I wear Altama Exo-speeds. they're comfy, last longer than the oakleys, and can be had for under $100. they feel like running shoes when they're borken in. I love 'em. I wll admit though, that after wearing them almost 6 months in theater, they won't last more than a year. I'll spend $89 a year to save my knees, but i know others of you would rather have a pair that last for years. I like the altamas because they're comfortable no matter wha tyou're doing, and you can wear them with a load and they give you great support and comfort. my feet don't get too hot in them, but it's important to use powder or another set in order to switch them out so they stay dry. I'm going to try the insert idea to see if that helps in regular GI boots. I have the bellevilles, and they work well. I'd like to find some hot-weather boots that are allowed for flight duty. so far the bellvilles are the only ones I've found, and they're temperate boots.