction. Their lifetimes aside, they know it's possible as long as they move slowly enough. It won't happen over night, it will just occur through a creep of "reasonable" restrictions. I don't think this is simply a smoke bomb thrown as a distraction - they've been moving forward on this through the entirety of the first term, both with the Fast and Furious operation (which if not actively promoted, was at least supported by the Attorney General's office during Congressional investigation), with multiple statements from the administration pertaining to pending legal action, including a statement from the President himself that gun control was going to occur "under the radar".

I think (and perhaps I'm heading into tinfoil-hat-land here), but the speed with which statements calling for bans and such came forward from the Democratic party on a national level is indicative that the plan was already in place; they simply needed the right tragedy and the timing to justify the implementation. They've been anti-2A for decades, and have now found the iron hot enough to strike.

I absolutely think they're exploiting the focus on the 2nd Amendment and the fact that the press has narrowly dialed in to do their work for them so they may advance other agendas, but I don't see it as a harmless smoke screen.