Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy
Lots of interesting info in the first couple and last couple chapters that I never heard from the 13 Hours movie or subsequent videos and interviews. The middle chapters are background on about 130 jihadis from all over the middle east and N. Africa that planned or took part in the Sep. 11, 2012 attacks that killed our Ambassador and attacked the Benghazi annex. Each one gets a few pages devoted to their affiliations, connections, and any attacks they are linked to.
The major theme surrounds the fact that DoS unknowingly hired AQ affiliated jihads for security (17th Feb) and continues to deny the fact AQ including Al-Zawahiri planned and perpetrated the attacks. Some of the lower level guys involved in planning and coordination are set up as the "masterminds" to hide DoS's colossal fuck up.
3/5 Bill Belichick Girlfriends