This is the reasoning using logic and the interpretations you expressed - a strict Constituional and Confederational review of the points you are arguing, laid out with references (those being the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation)
No I think you totally missed the point, but lets go with it.
In order of my numbering:
[1] - Any elected government has the authority and the obligation to ensure the safety of its citizens. Realizing that the Articles of Confederation were never repealed, and that the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation bolster and clarify each other, neither usurping full authority of the other, the point of regulation of gun ownership falls into a grey area - as is evidenced by recent regulations and a less free interpretation of the 2nd Amendment in recent years. The State's abilities to make laws are tempered by those rights given initially to the 3 Federal Branches of Government - the standing or regulation of militias fall to the States, yet the standing of an Army is a Federal mandate which is supposed to be limited to a 2 year stand with annual reviews by the Legislative branch - both houses- for a review of the need to stand an Army, the army to be called from first the militia and then the non militia general citizenry. Paupers, vagabonds and Fugitives from justice are explicitly denied any rights or protections by the States or the Federal Government under the articles of Confederation. Using a strict Constitutional stance as you are calling for - you are asking that a large portion of this country , its standing Army(ies) and yourself (as a recipient of Federal disability funds, making you a pauper under the definition at the time of the writing of the cited documents) to be excluded from the protections offered to full citizens of the Nation and their respective States...
The article of confederation is superseded by the ratification of the constitution by the states. Not really going to break that down too far, but you’re opinion that the “articles of confederation have not been rescinded” is false, by ratifying and enacting the constitution of the US, they were in fact rescinded. How did I become a “fugitive of justice” by serving in the US Army National Guard, the official organized militia?
Remember, this is under the strict Constitutional and Confederational reading and interpretation you expressed. If it were considered that you were under indenture to the Government for your injuries (using the broad term of indenture, your welfare and sustenance are provided by another due to the inability to work), you would have the as not being a normal 3/5 vote by proxy allowed to a working pauper or slave. the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation are both promulgated under the assumptions they were adopted to "...establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." (Preamble to the Constitution of the United States)
Not really, I am not receiving “disability welfare” I am receiving compensation for disabilities received during the service of the government (i.e. they broke me, and are require to compensate me). Legally this is not “welfare” as you have described it, it is compensation and pension.
As a member of a standing Federal Army for a term of more than 2 years, you have already thumbed your nose at the document you are stating as the law of the land.
Do you know why the National Guard cannot be activated for a term of 2 or more consecutive years (as in title 10 “federal” orders are cut in increments not to exceed 24 months)? Although I will agree that “you” and possibly any other AD member who served longer than 2 consecutive years on AD may be in violation of the oath taken, based on your opinion. I personally think the argument is quite ridicules as the congress does appropriate/approve (sometimes, sometimes a week or two late) budget (I.e. existence, on an annual bases). In other words your point here is moot, the congress approves the standing military each physical year by budget.
...and yes the States are charged with keeping Order and Safety within their borders, by the Constitution
They sure are, however, can they violate the United States constitution to provide that safety and order? Legally speaking, they cannot…
[2] How as a good citizen who believes in the Constitution, can you state this? I thought you prescribed to the Constitution - isn't it your right and your obligation to follow the section of the Preamble to the Constitution quoted in section [1]? Promoting the general welfare and establishing justice both require you to care who has a gun if it might invade upon other's domestic tranquility or beat down the walls of the blessings of Liberty, or is that a part of the Constitution that is irrelevant?
This is really ridicules and to be honest lame, but we will run with it. So that I do not care who owns or possess a firearm, as in I am not giving a flying crap who has one or possess it, I am now allowing insurrection? Really? There is a difference between being a criminal in the act of crime vs someone who has been convicted and served their sentence (i.e. paid for their offences and are released from consequence).
Justice means that the individuals who are a threat are not armed, or become disarmed if they are carrying a weapon.
Where did you come up with this? An opinion or do you have something to support that “justice is disarming anyone who is deemed a threat”? Who deems who the threat?
You are a proponent of vigilante justice, not rule of law per your statement, that IS anti-Constitutional. A direct personal threat is one thing, more common now, but still not as rampant as a Mad Max movie.
Again ridicules… When did I state that I was a proponent for vigilante justice? I have a natural right to defend my life, the life of my family and my possessions. That means “immediate threat”…come on man, you are better than this.
You don't care who has a gun - as long as you are carrying one too, how many other s feel the opposite,
It doesn’t matter, they do not have the right to tell me that I cannot.
or just plain choose not to carry - ownership is a right, openly carrying isn't, concealed carrying isn't...
So ownership is a right based on…the 2A? Right? So why would it not be a “right” to carry a firearm that you own by right, when it clearly states in the very same amendment that “to keep and BEAR arms”?
do you think every untrained idiot should have a gun just because it's a right stated in the Constitution - it's not just naïve, it's careless and dangerous and directly in violation of the stated precepts of the preamble to the Constitution.
No I have all kinds of opinions; however, they mean jack and squat when it comes to violating someone’s constitutional rights. You are taking “personal opinion” and blending it with legality of the 2A that is exactly the problem. It’s not open to opinion, it very much is black and white, plain English.
[3] You don't support any Gun regulations of any kind in support of the 2nd amendment? But the amendment itself calls for a well regulated militia - it calls for regulation to responsible, trained citizens who are willing to defend not only themselves but those too weak or cowardly to defend themselves or others... because that's what a militia is... it's not a vigilante mob.
Technically, it’s an “opening” statement:
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
A militia is defined as any able bodied person of age.
Regulated is very different than organized and unorganized, which are defines as well, but anyway, the point is, you are trying to twist the meaning to support your opinion.
I respect your deep feeling on the subject matter - but emotion can be as dangerous as panic - especially if not tempered with logic, and a broader view than your front porch - there are dangerous people out there - with good as well as bad intentions - with firearms and without.
If you respected my deep feeling on the subject, you would have not included all the assumption and misrepresentation of my post. The boogie man will always be there, I am not a fan of giving up my liberty for the boogie man.
Exercise your rights, I do; but temper them with reason and a watch for the safety of all others - which might mean that the community polices itself and the sheepdogs roam armed with guns to fight off the armed wolves... but allow the sheep to quietly munch grass, don't force them to be armed, because they might transform into wolves.