United States & Gun Control discussion.

"The only constitutionalist in the room." A- trolling, pretty solid job.

God given rights...that's your right to believe, but mine are the rights of man, not something donated or gifted to me by some deity.
Oh BTW thanks for the A- in trolling. Usually the best I can do is a B+. So I call this a win. :D
Not to derail the thread but Ben Carson said this in his book, A more perfect union. This is the gist of it.

He states unequivocally that the purpose of the second amendment is to ensure that the people are equally armed to the force of government that they likely would have to defend against- his words are more on the line of 'many will say that it's fine to have a hunting rifle or handgun, and maybe a shotgun, but they don't need assault rifles and AP. He says he used to be of that camp until he fully recognized what the 2A is about, and that without assault weapons and AP, they'd be seriously outgunned.

I was happy to read it and he will more than likely get my vote now.
I really want to see the restrictive laws go away. After all the second amendment was written in this way for this reason. "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Same here, I would prefer limited constitutional carry with the limited restriction being felons and the mentally ill. I'm also with @JAB in his stance of universal use of force laws. I just don't see it happening any time soon.
All state laws regarding firearms should be abolished. Universal carry should be allowed and no bull shit should be taken or given regarding our second amendment rights.

heh....the Federal government is trying to restrict firearms, just the people I want allowing me the right to carry.

In a perfect world, yes....allow universal carry, but you know and I know the federal government would never allow it to happen.
Everyone but felons.

So mental defectives, those with bad conduct discharges and those with protection orders lodged against them i.e. those to whom the Lautenberg Act applies are good in your book?

What about those who are avowed members of groups that aim to depose the US government by force of arms?

Where do you fall on illegal aliens bearing arms on US soil? For most illegals, unlawful entry isn't a felony.
So then we agree. The clown shoes comment was pretty funny. I do get emotional about someone trying to restrict my rights.

I agree with the what should be, however, my points earlier, were based around the current system in which we actually live. Do I believe citizens should be allowed to carry everywhere? Yes, can they? No. The purpose of carry is self defense, either it be from human or animal. Yet currently the laws vary so much state to state, and more so the interpretation of the laws by county to county. So in that current situation, the current CHL training process is significantly insufficient, for 1) as national carry law, and 2) a true understanding of the differences in use of force and other follow on laws and liabilities, with regards to carry and use of firearms.

Example, open carry state says carry all day long, use deadly force when protecting self, third party or property. Although penal code allows for exemption to prosecution of murder, for those particular uses of force, it may not have exemption to prosecution for manslaughter, or something as silly as discharge of a firearm in a residential area, etc. Furthermore, without understanding how the local DA views and prosecutes the law, you are left in the breeze, for just about anything outside of dude tried to kill me with x weapon, so I defended myself. However, again, doesn't excuse you from a laundry list of other charges, that may follow, dependent on the state and or local area.

So until that all gets straight or until we have national use of force laws, that protect citizens from prosecution of bullshit charges, national concealed carry is probably not the best idea.

Just an opinion...
So mental defectives, those with bad conduct discharges and those with protection orders lodged against them i.e. those to whom the Lautenberg Act applies are good in your book?
People with PTSD could be called mental defectives. In that case no. Bad conduct discharges from the military. I see no reason to deny them the right to bear arms just because they are assholes. Protection orders just depends on the case. I have seen women file that crap after cheating on their husbands and the husband never assaulting the female ever. Convicted of domestic violence in the military? Yes and no. Yes if it was an assault on a woman because someone like that is a mental defective as you say. No if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt the woman was lying.

What about those who are avowed members of groups that aim to depose the US government by force of arms?
If convicted then no they should not own arms but there may come a day when we are all one of them. Would you have taken away the arms of the Americans fighting for their independence. One day our government may overstep their bounds. You might be one of those people. I hope I never see that day.

Where do you fall on illegal aliens bearing arms on US soil? For most illegals, unlawful entry isn't a felony.
Illegals have no rights. Period.
I don't believe I owe anyone anything.
All state laws regarding firearms should be abolished. Universal carry should be allowed and no bull shit should be taken or given regarding our second amendment rights.
Local laws and area restrictions should be abolished. The second amendment doesn't say who or where or how. Why should a local government be able to deny our rights?
You're killing me bro. Are you part of a well regulated militia? In order to prevent a tyrannical government from imprisoning the masses? Cause that's what the other part of the 2nd Amendment says, the part that you're willfully ignoring. We get it, you want to carry a gun and you feel justified in doing so. Noted.

Illegals have no rights. Period.
You're a descendant of an illegal. Grow up.

I'll say it again publicly- you're doing too much here. Take a step back, actually read and ingest some information, and look at what the SME's on this matter are trying to get you to realize. @JAB and @policemedic are doing a great job to get you to a place where you can learn about this issue, most importantly the opposite of your own view, and you're ignoring it.
You're a Atheist?
A number on this board are. And confusingly enough, very "constitutionalist", as you claim to be.
You're killing me bro. Are you part of a well regulated militia? In order to prevent a tyrannical government from imprisoning the masses? Cause that's what the other part of the 2nd Amendment says, the part that you're willfully ignoring. We get it, you want to carry a gun and you feel justified in doing so. Noted.

You're a descendant of an illegal. Grow up.

I'll say it again publicly- you're doing too much here. Take a step back, actually read and ingest some information, and look at what the SME's on this matter are trying to get you to realize. @JAB and @policemedic are doing a great job to get you to a place where you can learn about this issue, most importantly the opposite of your own view, and you're ignoring it.

A number on this board are. And confusingly enough, very "constitutionalist", as you claim to be.
I'm actually Cherokee.