Dude, she kicked my uniform at Ft Richardson Twice.
First time opened my Gerber auto (pushbutton safety like my SAW, comfort in familiarity)
2nd time got her 9 stitches at the ER, and I had to pull a stitch and express the wound due to their wound care at the USAF ER there sucking not only full shaft but sack as well, so she could walk.
Here's some other shit I've had to fix on her.
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Oh, and *I* had to fix that finger because the ER didn't even bring us in back until I told her to take her bandage off after an hour in the waiting room so she started bleeding on the floor.
Get in back, staff is there. That's it. Nobody else but us, and staff.
Get put in a room, get handed a bin to bleed into. No bandage. No pain management for the shaking and crying woman sitting on the gurney. No doctor. Just a LPN.
And sit there for another hour. I ended up proving they needed bigger maglocks on the door when I finally got fed up with their concept of patient care, and looked like a methhead when I did the swedish chef at the walmart for a lido solution and other materials for the eventual bandage and repair. Get in the truck, irrigate with lido solution. GEE NOW SHES NOT SHAKING AND CRYING WAS THAT FUCKING HARD?
She's lucky she gets a spoon at this point, let alone a continuing allowance for a sharp object of any sort.