United States & Gun Control discussion.

It has come to the point where I am no longer shocked by any "negative law" passed concerning firearms legislation in these times.

What aggravates me the most, is that many of these laws will be forgotten about and will just stay where they are rather than be repealed by new administrations.

They can't outright repeal 2A without igniting a firestorm so they nibble away at it. We tend to think it's a victory when we defeat some outrageous piece of legislation, but it's never a clear win, it's just a finger in the dike. Our 2A rights rarely get less restrictive. At best it's one step forward two back.
I hope this trend continues. Do you think so?

Here's a good article on the topic: http://bearingarms.com/holder-defea...rstate-handgun-transfer-ban-unconstitutional/

Basically, the government needs to appeal the decision (which they will), then fight it out at the 5th circuit court. As pointed out by the article, this ramifications of this decision will be very interesting for the firearms economies of states with restrictive handgun laws (e.g. California and Massachusetts).
COP KILLER ammo!!! Think of the children you heartless bastard!!!:rolleyes:
Honestly, this will end up at "The Bench" and will surely be decided along the same vein as DC's handgun "law" that stated a firearm, while lawfully possessed in the home must be inoperable (or along those lines). The Court has upheld a person has the right to defend themselves in their homes. The State cannot determine what weapon is permissible for that purpose.
That's not how the DC law works. It was amended post-Heller and now only provides for penalties should something occur with a minor and an unsecured firearm.

The post-Heller amended code looks like this
(c) Section 702 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.02) is amended to read as follows:
“Sec. 702. Each registrant shall keep any firearm in his or her possession unloaded and either disassembled or secured by a trigger lock, gun safe, or similar device, except that this requirement shall not apply to:
“(1) Law enforcement personnel described in section 201(b)(1);
“(2) A firearm that is kept at the registrant’s place of business and not the registrant’s home; 3
“(3) A firearm while it is being used to protect against a reasonably perceived threat of immediate harm to a person within the registrant’s home;
“(4) A firearm while it is being used outside of the home for lawful recreational purposes; or
“(5) A firearm while it is being transported for a lawful purpose as expressly authorized by District or federal statute and in accordance with the requirements of that statute.”

The “Firearms Control Emergency Amendment Act of 2008".

EDIT: If any of you have some time, check out these really interesting analyses of the past few years of federal gun control legislation: 2013 and 2011-2013
The Federation of American Scientists put out some great reads.

The BLUF is that there has been very little movement, federally, regarding gun control. Obama's 23 proposed changes haven't gotten a lot of traction and the prevailing political winds (still) say that gun control is a losing issue.
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Fuck BATFE. And Pakistan.

What we need is to have the unconstitutional sporting purposes clause stricken from the books. The Second Amendment wasn't penned to allow hunters and target shooters to own guns; its purpose is to allow the populace to defend themselves...from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
That's not how the DC law works. It was amended post-Heller and now only provides for penalties should something occur with a minor and an unsecured firearm.

Didn't SCOTUS determine via Heller that the original law (circa 1975) was illegal? I believe the BATF horse pucky will follow a similar fate.
Didn't SCOTUS determine via Heller that the original law (circa 1975) was illegal? I believe the BATF horse pucky will follow a similar fate.
I believe that they rejected parts of it, instead of the entirety of the law. That would at least explain why DC passed patchwork amendments instead of an entirely new resolution.

As to the potential BATFE regulation....we can only hope. On the face of it, it seems silly that a copper-jacketed bullet with a lead and steel core would even be considered armor piercing and require an exemption, but that's the government for you. The paper says that BATFE is soliciting comments for the next 30 days, so let's hope that there's a big enough "WTF" from everyone that they decide to back down.

Here's the full text of the proposed rule changes: http://www.atf.gov/sites/default/fi..._primarily_intended_for_sporting_purposes.pdf
Comments can be submitted to APAComments@atf.gov until March 16th
I could look it up, but I suspect it's a minuscule number. Truth is, any centerfire rifle ammo will penetrate soft armor. Going after M855 is purely a move to fuck AR shooters. It'll drive up prices, and other rounds like M193 will be harder to find.
It'll take 4-5 years moving through the court system, just like all his other bull shit EA's/EO's. That's the plan, issue and drag through the court systems making it too costly to fight.
It'll take 4-5 years moving through the court system, just like all his other bull shit EA's/EO's. That's the plan, issue and drag through the court systems making it too costly to fight.

Using taxpayer $ to finance the defense...:wall:
Yep, just like we fund all their damn vacations.

The vacations are an annoyance. I'm much more bothered (on a basis of principle) with legislators and executives (not restricted to body, agency, or party) using my own money to strip rights by passing laws they KNOW aren't constitutional, and knowing that they have a bottomless war chest supplied by the victim with which to entrench themselves...
...using my own money to strip rights they KNOW aren't con

They are the same nimrods that don't know the nomenclature of the very weapons they are banning. I don't expect them to know much about the Constitution or its true meaning.

They do what they are told and what will get them re-elected and a 20+ year pension.
It'll take 4-5 years moving through the court system, just like all his other bull shit EA's/EO's. That's the plan, issue and drag through the court systems making it too costly to fight.
It's difficult to get an accurate gauge as to how long it will take to move through the courts since the SCOTUS barely touched 2A cases in the 20th and most recent centuries. DC v Heller took about four years between initial filings and final ruling, but that was due to stumbles in the lower court as well as the large number of amicus briefs that were filed once the case got to SCOTUS. McDonald v Chicago, building upon the foundations of DC v Heller, took only two years to make it up there.

This case could potentially invoke previous cases regarding the commerce clause, of which there have been a few in the past 20 years or so, though those took around 2-3 years a piece.
They are the same nimrods that don't know the nomenclature of the very weapons they are banning. I don't expect them to know much about the Constitution or its true meaning.

They do what they are told and what will get them re-elected and a 20+ year pension.

I've had conversations with my elected officials and clearly they don't know. I've had to explain to them where they are wrong and right. I don't expect my Congressman to be an SME on the specs of an AR 15 but at least know 1 or 2 BASIC things.
I've had conversations with my elected officials and clearly they don't know. I've had to explain to them where they are wrong and right. I don't expect my Congressman to be an SME on the specs of an AR 15 but at least know 1 or 2 BASIC things.

All you need to know is that they are ghost guns that fire 30 magazine clips a second!