United States & Gun Control discussion.

Other than Iraq, what fuck ups has he been involved in?

This, amongst other general internet/Youtube assclownery. Dude's a clown to the core; there's absolutely no way I'd affiliate myself with anything he's involved in.

I'll give Noir a tentative pass for now; he's done enough good that I'd let one or two slide. If this continues to develop into a trend, I'll write him off. It's a shame; he has a LOT of potential to reach out with a moderate, reasonable voice. Siding with assclowns like Yeager will completely negate that - not only in MY eyes, but in the eyes of anyone of moderate bent who might otherwise listen to him.
who, Yeager? No, nobody with a brain will affiliate with him. Unfortunately, Noir either in an attempt to introduce contraversy and views or simply being uninformed has chosen to put some stock in that market. Too bad the bottom fell out and he just dropped his overall value from it.
Better ban those ammunition magazine clips before we have any more "military-style shootouts." :rolleyes::wall:
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Judge rules federal interstate handgun transfer ban unconstitutional

Saw this comment on another site but agree: interesting how same sex marriage ban was ruled unconstitutional by Federal judges and marriage licenses were flying out of the county clerk's office yet when same action applies to firearms..."well, let's see how this plays out." is the norm.

If a Federal judge says X...why is it not so???

Judge rules federal interstate handgun transfer ban unconstitutional

Saw this comment on another site but agree: interesting how same sex marriage ban was ruled unconstitutional by Federal judges and marriage licenses were flying out of the county clerk's office yet when same action applies to firearms..."well, let's see how this plays out." is the norm.

If a Federal judge says X...why is it not so???

I hope this trend continues. Do you think so?
In a move clearly intended by the Obama Administration to suppress the acquisition, ownership and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives unexpectedly announced today that it intends to ban commonplace M855 ball ammunition as “armor piercing ammunition.” The decision continues Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress.

It isn’t even the third week of February, and the BATFE has already taken three major executive actions on gun control. First, it was a major change to what activities constitute regulated “manufacturing” of firearms. Next, BATFE reversed a less than year old position on firing a shouldered “pistol.” Now, BATFE has released a “Framework for Determining Whether Certain Projectiles are ‘Primarily Intended for Sporting Purposes’ Within the Meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(c)”, which would eliminate M855’s exemption to the armor piercing ammunition prohibition and make future exemptions nearly impossible.

It has come to the point where I am no longer shocked by any "negative law" passed concerning firearms legislation in these times.

What aggravates me the most, is that many of these laws will be forgotten about and will just stay where they are rather than be repealed by new administrations.
This is complete and utter bullshit. I hope the NRA takes meaningful action against this move. BTAFE shouldn't even exist.
In a move clearly intended by the Obama Administration to suppress the acquisition, ownership and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives unexpectedly announced today that it intends to ban commonplace M855 ball ammunition as “armor piercing ammunition.” The decision continues Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress.

It isn’t even the third week of February, and the BATFE has already taken three major executive actions on gun control. First, it was a major change to what activities constitute regulated “manufacturing” of firearms. Next, BATFE reversed a less than year old position on firing a shouldered “pistol.” Now, BATFE has released a “Framework for Determining Whether Certain Projectiles are ‘Primarily Intended for Sporting Purposes’ Within the Meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)(c)”, which would eliminate M855’s exemption to the armor piercing ammunition prohibition and make future exemptions nearly impossible.


COP KILLER ammo!!! Think of the children you heartless bastard!!!:rolleyes:

Honestly, this will end up at "The Bench" and will surely be decided along the same vein as DC's handgun "law" that stated a firearm, while lawfully possessed in the home must be inoperable (or along those lines). The Court has upheld a person has the right to defend themselves in their homes. The State cannot determine what weapon is permissible for that purpose.

BUT...Obama has clear disregard for the document so who knows what kind of EOs will come out.